Saturday, May 12, 2012
Restricted Export of Agricultural Products, U.S. Report India to WTO
Time to eat-More misinformation on Jordan Outbreak
«Health»: no transmission takes us back and B of the Jordan ... There is no need to worry
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Riyadh - Khaled Al-Omari
As he emphasized the spokesman of the Saudi Ministry of Health Dr. Khalid Marghalani «life» that the ministry did not receives any complaints regarding the transmission of epidemic disease from Jordan, and that there is no reason for concern. The Minister of Health of Jordan, Dr. Abdul Latif and Wreikat, that Jordan is free from any epidemic diseases or contagious, and that they do not have any kind of diseases known worldwide such as avian and swine influenza and others.
It was rumored during the month of April last in Jordan and neighboring countries following the announcement of the patients with symptoms of viral pneumonia. It was in a hospital in the blue government injury 11 cases including eight cases of medical staff in the hospital, and he healed them six cases and died a nurse and two remained under treatment, while the WHO has indicated in its latest report that Jordan is free from any epidemic, and that the incidence of influenza illness this year, less than last year.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Joint exercises between South Korea and the United States to address the threat of biological
Are South Korea and the United States during the period from 15 to 18 of May, the current joint exercises to address potential threats of biological terrorism at the Institute of National Defense in Seoul.
Will participate in training defense against bioterrorism so-called "Able Response 12" according to the Ministry of Defence, South Korea, about 190 experts from 50 governmental institution specialized in biological sciences from the two countries. The aim of the exercises conducted for the second time after he was "held for the first time last year to discuss measures the overall systems for bio-terrorism as well as natural biological diseases such as avian influenza and the search for ways to co-develop the ability to combat terrorist biological potential.
It is divided into field training exercises at the level of managers working groups and seminars involving high-level managers circles.
Taiwan-Suspected avian influenza, Yunlin, 281 chickens died

The outbreak of chickens collective death Peikang town of chicken farms, yesterday, and then died suddenly 281, and epidemic prevention work in full swing, prevent spread of the disease.
Southeast Network May 11 - According to Taiwan media reports, the unusual deaths of chickens collective Beigang Township, Yunlin County chicken farm, yesterday and then died suddenly 281, accumulated over the four days have died 3616, the County Agriculture Department and Livestock Disease prevention yesterday said that the test sample to give a "Council of Agriculture, Animal Health Research, to identify whether infection with avian influenza and related prevention measures, people do not panic.
At a chicken farm near the primary school teachers and students said yesterday, day before yesterday, blowing southerly, the school is located downwind From time to time to smell the foul odor, thought to be flavor of the Clean Team disinfection did not expect farms wrong; The school said the school currently no one body is not, but will do health education and allow students to wear masks, wash their hands prevention.
Agriculture Commissioner of Lu ZZ, said the broiler farm a total of 1 Million 8000 chickens, the cumulative death up to 3616, the mortality rate more than 2 percent. Received on the morning of the 8th chickens wrongful death notification, and immediately the dead chickens specimens for examination, in addition to start the movement control, and the chicken coop and Environmental Hygiene, disinfection and other prevention measures, visit the farm a radius of three kilometers, a total of 16 farms, went to the inspection report released today.
Medical personnel yesterday, a long pull up in a chicken farm near the blockade and entered the monitor, police also blockade standby, as long as anyone close to immediately advise from.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
New joint risk assessment on risks to human health of the Schmallenberg virus
08 May
Animal and human health authorities, both at national and EU level, have been working together closely since the outbreak of the virus in ruminant animals. The collaboration is to ensure the rapid detection of changes in the epidemiology in animals and humans, particularly among people who had been in close contact with infected animals. Epidemiological and microbiological studies conducted by the RKI and RIVM both conclude that it is very unlikely that the Schmallenberg virus poses a risk to humans. This confirms the preliminary assessment expressed by ECDC and RIVM. As a general precaution, animal workers, farmers and veterinarians are advised to follow existing protective hygiene measures when working with livestock and abortion material. |
Officially announced the end of the virus and the elimination of a hospital in Jordan Wednesday Hawooz blue
There is no coverage or statement from any WHO sites of this outbreak.
So this continues to be hidden from public view by Jordan,WHO and the CDC
Officially announced in Jordan in the World Health Organization and the Jordanian Ministry of Health about the end of the elimination of a strange virus appeared a few weeks ago in Jordan, a type of pneumonia has been announced for the end of the virus after two weeks to heal another case developed symptoms and the symptoms do not appear again
Nothing mentioned at these places..GOOD JOB, Fellas!
There are older stories here, but nothing since 22/04/2012 saying it is all good before it could be
USDA announces new tracing method for contaminated poultry, meat
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The new strategy will allow food safety inspectors to move quickly to identify the supplier and target removing contaminated product from store shelves when they find E. coli during routine sampling, said the USDA.
In addition, new regulations require poultry and meat processors, farmers and retail establishments to have recall plans in place, notify federal officials within 24 hours if a contaminated product is found and require better documentation of how they controlled the tainted meat. “The additional safeguards...will improve our ability to prevent foodborne illness by strengthening our food safety infrastructure,” said USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Elisabeth Hagen. “Together, these measures will provide us with more tools to protect our food supply, resulting in stronger public health protections for consumers."
Hong Kong - Ban on poultry imports
Hong Kong has suspended imports of poultry products from Liaoning province on the mainland, Reuters has reported.
The reason for the 21-day ban is an officially confirmed outbreak of avian influenza serotype H5N1, and pertains to all poultry products, including eggs and frozen chicken.
Liaoning province, situated in northeast China with the important warm-water port of Dalian, exported nearly 28,000 tonnes of frozen poultry and 103 million poultry eggs to Hong Kong in 2011.
A Hong Kong government spokesman cited an outbreak in the port city of Dalian, but provided no further details.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak Discovered in Western Cape Province
SOUTH AFRICA - The South African veterinary authorities have discovered another outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza at a commercial ostrich farm located in Western Cape Province.
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received Follow-up Report No. 11 yesterday, 9 May.
A total of 310 ostriches were found susceptible, out of which 98 cases were identified. No deaths were reported, and no birds were destroyed.
Initially, no clinical signs or mortalities were seen.
Stamping out of ostriches on positive farm is taking place.
The presence of the H5N2 sub-type of the HPAI virus has been confirmed.
The source of the outbreak remains inconclusive.
New discovery may make universal flu vaccine possible: research
VANCOUVER, MAY 8 (Xinhua) -- Canadian researchers have found a potential way to develop universal flu vaccines and eliminate the need for seasonal flu vaccinations, making influenza pandemics a thing of the past.
The research, published Tuesday in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, finds that the 2009 H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine triggers antibodies that protect against many influenza viruses, including the lethal avian H5N1 "bird flu" strain.
According to John Schrader, the lead author of the study, the flu virus has a protein called hemagglutinin, or HA for short, which is like a flower with a head and a stem. The flu virus binds to human cells via the head of the HA, which is also the target of current flu vaccines to prevent infections.
"But because the flu virus mutates very quickly, this part of the HA changes rapidly, hence the need for different vaccines every flu season," said Schrader, who is also director of University of British Columbia's Biomedical Research Centre.
However, the researchers find that the 2009 pandemic H1N1 vaccine induced broadly protective antibodies capable of fighting different variants of the flu virus.
"This is because, rather than attacking the variable head of the HA, the antibodies attacked the stem of the HA, neutralizing the flu virus," says Schrader. "The stem plays such an integral role in penetrating the cell that it cannot change between different variants of the flu virus."
The characteristics of the human immune system make it difficult for influenza vaccines to induce broadly protective antibodies against the HA stem, but the pandemic H1N1 swine flu is different as humans have not been exposed to a similar virus, says Schrader.
Schrader has evidence that a vaccine based on a mixture of influenza viruses not circulating in humans but in animals should have the same effect and potentially make influenza pandemics and seasonal influenza a thing of the past.
Seasonal influenza causes serious illnesses in three to five million people and 200,000 to 500,000 deaths each year. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic killed more than 14,000 people worldwide.
Yunlin County farms under watch in Taiwan bird flu scare
An estimated 3,000 chickens died over the past three days at a farm in Peikang raising a total of 18,000 birds, reports said. The Yunlin County Government said it had samples of dead animals sent to laboratories for tests on Wednesday.
A total of 16 farms in the area were being monitored for signs of bird flu, county officials said. They described the deaths of the chickens as an isolated case which should not induce panic among consumers.
The county said none of the chickens from the farm in question had reached markets, so consumers should not be worried. As soon as the deaths had been reported, the authorities closed off the farm and prevented people, animals and vehicles from leaving, according to the county government.
An additional 150 chickens died on Thursday, marking a decline compared to the previous few days, the authorities said. Some experts said that the dead birds did not show the usual symptoms of H5N2, including the feet turning purple, and that rapid temperature and weather changes might be to blame.
Whether H5N2 was behind the deaths would be determined by tests with results to be announced on Friday, officials said. If it proved necessary, the authorities would be ready to cull all poultry at the farm, the county government said.
Yunlin counts about 900 chicken farms and 600 duck or geese farms, according to an official tally, but no H5N2 was reported when the first outbreak hit Taiwan last March. A total of 60,000 birds were culled in Changhua County and Tainan to contain the spread of the highly pathogenic bird flu strain.
The outbreak led to allegations of a government cover-up when it was revealed that a documentary maker and bird flu specialist had discovered problems at the farms more than two months earlier.
Boy Allegedly "Suspect" Bird Flu #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
Singaraja (Bali Post) - Singaraja (Bali Post)
- A boy from the village of District Tamblang Kubutambahan, Putu Rad (13), undergoing intensive care in hospitals Buleleng since Wednesday (9/5) last. The boy suspected suspect bird flu because in the neighborhood occurred the death of dozens of chicken that tested positive for bird flu. The information collected in hospitals Buleleng, Thursday (10/5) yesterday, said Putu Rad accompanied by his biological father, Made Pasma, treated in a special isolation room patient suspect bird flu. In the isolation room was not random people who were allowed entry by hospital staff to prevent possible undesirable. In fact, a number of journalists who tried to take a picture of the patient's condition is not authorized by the parents of patients. While the Head of Service, dr. Nengah Kastawa seizin Direktur RSUD Buleleng dr. Nengah Kastawa permission from the Director of Hospital Buleleng dr. Nyoman Nyoman explained mardana Rad Putu patients admitted to hospital on Wednesday (9/5) and at 10:20 pm. During the observation in hospitals Buleleng, Putu Rad handled by dr. Ketut Budiasa, Sp.A. Ketut Budiasa, Sp.A. The patient arrived with a letter of referral from health centers Kubutambahan with the characteristics of contracting bird flu virus. With that condition, hospital doctors and treat patients according to SOPs treatment bird flu patients. Of the diagnosis, doctors at the hospital have not dared to make sure whether it's Rad Putu patient suspect bird flu or the common cold. To ensure the patient's illness, the treating doctor is still awaiting results of laboratory tests of samples that are being studied in Mol Bio Lab School of Medicine (FK) Udayana University. "After the patient entered the hospital, we have performed according to standard operating handling handling patient suspect bird flu. However, from the initial diagnosis, the patient suffered from pneumonia (bronhia asthma). And after we had a stable body temperature observations and to ensure the disease, we are still waiting sample results, "he said. According Kastawa, Putu Rad alleged patient suspect bird flu because of the condition of the environment in their homes. There had been a dead chicken's people around by way of a sudden. In fact, observations by the officers of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock (Distanak) Buleleng declared dead chickens tested positive contracted bird flu. This suspicion makes the patient's family worried about contracting the H5N1 virus Putu is Rad. "Indeed, from the information the patient's family a death in a positive chicken bird flu, so that the patient's family worried that the patient contracted the bird flu virus," he explained. |
Baby Bird Flu Suspected in Buleleng #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
- A baby in Buleleng, Bali, allegedly infected with bird flu virus and should be isolated in one of the local care hospitals.
Head of Medical Services Hospital Buleleng, dr Nengah Kastawa, in Singaraja, said Thursday that 14-month-old baby from Klampuak Hamlet, Village Tamblang, District Kubutambahan, it came to the hospital in high temperature conditions.
Parents baby, Made Pasma, to the hospital, admitted a chicken died suddenly at his home.
Moreover, earlier this month at least 52 head of 90 chicken populations belong to five families in the hamlet Klampuak died from bird flu.
Although the baby's condition is clinically improving, the Hospital Buleleng still awaiting results of laboratory tests on blood samples Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Trujillo: Expert warns of epidemic risk for death of pelicans
The fisheries biologist, Carlos Bocanegra feared possible epidemics by improper burial pelicans on beaches in Trujillo.
The fisheries biologist at the National University of Trujillo, Carlos Bocanegra expressed concern as there is the cleaning of dead birds properly what puts in imminent threat to public health at beaches from Huanchaco to Salaverry, province of Trujillo (La Libertad) .
Garcia Bocanegra explained that there has been some three thousand pelicans migrate south in flocks in search of their main food anchovy and fleeing starvation in the Chicama Valley beaches and Trujillo.
As is known, the Deputy Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment, Gabriel Quijandria confirmed that the death of pelicans is due to ocean warming by altering the patterns of distribution and availability of anchovy generating these animals die of starvation by it is safe to eat fish.
Australia Boosts Biosecurity Measures
AUSTRALIA - A A$524.2 million investment in Australia’s biosecurity system included in yesterday’s Federal Budget will deliver a state-of-the-art quarantine facility and strengthen Australia’s defences against pests and diseases.
This new funding will see more than A$1.6 billion invested in biosecurity by the Federal Government since 2009, safeguarding the agricultural sector and underpinning Australia’s strong reputation as a reliable exporter of high-quality food and fibre. Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Senator Joe Ludwig said A$379.9 million has been allocated over seven years for the construction of a state-of-the-art post-entry quarantine facility in Melbourne.
“This facility will mean Australia will have the newest and most advanced technology available to manage the import of high-risk plant and animal material,” Minister Ludwig said.
“The investment corrects the Howard Government’s short-sighted decision to sell off quarantine centres, only to lease them back, with no maintenance plan, no long term investment strategy and no regard for changing land use in peri-urban areas.”
Minister Ludwig said A$124.5 million has been provided for core frontline biosecurity operations and external review and verification processes.
“Our frontline defences play a pivotal role in protecting Australia from pests and disease. This investment will also support the move towards risk-based operations that will see resources allocated according to the level of risk,” he said.
“On top of the wider biosecurity investment, a separate A$95.9 million over seven years, allocated from the Caring for our Country programme, will fund eradication programmes for nationally significant pests and diseases.”
TheCattleSite News Desk
Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Antibodies in Poultry Cullers, South Korea, 2003–2004

Suggested citation for this article
Transmission of influenza (H5N1) virus from birds to humans is a serious public health threat. In South Korea, serologic investigation among 2,512 poultry workers exposed during December 2003–March 2004 to poultry with confirmed or suspected influenza (H5N1) virus infection found antibodies in 9. Frequency of bird-to-human transmission was low.
By identifying only 9 seropositive cases among 2,512 persons, we determined that the risk for poultry-to-human transmission of the influenza (H5N1) virus is small. Other studies have also shown low frequencies of poultry-to-human (H5N1) virus transmission. In provinces in Thailand, blood samples were collected from 322 poultry farmers 6 months after confirmation of influenza (H5N1) virus outbreaks; all antibody titers were negative (5). Two studies of villagers in Cambodia who had frequent and direct contact with poultry with confirmed and suspected influenza (H5N1) virus infection found low frequency of virus transmission from poultry to humans (6,7). Similarly, a study in Nigeria also found negative results for antibodies against influenza (H5N1) virus among 295 poultry workers (8).
Because our study was conducted as a public health response, it has the following limitations. We were unable to systematically assess symptoms, extent of exposure, compliance with PPE use, and taking of oseltamivir. It is not clear if the participants were exposed to birds with confirmed or suspected influenza (H5N1) virus or whether they wore PPE properly when culling. Because the outbreak created an emergency situation and this study had not been designed before the outbreak, epidemiologic data were limited. And because we had insufficient serum for adsorption assays, we cannot exclude the possibility of cross-reactivity with circulating antibodies resulting from seasonal influenza vaccination or previous infection with human influenza virus. In 2004, among 83 Vietnam hospital employees who were exposed to 4 patients with confirmed and 1 patient with probable influenza (H5N1) virus infection, a positive antibody titer against influenza (H5N1) virus and cross-reacting antibodies against influenza (H1N1) virus was found on MN assay for 1 employee (12). Because our study was not a case–control study, we could not identify risk factors for transmission.
Regardless of these limitations, our study shows serologic evidence of influenza (H5N1) virus transmission among groups at high risk for poultry-to-human transmission (i.e., exposed to poultry during 2003−2004 outbreaks in South Korea). However, we also found additional proof that the frequency of poultry-to-human influenza (H5N1) virus transmission is low.
Culling team faces resistance in Tripura #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
May 9, 2012, 10.42PM IST
AGARTALA: A rapid response team constituted to conduct culling operations in the avian flu-affected poultry industry was stopped from carrying out their work by villagers in South Tripura. About 2500 poultry birds have been culled in past two days in Udaipur of South Tripura in the wake of H5N1 strains in sample of a government run firm last week and culling operations were launched on May 2 in 12 localities. The operation ended on Tuesday.
Animal resource minister Aghore Debbarma on Wednesday admitted that the mass culling of poultry had triggered anger among the villagers and the personnel's entry was resisted at Khilpara and Sonamura areas on Tuesday. "Many of them had to leave the place owing to heavy protests from locals," said Debbarma. During the culling operation, the department paid Rs 71,786 as compensation to poultry farmers, he said, adding that there were no further reports of avian flu strain in the state.
According to official records, as many as 13 lakh poultry have either died or been culled in the past four years in Tripura. The poultry industry has been affected due to frequent outbreaks of avian flu and the state has incurred an estimated loss of Rs 25 crore over the years.
Further analysis to uncover the pelican mystery
Are expected for Friday already have official results of the analysis, which will be supplemented by those made yesterday.
Although the Ministry of Production is the entity that is scheduled to issue an official version of the causes that led to the deaths of more than four thousand pelicans on the coast,including the region of Piura, yesterday the Department of Environmental Health (Digesa) Piura, performed the autopsy to duplicate. TheFaculty of Biology of the UNP also made and other tests.
The autopsy was performed at the morgue in Piura and its implementation was present environmental prosecutor, Silvia Rumiche and the director of the Digesa, Eddy Leyva Villalonga.
The doctor said that the autopsy performed and analyzed the samples taken, what is sought is to contribute to determine the cause of death, especially to the alarm that originated in the population."They are saying many things, but although it is not an official version, because the analysis and results should be disseminated by the Ministry of Production, we also give a contribution," he said.
The samples taken at two dead pelicans will be sent to the Faculty of Animal Science, National University of Piura. Also in this academic area will analyze the blood that is drawn to a booby.
Also, the Faculty of Biology conducted an autopsy and is already analyzing samples taken from brain, lung, trachea and larynx of the pelicans."We hope to have ready on Friday, so that the institutions in charge of health surveillance can provide a more specialized opinion on the situation that has arisen," said Robert Barrett of the UNP.
Avian Flu Ruled Out After the massive death of pelicans on the northern coast of the country, the doctor of the National Agricultural Health (SENASA), Alberto Costa, insisted that the deaths of these seabirds is not due to avian influenza virus. "However, we continued health surveillance to rule out other highly infectious diseases," he said.Meanwhile, national Digesa insisted that prevention must be the population, specifically for not going to spas where pelicans found dead and not eat raw fish."In the case of Piura, the prohibition of not bathing on the beaches is for our entire coast, because along our coast we have found dead birds in quantity," Leyva said Villalonga.
He said that municipalities must decide what actions to take to collect, bury or remove the birds.and draw blood from a booby
Pender County South Carolina Map of Events Surrounding Sibblings Death,-77.453613&spn=3.489345,4.229736
This is a map of the Hog Farms in the Sampson County area.,+North+Carolina&t=h&z=10
Brother & Sister Found Dead; Brother worked at Sampson Cty Hog Farm Where '98 Earliest Case of Current Swine Flu H1N1 Outbreak Occurred
Brother and sister found dead in Willard, family says they died from the flu
Submitted by Cliff Pyron on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 5:59pmPENDER COUNTY, NC (WWAY) -- Pender County Sheriff's deputies are investigating the deaths of a brother and sister from Willard. Their bodies were found off Highway 11 in Pender County Saturday evening.
Deputies responded to a call from family members to find 63-year-old Warren Gore and 65-year-old Annie Gore, dead in their homes at 9085 and 9065 Highway 11.
Family members told WWAY off camera that they died from a case of the flu , a major concern for neighbors and friends.
"Who knows what it came from," said Nisha Mckoy, a neighbor of the Gore's. "It has me alerted right now, checking out the children, my nieces and nephews and everything as well as myself to try and make sure that we're all healthy. I think everyone should go be checked out."
Family says Warren and Annie had not been to the doctor yet because they did not believe their condition was that serious.
In this story, Annie Gore's daughter talks about the Uncle, Warren, worked at a hog farm. He is one of the two that died.
Woman thinks hog farm may have contributed to death of mother, uncle
Submitted by Cliff Pyron on Mon, 05/07/2012 - 3:57pm
PENDER COUNTY, NC (WWAY) -- A Pender County family is searching for answers after the death of a brother and sister. Annie and Warren Gore were found dead in their homes in Willard Saturday after complaining about flu-like symptoms. Relatives say they might know where the disease came from.
"It's hard to believe that this could happen," Quintella West said.
West and her family are looking for answers. West, the only child of the late Annie Gore, says her mom was feeling sick Wednesday. Annie and her brother and next-door neighbor Warren were found dead just a few days later. West says her mother had been dead a few days.
"It's flu? This was too quick for a flu," West said. "It's not good, and I just want answers to know what happened to my mother."
West says she doesn't want to jump to conclusions, but she did make the connection that her mother began getting sick after taking her uncle to work every day at a hog farm in Sampson County.
"She said every time she took him to work she felt worse and worse," West said. "She had to ride in his truck one day, and she says she really, really felt bad."
After learning more about the background of the death investigation we called the Pender County Health Department. They said they have done preliminary work on the case, and that no one else is sick that works at the farm or who lives near the gores.
The Health Department says it will wait on autopsy results before it looks into what happened any further.
Unfortunately, the autopsy appears inconclusive:
Autopsy inconclusive in deaths of NC siblings
Posted: Tuesday, May. 08, 2012
WILMINGTON, N.C. Medical examiners have not been able to determine what killed a brother and a sister found dead in their nearby homes in Pender County over the weekend.
Authorities said an initial autopsy was inconclusive and additional toxicology tests will be conducted to determine how they died.
Sheriff's Detective D.L. Wells says while foul play has not been ruled out, it appears the two died of medical problems.
There were no signs of trauma and family members told authorities the two said recently they felt ill.
I also found an article on new cases of Whooping Cough, in the same County. The article has been updated on the 7th, most likely to add that the Health Department is giving free vaccine to Adults. The author of this story is the Staff of the Newspaper (WECT staff):
Cases of whooping cough pop up in Pender Co.
Posted: May 03, 2012 5:19 PM EDT Updated: May 07, 2012 5:20 PM EDT
By: WECT Staff - email
PENDER COUNTY, NC (WECT) - Three cases of pertussis, also known as the whooping cough, have been detected in the Rocky Point area of Pender County, and the bacterial disease can be fatal for small children.
The Pender County Health Director, Carolyn Moser says there haven't been anymore confirmed cases of whooping cough, adding that she hopes this is the end of the small outbreak.
Still, she's not confirming anything else yet, and the department was quick to get a warning out to schools and health care providers.
The highly-infectious disease can last up to six weeks, and Moser says a while ago, the vaccination was made to be less potent As a result, adults are at risk to catch it from their children.
"Our immunity is starting to wane; therefore, anyone ought to consider getting a TDAP if not every couple of years, definitely within 5 years," said Moser.
Currently, the health department in Pender County is offering a free vaccination for any adult who may need one.
And, to top this whole Summary off, the Swine Flu gene's in 2009 were traced to the very same Hog Farm that Warren worked at:
Swine flu genes traced to North Carolina factory farm
As it turns out, there's a more direct connection between the current swine flu outbreak and North Carolina: Scientists working to understand the genetic makeup of the H1N1 virus that causes the disease have linked it to a virus behind a 1998 swine flu outbreak at an industrial hog farm in Sampson County, North Carolina's leading hog producer.
"This virus was found in pigs here in the United States," Rabadan said in an interview. "They were getting sick in 1998. It became a swine virus."
It spread among pregnant sows in Newton Grove, N.C., causing them to abort their litters. The virus then spread to pigs in Texas, Iowa and Minnesota -- putting epidemiologists on alert about the new viral strain and the potential for a human outbreak.
A May 1999 N&O story titled "Disease detectives untangle mystery of mutant flu virus" (available in the paper's online archives) reported that the 1998 bug -- a pig virus "wrapped in a shell of human proteins" -- was isolated by a state government veterinary lab. Similar mutations are suspected in earlier flu outbreaks, including the 1918 Spanish flu that killed more than 20 million people worldwide.
According to that story, the virus was discovered in August 1998 at a 2,400-sow breeding farm owned by Newton Grove, N.C.-based Hog Slat Inc., a leading builder of factory-style hog farms. The company is also one of Sampson County's largest employers -- as is Smithfield Foods, the Virginia-based corporation that owns numerous hog farms near the Mexican community where the earliest case of the current swine flu was identified.
The 1998 North Carolina outbreak began with pregnant sows developing high fevers. A state microbiologist who tested nasal samples taken from the animals was surprised to encounter a virus he didn't recognize -- and his alarm grew when he found that some of the sick animals had been immunized for ordinary swine flu, the N&O reported:
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Chimbote: Pelicans continue to die on beaches
Published on May 8, 2012 by enlacenacional
Every day more dead pelicans on the beaches of Chimbote. The causes are still being investigated and will gradually discarding hypotheses.
Video in Spanish
Peru dolphin, pelican die-offs appear unrelated
Updated: Tuesday, 08 May 2012, 6:07 PM EDT
LIMA, Peru (AP) - The carcasses of dead pelicans still litter the beaches of northern Peru, even as the last of nearly 900 dolphins are slowly being cleared away.
After weeks of study, investigators say they think they know why the 4,450 pelicans have died: Hotter than usual ocean temperatures have driven a type of anchovy deeper into the sea, beyond the reach of many young pelicans.
But Peruvian scientists...
The South American nation’s health ministry declared an alert at the weekend, urging the public to stay away from the beaches around Lima and on the northern coast until the cause of death is known.
For the time being, the state environment ministry has ruled out water contamination or damage from dragnet fishing, suggesting cautiously that wildlife may be falling victim to a virus...
Virus, Starvation, Pollution? The Mystery Of Peru’s Marine Deaths
(ANIMAL NEWS) With nearly 900 dolphins and 1,500 marine seabirds found dead on the northern coast of Peru, scientists are still scrambling for answers as to why. While some specialists blame pollution and pesticides for the deaths, others believe it could be seismic testing, disease, or starvation. Although government officials say that the two events are unrelated, there are overlapping factors, one of which is a common food source, anchoveta. Read on for further developments into this marine mystery, and what it could mean for sea life and people. — Global Animal ...
CAPE TOWN-Ostrich culling almost complete

Agriculture MEC Gerrit van Reinsburg met with industry players in Oudtshoorn earlier.
More than 40,000 ostriches have been culled since the initial outbreak of avian influenza in March 2011.
The European Union also imposed a ban on South African ostrich exports at a cost of hundreds of millions of rand to affected farmers.
The EU imported 90 percent of South Africa’s ostrich meat.
The department's Wouter Kriel said, “The Department of Agriculture will conclude the culling operation that has been ongoing for the past year in the ostrich industry. The last 360 ostriches will be culled this week.”...
Massive Die-off of Dolphins in Peru
1. On March 25th, we received a communication from an ORCA sentinel volunteer located on site indicating the presence of hundreds of stranded dolphins. ORCA and Bluevoice decided to execute this survey of 135 Km from San Jose in Lambayeque state to the southern border of Illescas National Park, in Piura state, to collect visual and sample evidence. Our survey was in coordination with the Police of the Environment Protection (Ecological Police).
2. As previously reported, two species have been affected: Long beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis) and Burmeister’s porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis). We counted 615 common dolphins. All age classes were affected: Adult males, females, lactating females, juveniles, calves and newborns. We counted 19 porpoises, only females and calves
3. There are carcasses in different degrees of decomposition and every 10 to 30 meters, none of them older than 5 weeks. This matches with the fact that these strandings happened right after our previous survey. We found animals recently dead (no more than 12 hours) and several carcasses of juveniles and calves showed “rigor mortis...
...Under the current circumstances and after a long assessment of our Stranding Network, all the dolphins and porpoises stranded respond to one sole UME that started in middle January, and continues today. With all available count in an area of 350 Km of coastline with reported strandings
from northern Piura to northern Lambayeque, we estimate around 3,000 dead dolphins so far.
This is the largest mass stranding ever recorded in the coast of Peru and with no precedent in the South American region. Situation has is overwhelming. Even children have been involved in collecting dolphin meat at the southern end of the stranding site (Lambayeque), and have been trying to rescue agonic dolphins at the northern range (Piura).
Peru dolphin virus not official finding, says sea institute
By Manuel Vigo
May 7, 2012

Despite previous reports, a virus might not have been the cause of death of thousands of dolphins on Peru’s northern coasts.
On Saturday, Peru’s Sea Institute (Imarpe), clarified comments made last week, regarding specialists from the Marine Mammal Center (MMC), in the United States, who said the dolphin deaths were caused by the ‘morbillivirus’.
According to Imarpe, the MMC’s comments were an unofficial consult, carried out via email.
Imarpe said such consultations amongst specialists were common, and said further testing was required before reaching a conclusion.
"It is worth noting that the communication was strictly on the professional level, in order to have an opinion of scientists with extensive experience on the issue […],” Imarpe said, according to Andina.
The agency said it had not sent any samples to the MMC, and added they were awaiting results of the molecular analysis carried out by the Cayetano Heredia University, in Lima.
Previously, Raul Castillo, scientific director at the Peruvian Sea Institute, revealed the MMC’s comments to local media.
"The Peruvian laboratories found an immune depression that could be caused by a virus, so we asked the United States to determine what type of infection it was," he said, according to Peru21.
Peru’s IMARPE ruled that dolphins were killed by morbillivirus: You are watching shameless spinoff in action
Peru’s IMARPE ruled that dolphins were killed by morbillivirus: You are watching shameless spinoff in action
And so the case is closed. BPZ can continue their seismic surveys, pelicans are dying of starvation, dead fish, anchovies, and sea lions reports are swept under the rug and everybody is happy.
What you are watching now is the shameless spinoff that is unfolding in front of your eyes. But if only one good thing can come out of this mess it is the realization how easy it is to hide what needs to be hidden and to spin things around.
IMARPE came out with the statement for the press stating that it was morbillivirus (by the way will the public be able to see the official necropsy report?). Specifically they said that:
1. Dolphins had supressed immune system
2. The USA scientists confirmed the presence of the virus (morbillivirus)
Now, read and re-read this carefully, because nobody will tell you this, no media, no experts, and definitely not IMARPE.
Why is this so you might ask? Because the scientific ..
In only 20 days were found more than four thousand dead pelicans
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 | 4:00 a.m.
Pollution. Abounds in turkeys away but there is a red flag as a warning.
In the Peruvian coast. Most birds have perished on the beaches of Lima, Trujillo, Chiclayo and Casma. Experts say this is due to the lack of anchovies, their only food, and a picture of parasitosis caused by malnutrition. Digesa calls pelicans bodies are cremated and buried.
Eduardo Salinas
Claudia Malpartida /
Yesterday morning on the beach The Turkeys Barranco a youth group enjoyed a perfectly normal from the sea and the last rays of sun. "We have come to the beach on Sunday and today (Monday) after school. We want to take before winter arrives and it's cold," said his board while getting ready to run a wave. The funny thing is that the Environmental Health Department also launched an alert yesterday barring entrance to this and other beaches of Lima, such as turkeys, La Herradura and La Encantada. The reason? In the past 20 days has recorded the deaths of at least 4450 in the coastal Peruvian pelicans, as reported by the Technical Administration of Forestry and Wildlife Ministry of Agriculture. The greatest discovery occurred on the beaches of Trujillo.
There, a total of 4000 of these species have perished. On the beaches of Lima are about 150, in Chiclayo 200, and Casma 100. For the conservationist Lambayeque Heinz Plenge death of hundreds of dolphins and pelicans on the north coast is an "ecological catastrophe".
"Our country is in the sights of the world and is very important to know how to react to an emergency like this. Many species are endangered and must act quickly," he said. Therefore Plenge, along with other environmentalists, asks the competent institutions make an effective investigation to find the real causes of the mass death of pelicans in the Peruvian coast.
Faced with this serious problem Carlos Bocanegra, Department of Fisheries Biology, National University of Trujillo, warned that the absence of anchovy, their only food, and a table of parasitosis due to malnutrition of these birds killed hundreds of pelicans on the coast of the northern department of La Libertad.
The specialist indicated that some birds had roundworm, parasite of the Pelicans own, whose action is potentiated by lower their defenses because of the problem food. "What struck us is the excessive number of parasites, which means a risk to public health, because each female produces 250.000 eggs, which are thrown into the waterfront," he said.
Similarly, reported that in the examined birds droppings were found in white, indicating that they were healthy and only starving.
El Niño
In this regard Abraham Levy, president of Weather, a private company to monitor and forecast weather in Peru, attributed what happened to the birds of the unusual warming of the sea, may signal the El Nino weather phenomenon.
"The last episode of mass mortality of seabirds, with major extinctions, dates from 1997. (...) In both cases there was a significant warming of the sea," said Levy.
The bodies of the pelicans appeared in Lambayeque "have little weight and have no food in their crops." According to Jose Delgado Castro, head of the Technical Administration of Forestry and Wildlife Lambayeque, this was due to overfishing of anchovies in our sea.
"The fishing industry, marine pollution or exploratory waves of ships, have much to do. I think animals have died of starvation, lack or withdrawal of shoals of fish in our sea," he said.
Given the alarming number of dead pelicans General Directorate of Environmental Health (Digesa) warned about the restrictions on entry to the northern beaches and Lima. Therefore Ausejo Bernardo, head of the Environmental Management and Protection of the Environment, asked the mayors to collect and bury the dead animals that appear on the beaches of the Peruvian coast, to avoid having contact with swimmers.
"As a precaution, staff involved in collecting dead marine species must employ at least gloves and masks. If necessary to have other personal protective equipment," said Ausejo, who said that the alert is in effect while a clarification the cause of death in these species.
Because of this problem has also been indirectly harmed the fishing industry. Fish consumption has decreased significantly to the fear of consumers. Therefore, the director of the environmental organization Mundo Azul, Stefan Austermühle criticized that although our country has a specialized center such as the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), with high technology, is not yet determined the cause of these mass casualties. "Fish consumption should not vary, so people need clear and there is none," said Austermühle.
For its part the Ministry of Agriculture also ruled that the death of thousands of pelicans out from the virus of Avian Influenza (impact on human health), Newcastle disease (impact on the poultry industry) or laryngotracheitis.
"We will form teams made up of the Forestry and Wildlife (DGFFS) and SENASA. Will conduct ongoing monitoring along the entire Peruvian coast, with greater emphasis on regions where there is already a history of death pelicans and boobies, "said Agriculture Minister Luis Ginocchio.
TOURISM smoothly
Also, the alert declared by Digesa in some beaches of Peru does not adversely affect the national tourism resorts because they are less concurrency.
Therefore, the general manager of the National Chamber of Tourism of Peru (Canatur), Luis Villa Prado said that this will not detract visitors ecological tourist beaches in the country.
"I do not think that could affect tourism because this warning is focused on some beaches that are not high concurrency, specifically tourists. I do not think there is a negative effect, "he said.
The truth is that in recent months the marine fauna has been severely affected. Both environmentalists and the people themselves call for quick action to solve this terrible problem.
dead dolphins. Today, the scientific director of the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), Raul Castillo, will report on the death of dolphins in the north, in the Hall Victor Raul Haya de la Torre of Congress, at 1 pm.
peaceful march. Next Tuesday May 15th will be a peaceful march to stop the mass killing of dolphins and marine life in the Peruvian coast. The event starts at noon at the Ministry of Production.
"Pelicans dying from lack of anchovy"
Carlos Bocanegra
Fisheries biologist at the University of Trujillo
By studying the dead pelicans on the northern coast have found that low muscle mass by a problem of severe malnutrition. This coincides with the lack of food, so we have determined that the absence of anchovy, due to high sea temperature is the main cause of high mortality of seabirds reported.
The anchovy is migrating south in search of cold waters, and the same behavior is observed in the pelicans. We found no food in their stomachs characteristic of these birds, fish such as catfish and banks, which explains the absence of food have taken what they could because they are starving. Malnutrition is killing them.
Another result of the study at the University of Trujillo is that some birds had roundworm, parasite of the Pelicans own, whose action is potentiated by lower their defenses because of the problem food. There was an excessive number of parasites, which means a risk to public health, because each female produces 250 000 eggs, which are thrown into the coast.
This intestinal parasite that can grow to 20 to 30 inches, creates problems of anemia, pallor, malnutrition and, in extreme cases, death.
On the other hand, in the case of dolphins, is very delicate to say whether the deaths were supposedly related to viruses. However, just like the pelicans, the lack of anchovy population will soon seals may appear dead on the coast.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Pelicans may have influenza
some are speculating parasites, starvation or pollution..
Pelicans appear dead on the beaches of LimaSaturday May 5, 2012 | 7:00Address Environmental Health recommends that people of Lima and north of the country from going to the beaches where they found the birds. Also asked to avoid eating raw fish.
More than 10 pelicans were found dead on the beach La Encantada, Chorrillos. (David Vexelman)
The strange phenomenon of animals found dead on our coast arrived in Lima. Yesterday we found a sea lion in a state of putrefaction, together with over 10 pelicans and other birds on the beach La Encantada, in the district of Chorrillos.The body of the whale, five feet long, has red spots, similar to those dolphins were killed in the north.Julca Hermogenes, a worker who works 29 years ago in La Encantada, told Perú21 which is the first time that animals vary in this beach. "The Sea Wolf has killed more than a week and no authority has come to see. It is normal to see the birds die of old ladies, but not swept away by the sea, "he said.In response, the Department of Environmental Health (Digesa) of the Ministry of Health issued a health alert and recommended to the population from going to the beaches of both the capital and the northern departments, where they found dead animals.URGENT
Immediately, the regional directorates of Health de La Libertad, Lambayeque and Piura adopted the same measure in their jurisdictions, mainly for fear that the virus that killed more than 800 dolphins in the north to affect humans. Even recommended to avoid consumption of raw fish."We know what the agent is causing the death of these animals and, therefore, for prevention, avoid all contact with their bodies, and the consumption of raw fish. Also, (it is recommended that the population) to any symptoms that is not common, to attend a nearby health facility to be served, "said Luis Saavedra, director of Health of Piura.In La Libertad, the regional manager of Health, Henry Rebaza, reported to have arranged the placement of flags in the coastal areas where the animals were found dead, in order to prevent swimmers come to the contaminated areas.It also ordered that municipalities bury carcasses two meters below ground or incinerated in places far from the beaches. Finally, Rebaza reiterated the recommendation not to consume raw fish in districts where the birds died.At night, the head of the National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA), Oscar Dominguez, said that after the analyzes performed to the dead pelicans on beaches in the north, ruled that the cause of death are the influenza virus influenza or Newcastle disease, which could be transmitted to humans. In this regard, the official called on the population to remain calm.He said the test results of animals that appeared in Lima will be known within 48 hours.INVESTIGATIONS CONTINUE In Lambayeque, to accelerate research to determine the exact cause of death of the pelicans and dolphins, they formed a multi-agency committee, comprising representatives of the National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA), the Marine Institute Peru (IMARPE) of the Captain of Ports, as well as regional offices of Health, Production, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, among others, that will monitor the results and take appropriate action in areas affected.The Area Manager of Production of Lambayeque, Francisco Rojas, said they are aware of the results of samples taken both pelicans and dolphins. "We hope that within a week we have the results," he said.The official did not rule out the mass killing of these species could be a consequence of climate change and irresponsible fishing practices, as early indications are that seabirds perished from starvation due to the demise of the anchovy in the Peruvian sea.PLEASE NOTE- According to IMARPE, more than 800 dolphins died from a virus similar to distemper.- But not yet determined which virus attacked these mammals, due to decomposition of their bodies.- In the case of the pelicans, presumably killed by the scarcity of anchovies, due to the increase in sea temperature.