Hat-tip Avian Flu Diary
A very information post:
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
China Guangdong: Wet Market Stays Open Despite Bird Flu #H7N9 Case
November 9, 2013
Guangdong culture of eating fresh chicken means it has to keep operating, official says
Guangdong will not close a wet market near where a three-year-old boy is confirmed this week to have contracted the H7N9 strain of bird flu, because authorities have to meet "the public's need to eat fresh chicken", a provincial health official says.
The provincial line contrasted sharply with action taken by Shanghai and other regions further north, which closed wet markets after H7N9 was found. The measure is believed to be the most effective in curbing the spread of the deadly virus.
Yesterday, Dr Zhang Yonghui, visiting director general of the Guangdong centre for disease and prevention, said: "We cannot close down the market as a consensus cannot be reached."
"The situation in Guangdong is different as there have been only sporadic cases so far. There is a traditional culture of eating fresh chicken in southern China, so we have to strike a balance." The boy, who lived in Dongguan , was confirmed on Tuesday to be infected with H7N9. He had visited a wet market with poultry stalls, but did not come into contact with any birds.
Continued: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1351208/wet-market-stays-open-despite-bird-flu-case
Guangdong culture of eating fresh chicken means it has to keep operating, official says
Guangdong will not close a wet market near where a three-year-old boy is confirmed this week to have contracted the H7N9 strain of bird flu, because authorities have to meet "the public's need to eat fresh chicken", a provincial health official says.
The provincial line contrasted sharply with action taken by Shanghai and other regions further north, which closed wet markets after H7N9 was found. The measure is believed to be the most effective in curbing the spread of the deadly virus.
Yesterday, Dr Zhang Yonghui, visiting director general of the Guangdong centre for disease and prevention, said: "We cannot close down the market as a consensus cannot be reached."
"The situation in Guangdong is different as there have been only sporadic cases so far. There is a traditional culture of eating fresh chicken in southern China, so we have to strike a balance." The boy, who lived in Dongguan , was confirmed on Tuesday to be infected with H7N9. He had visited a wet market with poultry stalls, but did not come into contact with any birds.
Continued: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1351208/wet-market-stays-open-despite-bird-flu-case
Supreme Council of Health Qatar - Update November 8, 2013
Supreme council of health announces cure of the last MERS-CoV patient and reports a new case
Doha - Friday, 8 Nov 2013
SCH announced a new MERS-CoV case of a resident in Qatar. He is a 48 years old male with comorbidities and is being treated in the intensive care unit. All close contacts screened and were negative for the virus initially.
SCH is also announcing the cure of the last case admitted to hospital after being cared for in hospital.
#MERS #Coronavirus Qatar Reports New Case - November 8, 2013
November 8, 2013
Doha -
The Supreme Council of Health registered new cases of laboratory confirmed HIV (Corona) that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East, a resident at the age of 48 years old.
Doha -
The Supreme Council of Health registered new cases of laboratory confirmed HIV (Corona) that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East, a resident at the age of 48 years old.
The Council stated, in a press statement that the patient is suffering from several chronic diseases, and is currently receiving treatment in intensive care .. He pointed out that examination was performed on all contacts of the patient, and the initial results were negative.
As announced by the Supreme Council of health heal resident who had been infected (Corona) recently, after having received the necessary medical attention.
CDC: Mild Illness in Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus–Infected Poultry Worker, Huzhou, China, April 2013
Volume 19, Number 11—November 2013
Huakun Lv1, Jiankang Han1, Peng Zhang, Ye Lu, Dong Wen, Jian Cai, Shelan Liu, Jimin Sun, Zhao Yu, Heng Zhang, Zhenyu Gong, Enfu Chen, and Zhiping Chen

Author affiliations: Zhejiang
Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Hangzhou, China
(H. Lv, Y. Lu, J. Cai, S. Liu, J. Sun, Z. Yu, Z. Gong, E. Chen, Z. Chen); Huzhou Municipal Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Huzhou, China (J. Han, P. Zhang, D. Wen); the 11th Chinese Field Epidemiology Training Program, Beijing, China (H. Zhang)
During April 2013 in China, mild respiratory symptoms developed in 1/61 workers who had culled influenza A(H7N9) virus–infected poultry. Laboratory testing confirmed A(H7N9) infection in the worker and showed that the virus persisted longer in sputum than pharyngeal swab samples. Pharyngeal swab samples from the other workers were negative for A(H7N9) virus.Full Article: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/11/13-0717_article.htm
#H7N9 China: Guangdong Provincial CDC refers not consider closing the live poultry market
November 8, 2013
Dongguan year-old boy infected with H7N9 avian influenza Guangdong CDC refers patients are in good condition, without regard to the closure of local live poultry market. Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection, said the two are still discussing arrangements for live chickens. Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control, said earlier confirmed that the three-year-old boy infected with H7N9, the virus has shown a weak positive test, the authorities to strengthen the monitoring of live poultry markets, including cleaning and disinfection and regular rest, but also the city of the twenty-one, influenza surveillance, at present no consider closing the local live poultry market. Whether suspension of live chickens to Hong Kong, Hong Kong with the mainland no consensus.CHP Leung Ting-hung said that the two are still under discussion. Leung Ting-hung said, no evidence of human to human transmission of H7N9 risk, but also reminded the public to avoid contact with live chickens.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
#MERS #Coronavirus Saudi Arabia MOH Update - November 7, 2013
November 7, 2013
In the framework of the epidemiological investigation and ongoing follow-up carried out by the Ministry of Health for HIV (Corona) that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East MERS-CoV Ministry announces for the registration of cases infected with the virus.
First of a citizen in Riyadh at the age of 72 years old, and has several chronic diseases and receiving treatment intensive care and his condition is stable, and the second of a citizen in Jeddah at the age of 43 years old, and had no chronic diseases, as well as does not have a history of travel outside the province of Jeddah recently, and receives treatment intensive care.
In the framework of the epidemiological investigation and ongoing follow-up carried out by the Ministry of Health for HIV (Corona) that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East MERS-CoV Ministry announces for the registration of cases infected with the virus.
First of a citizen in Riyadh at the age of 72 years old, and has several chronic diseases and receiving treatment intensive care and his condition is stable, and the second of a citizen in Jeddah at the age of 43 years old, and had no chronic diseases, as well as does not have a history of travel outside the province of Jeddah recently, and receives treatment intensive care.
CDC: Síndrome respiratorio coronavirus de Oriente Medio (MERS-CoV)
El Síndrome Respiratorio Coronavirus de Oriente Medio (MERS-CoV), también conocido anteriormente como "nuevo coronavirus (nCoV)”, fue identificado en el 2012 en Arabia Saudita. A la mayoría de las personas infectadas con el MERS-CoV les da una enfermedad respiratoria aguda grave con síntomas de fiebre, tos y dificultad para respirar. Cerca de la mitad muere. Un número pequeño de los casos reportados tuvieron una enfermedad respiratoria leve. Los investigadores están tratando de descubrir la fuente del MERS-CoV y cómo se propaga. No se han reportado casos en los Estados Unidos.
Casos y muertes por el MERS,
abril del 2012 hasta el presente
Actualizado el 7 de noviembre de 2013
Países | Casos (muertes) |
Arabia Saudita | 125 (53) |
Catar | 7 (3) |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos | 6 (2) |
Francia | 2 (1) |
Italia | 1 (0) |
Jordania | 2 (2) |
Omán | 1 (0) |
Reino Unido | 3 (2) |
Túnez | 3 (1) |
Total | 150 (64) |
Para más información visite la página de laOrganización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

Este virus es diferente a todos los otros tipos de coronavirus encontrados hasta ahora en las personas. También es diferente al coronavirus que causó el SRAG (síndrome respiratorio agudo grave) en el 2003. Sin embargo, al igual que el virus del SRAG, el nuevo coronavirus es muy similar a los detectados en murciélagos.
¿Qué son los coronavirus?
Los coronavirus llevan su nombre por las puntas en forma de corona que tienen en su superficie. Son virus comunes que la mayoría de las personas contraen en algún momento de sus vidas. Por lo general causan enfermedades leves a moderadas de las vías respiratorias superiores.
Los coronavirus también pueden afectar a los animales. La mayoría de estos coronavirus generalmente solo infectan a una especie animal o, como mucho, a un pequeño número de especies estrechamente relacionadas. Sin embargo, el coronavirus del SRAG puede infectar a personas y animales, incluidos los monos, las civetas de palmera del Himalaya, los perros mapaches, gatos, perros y roedores.
Socios globales se esfuerzan por saber más acerca del MERS
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los CDC y otros socios están aprendiendo más acerca del MERS. También se esfuerzan por entender mejor los posibles riesgos para la salud del público. Para más información, lea el artículo (en inglés) Actualización: Enfermedad respiratoria grave asociada con un nuevo coronavirus a nivel mundial, 2012-2013.
No hay advertencias de salud relacionadas con el MERS para los viajeros con respecto a ningún país
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) no ha emitido ninguna advertencia de salud para los viajeros con relación al MERS para ningún país.
Para obtener más información sobre la situación con el MERS y consejos para las personas que viajan al exterior, consulte el Aviso de los CDC para los viajeros (en inglés): Un nuevo coronavirus llamado "MERS-CoV" en la península Arábica.
Spanish MERS case triggers flight contact tracing
Nov 07, 2013
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said
today in an updated risk assessment that the 61-year-old woman with no
known underlying health conditions was in Saudi Arabia from Oct 2 to Nov
1. She visited Medina, then Mecca and had no known contact with
Her symptoms began Oct 15 with cough and fever, and she was seen at a hospital emergency department of a Mecca hospital on Oct 28 and 29, where health workers diagnosed her as having pneumonia, based on chest x-ray findings.
Spain's health ministry told CIDRAP News that it has relayed more details about the case to European health authorities, including that the woman refused to be hospitalized in Saudi Arabia and was hospitalized in Madrid on Nov 1 when she arrived back in Spain.
According to the ECDC, the patient was sick during the flight and needed oxygen treatment while she was aboard.
The health ministry said she was in Medina from Oct 2 through Oct 10 and in Mecca from Oct 11 through Nov 1.
The patient is still listed in stable condition and has not required intensive care, according to the health ministry. She was placed in a private room on Nov 1, and her medical team instituted respiratory isolation measures on Nov 4 when they suspected the woman was infected with MERS-CoV.
Initial lab tests for MERS-CoV on three different samples were positive on Nov 5, and further tests are ongoing to confirm the findings, the ECDC said. The health ministry said viral isolation is in progress.
Spanish health officials started contact tracing yesterday, focusing on the woman's family members, healthcare workers, and passengers and airline staff who had close contact with the woman, the ECDC said. It added that no residents from other EU countries were seated within two rows of the patient.
Spain's health ministry said 11 passengers who sat within two rows of the woman have been identified, but information about their resident countries are still pending.
The list of the woman’s contacts so far also includes 18 health workers at the Madrid hospital, 7 patients who had contact with her in the emergency department, and 14 family members, including 4 who are under age 5. Spain's health ministry said nasopharyngeal swabs will be obtained from all of the contacts.
Her symptoms began Oct 15 with cough and fever, and she was seen at a hospital emergency department of a Mecca hospital on Oct 28 and 29, where health workers diagnosed her as having pneumonia, based on chest x-ray findings.
Spain's health ministry told CIDRAP News that it has relayed more details about the case to European health authorities, including that the woman refused to be hospitalized in Saudi Arabia and was hospitalized in Madrid on Nov 1 when she arrived back in Spain.
According to the ECDC, the patient was sick during the flight and needed oxygen treatment while she was aboard.
The health ministry said she was in Medina from Oct 2 through Oct 10 and in Mecca from Oct 11 through Nov 1.
The patient is still listed in stable condition and has not required intensive care, according to the health ministry. She was placed in a private room on Nov 1, and her medical team instituted respiratory isolation measures on Nov 4 when they suspected the woman was infected with MERS-CoV.
Initial lab tests for MERS-CoV on three different samples were positive on Nov 5, and further tests are ongoing to confirm the findings, the ECDC said. The health ministry said viral isolation is in progress.
Spanish health officials started contact tracing yesterday, focusing on the woman's family members, healthcare workers, and passengers and airline staff who had close contact with the woman, the ECDC said. It added that no residents from other EU countries were seated within two rows of the patient.
Spain's health ministry said 11 passengers who sat within two rows of the woman have been identified, but information about their resident countries are still pending.
The list of the woman’s contacts so far also includes 18 health workers at the Madrid hospital, 7 patients who had contact with her in the emergency department, and 14 family members, including 4 who are under age 5. Spain's health ministry said nasopharyngeal swabs will be obtained from all of the contacts.
ECDC Updated Rapid Risk Assessment #MERS #Coronavirus - November 6, 2013
[editing below is mine]
Source and date of request ECDC internal decision, 6 November 2013.
ECDC internal response team Denis Coulombier, Tarik Derrough, Josep Jansa, Kaja Kaasik-Aaslav, Daniel Palm, Pasi Penttinen, Juliana Reyes- Uruena, Bertrand Sudre.
Acknowledgements: Coordinating Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Madrid, Spain
Public Health Issue
This eighth update of the rapid risk assessment of the MERS-CoV outbreak is intended to provide expert opinion on the risk for Europe with regards to the probable case of MERS reported by Spain on 5 November.
Event Background
On 6 November 2013, Spain reported a case of MERS-CoV infection in a 61-year-old female with no known chronic conditions. She stayed in Saudi Arabia from 2 October to 1 November 2013, initially in Medina, then in Mecca for the Hajj. No contacts with animals or confirmed cases were reported.
She flew from Jeddah to Madrid on 1 November 2013.
The onset of symptoms was reported as of 15 October 2013 (cough, fever) and she was seen at the emergency ward in Mecca Hospital on 28 and 29 October where pneumonia was diagnosed through chest x-ray.
During the return flight she was symptomatic and required oxygen while in the aircraft. She was taken to a hospital in Madrid, admitted with the diagnosis of pneumonia and isolated as per guidelines. This patient is now in a stable condition.
On 5 November 2013, initial PCR laboratory test for MERS-CoV screening was positive on three different samples. Further tests for case confirmation are pending.
On 6 November, the Spanish authorities implemented contact-tracing activities around family members of the case, healthcare personnel and patients that had been in close contact with the case. Passengers, as well as staff and crew from the airline, that had been in close contact with the case are also being traced. Naso-pharyngeal samples will be collected from them. No residents from other EU/EEA countries appear to be on the list of passengers seated within two rows of the index case.
Epidemiological situation worldwide
As of 7 November 2013, there have been 151 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV worldwide, including 64 deaths. All cases have either occurred in the Middle East or have had direct links to a primary case infected in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia has reported 125 symptomatic and asymptomatic cases including 53 deaths;; Jordan two cases, both of whom died;; United Arab Emirates five cases, including one fatality;; Qatar five cases, including two deaths;; and Oman one case.
Thirteen cases have been reported from outside the Middle East: in the UK (4), France (2), Tunisia (3), Germany (2), Italy (1) and Spain (1).
ECDC risk assessment for the EU
This is the 13th case reported outside of the Middle East, the tenth reported in EU/EEA Member States, the first reported in Spain and the first reported in the EU/EEA Member States since May 2013.
This case would correspond to an imported case in the EU, following exposure in Saudi Arabia and being symptomatic during the Hajj. The risk that the EU would see importation of new cases was stressed in the ECDC rapid risk assessment published on 24 September, and therefore, this situation was expected.
The Spanish authorities have implemented tracing activities consistent with WHO and ECDC recommendations. Therefore, the risk for further spread in the EU/EEA countries is considered extremely low.
The first case of MERS-CoV infection reported in Spain should remind EU citizens of the risk for contracting MERS- CoV through exposure while travelling to the Middle East. As indicated in previous risk assessments, such cases are expected to be reported in the EU, and in particular, among pilgrims returning from the Hajj.
EU/EEA Member States are investigating potential cases presenting suggestive symptoms on return from the Middle East. Until this case, all investigations turned out to be negative, but this finding confirms the need to pursue efforts to rapidly investigate possible cases.
Source and date of request ECDC internal decision, 6 November 2013.
ECDC internal response team Denis Coulombier, Tarik Derrough, Josep Jansa, Kaja Kaasik-Aaslav, Daniel Palm, Pasi Penttinen, Juliana Reyes- Uruena, Bertrand Sudre.
Acknowledgements: Coordinating Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Madrid, Spain
Public Health Issue
This eighth update of the rapid risk assessment of the MERS-CoV outbreak is intended to provide expert opinion on the risk for Europe with regards to the probable case of MERS reported by Spain on 5 November.
Event Background
On 6 November 2013, Spain reported a case of MERS-CoV infection in a 61-year-old female with no known chronic conditions. She stayed in Saudi Arabia from 2 October to 1 November 2013, initially in Medina, then in Mecca for the Hajj. No contacts with animals or confirmed cases were reported.
She flew from Jeddah to Madrid on 1 November 2013.
The onset of symptoms was reported as of 15 October 2013 (cough, fever) and she was seen at the emergency ward in Mecca Hospital on 28 and 29 October where pneumonia was diagnosed through chest x-ray.
During the return flight she was symptomatic and required oxygen while in the aircraft. She was taken to a hospital in Madrid, admitted with the diagnosis of pneumonia and isolated as per guidelines. This patient is now in a stable condition.
On 5 November 2013, initial PCR laboratory test for MERS-CoV screening was positive on three different samples. Further tests for case confirmation are pending.
On 6 November, the Spanish authorities implemented contact-tracing activities around family members of the case, healthcare personnel and patients that had been in close contact with the case. Passengers, as well as staff and crew from the airline, that had been in close contact with the case are also being traced. Naso-pharyngeal samples will be collected from them. No residents from other EU/EEA countries appear to be on the list of passengers seated within two rows of the index case.
Epidemiological situation worldwide
As of 7 November 2013, there have been 151 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV worldwide, including 64 deaths. All cases have either occurred in the Middle East or have had direct links to a primary case infected in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia has reported 125 symptomatic and asymptomatic cases including 53 deaths;; Jordan two cases, both of whom died;; United Arab Emirates five cases, including one fatality;; Qatar five cases, including two deaths;; and Oman one case.
Thirteen cases have been reported from outside the Middle East: in the UK (4), France (2), Tunisia (3), Germany (2), Italy (1) and Spain (1).
ECDC risk assessment for the EU
This is the 13th case reported outside of the Middle East, the tenth reported in EU/EEA Member States, the first reported in Spain and the first reported in the EU/EEA Member States since May 2013.
This case would correspond to an imported case in the EU, following exposure in Saudi Arabia and being symptomatic during the Hajj. The risk that the EU would see importation of new cases was stressed in the ECDC rapid risk assessment published on 24 September, and therefore, this situation was expected.
The Spanish authorities have implemented tracing activities consistent with WHO and ECDC recommendations. Therefore, the risk for further spread in the EU/EEA countries is considered extremely low.
The first case of MERS-CoV infection reported in Spain should remind EU citizens of the risk for contracting MERS- CoV through exposure while travelling to the Middle East. As indicated in previous risk assessments, such cases are expected to be reported in the EU, and in particular, among pilgrims returning from the Hajj.
EU/EEA Member States are investigating potential cases presenting suggestive symptoms on return from the Middle East. Until this case, all investigations turned out to be negative, but this finding confirms the need to pursue efforts to rapidly investigate possible cases.
#MERS #Coronavirus Oman and UAE New Cases with Map
This is a collection of various articles, bringing you all the details we have right now.
All are excerpts. Below is a map of the recent case in Oman and UAE.
Oman reports first Mers coronavirus case
October 30, 2013
Oman has reported its first case of the deadly Mers coronavirus, a local newspapers said on Wednesday, the fourth Arab country where the strain has been found since it emerged in Saudi Arabia last year. Omani newspapers quoted Health Affairs Undersecretary Mohamed bin Saif Al Hosni as saying that the patient was admitted to a hospital in Nizwa, an oasis town south-west of Muscat, suffering from a chest infection. Oman Observer said the man, who was in stable condition, had the virus after contact with a person from outside the country.
Oman coronavirus patient monitored by experts
October 31, 2013
The first coronavirus case is being closely monitored by a team of experts, according to Dr Ahmad Bin Mohammad Al Saeedi, Oman’s Minister of Health. Addressing the local media on Wednesday at the end of the 60th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, the minister confirmed that the patient was a senior citizen and was also diabetic. “The man complained of a severe chest infection and was diagnosed with coronavirus at around 7.30pm on Tuesday,” he said....http://tinyurl.com/klrsufn
Oman reports first case of deadly MERS virus
November 1, 2013
The WHO said the patient in Oman is a 68-year-old man from Al Dahkliya region who became ill on Oct. 26.
...the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Thursday, and it also confirmed the first MERS case in Oman.
"Investigations are currently ongoing to determine what exposures might be responsible for his infection," it said. http://tinyurl.com/lujz5dq
One corona virus case discovered in Abu Dhabi
November 7, 2013
The Abu Dhabi Health Authority has announced the discovery of a Corona virus-inflicted case in one of Abu Dhabi’s hospitals. The visiting Omani patient, who is 75 years old, suffered from respiratory problems during the month of October, when he was hospitalised and diagnosed and is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit of the hospital.
All are excerpts. Below is a map of the recent case in Oman and UAE.
![]() |
Case(s) in Oman & UAE - link: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=203813299286646113648.0004ea9839a8f061c38c5&msa=0&ll=23.785345,53.613281&spn=13.465257,15.095215 |
Oman reports first Mers coronavirus case
October 30, 2013
Oman has reported its first case of the deadly Mers coronavirus, a local newspapers said on Wednesday, the fourth Arab country where the strain has been found since it emerged in Saudi Arabia last year. Omani newspapers quoted Health Affairs Undersecretary Mohamed bin Saif Al Hosni as saying that the patient was admitted to a hospital in Nizwa, an oasis town south-west of Muscat, suffering from a chest infection. Oman Observer said the man, who was in stable condition, had the virus after contact with a person from outside the country.
Oman coronavirus patient monitored by experts
October 31, 2013
The first coronavirus case is being closely monitored by a team of experts, according to Dr Ahmad Bin Mohammad Al Saeedi, Oman’s Minister of Health. Addressing the local media on Wednesday at the end of the 60th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, the minister confirmed that the patient was a senior citizen and was also diabetic. “The man complained of a severe chest infection and was diagnosed with coronavirus at around 7.30pm on Tuesday,” he said....http://tinyurl.com/klrsufn
Oman reports first case of deadly MERS virus
November 1, 2013
The WHO said the patient in Oman is a 68-year-old man from Al Dahkliya region who became ill on Oct. 26.
...the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Thursday, and it also confirmed the first MERS case in Oman.
"Investigations are currently ongoing to determine what exposures might be responsible for his infection," it said. http://tinyurl.com/lujz5dq
One corona virus case discovered in Abu Dhabi
November 7, 2013
The Abu Dhabi Health Authority has announced the discovery of a Corona virus-inflicted case in one of Abu Dhabi’s hospitals. The visiting Omani patient, who is 75 years old, suffered from respiratory problems during the month of October, when he was hospitalised and diagnosed and is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit of the hospital.
#H7N9 China Jiangsu Province Revises Influenza Pandemic Contingency Plan
November 7, 2013
Excerpt - Translation
"H7N9 bird flu coming or not a doubt , the key is to look at how early detection and timely response ." Jiangsu Province CDC director Zhouming Hao said that Jiangsu Province has been revised "influenza pandemic contingency plan" , so to cope with various influenza more targeted and maneuverability.
Dongguan started " people infected with H7N9 avian influenza contingency plans " Ⅲ level emergency response , all health institutions in the area of deployment of emergency monitoring settings. Currently there are 13 Dongguan sentinel surveillance , health department checked weekly influenza sentinel samples delivered .
Excerpt - Translation
"H7N9 bird flu coming or not a doubt , the key is to look at how early detection and timely response ." Jiangsu Province CDC director Zhouming Hao said that Jiangsu Province has been revised "influenza pandemic contingency plan" , so to cope with various influenza more targeted and maneuverability.
Dongguan started " people infected with H7N9 avian influenza contingency plans " Ⅲ level emergency response , all health institutions in the area of deployment of emergency monitoring settings. Currently there are 13 Dongguan sentinel surveillance , health department checked weekly influenza sentinel samples delivered .
Hong Kong Sec. for Food & Health Bureau: Human Infections with #H7N9 Inferred Poultry Infection - Strong Consensus Only, Not Fact
November 7, 2013
KO: Strengthening H7N9 surveillance measures
Ko Wing Man, said expert opinion is that if human infection with avian influenza A H7N9, can be inferred poultry should also have infection, but this is an inference.Therefore, at present only a strong consensus that is relevant in this respect, because in fact no scientific evidence.
KO: Strengthening H7N9 surveillance measures
Ko Wing Man, said expert opinion is that if human infection with avian influenza A H7N9, can be inferred poultry should also have infection, but this is an inference.Therefore, at present only a strong consensus that is relevant in this respect, because in fact no scientific evidence.
#H7N9 Guangdong 3yo Case Was Picked Up From Routine Monitoring for Flu-Liike Illness
My previous post did not mention that this case was found during routine surveillance....
November 5, 3013
Excerpt -Translation
It is reported that children, male, 3 years, 5 months, Suining, Sichuan, who now live in Changping Town, Dongguan Yuan Shan Pui Village.4 November afternoon, Dongguan City CDC in Changping hospital for routine monitoring of influenza-like illness were detected in an H7 subtype avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive specimens, 5 November morning by the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control Experiment Room review was positive, with the case of clinical symptoms, epidemiological and laboratory test results to determine the human infection of H7N9 avian influenza confirmed cases.
November 5, 3013
Excerpt -Translation
It is reported that children, male, 3 years, 5 months, Suining, Sichuan, who now live in Changping Town, Dongguan Yuan Shan Pui Village.4 November afternoon, Dongguan City CDC in Changping hospital for routine monitoring of influenza-like illness were detected in an H7 subtype avian influenza virus nucleic acid positive specimens, 5 November morning by the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control Experiment Room review was positive, with the case of clinical symptoms, epidemiological and laboratory test results to determine the human infection of H7N9 avian influenza confirmed cases.
Taiwan "Mainland Affairs Council" travel alert issued #H7N9
November 7, 2013
According to Taiwan's TVBS website reported one case of H7N9 flu in Guangdong new confirmed cases, Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council" on the 6th morning issued a yellow travel alert for this region.
"MAC" reminded people to enter the H7N9 avian influenza in winter a good season, prevention efforts can not relax, if you want to go to the people of Guangdong business trip or tourism, we must pay special attention to their own health and safety.
According to Taiwan's TVBS website reported one case of H7N9 flu in Guangdong new confirmed cases, Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council" on the 6th morning issued a yellow travel alert for this region.
"MAC" reminded people to enter the H7N9 avian influenza in winter a good season, prevention efforts can not relax, if you want to go to the people of Guangdong business trip or tourism, we must pay special attention to their own health and safety.
Hong Kong: Ko Wing Man: Anti-H7N9 measures up to high standards
From the Hong Kong Government News Network
November 6, 2013
Secretary for Food and Health Ko Wing-man said that influenza will start at 20 degrees or less active, Mainland twelve weeks prior to the emergence H7N9 cases. Hong Kong's existing supply of live poultry for the H7N9 risk management measures has reached a very high level, some experts believe that is enough, some experts have proposed to do more to follow up with the Mainland authorities. Ko Wing Man today (November 6) Inspection "2013-14 Annual Government Vaccination Programme" implementation after meeting with the media, said that since last year, East outbreak H7N9 avian flu, the Hong Kong health care system and food safety authorities have taken a series of measures, there has been no let up, and today there are meeting risk assessment. He said that the current H7N9 virus genes have not found major changes, so to maintain the level of risk assessment. The Government will strengthen the temperature probe in the port of entry, and strengthen education, improve cross-boundary students and other health conscious. Hospitals, in addition to the prevention of various diseases with high morbidity winter and seasonal flu, we will also strengthen against H7N9 in "Early diagnosis and isolation", and other infection control measures. Speaking recently, Dongguan City, a year-old boy diagnosed with avian influenza A H7N9 infection, he said that the mainland still had for the boy to be inspected poultry markets, has introduced a series of poultry wholesale and retail markets for the control of measures, including cleaning, suspension and "clear day" and other similar policies in Hong Kong. He attended the annual event tomorrow to Shenzhen inspection and quarantine seminar will follow up with the Mainland authorities prevention and control measures. Ko Wing Man said Hong Kong has two annual seasonal influenza season, mainly between winter to spring. Government has embarked on influenza vaccination and subsidy schemes were hospitalized chronic high-risk groups of people vaccinated, children and the elderly and funding to private clinics vaccinated. He said that the flu itself is not a serious illness, but there are few people, especially low resistance and chronic diseases, seasonal flu might arise from the more dangerous complications. If large-scale outbreak of influenza in Hong Kong, while avian invasion, there may make two kinds of influenza virus in the same recombinant human body, when flu may be more severe or high pathogenicity, so I hope the public will receive the seasonal flu vaccine.http://www.news.gov.hk/tc/categories/health/html/2013/11/20131106_154647.lin.shtml
Detectado un caso importado del nuevo #coronavirus en España
El Ministerio de Sinidad
La paciente había viajado a Arabia Saudí
La paciente, que permaneció durante el mes de octubre en Arabia Saudí, se encuentra en situación favorable y estable
El caso no supone riesgo para la salud pública en España
Las autoridades sanitarias han seguido los procedimientos nacionales e internacionales para la atención de este caso
6 de noviembre de 2013. El Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad ha notificado la detección de un caso importado en España con resultados positivos de laboratorio para la infección humana por el nuevo coronavirus.
6 de noviembre de 2013. El Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad ha notificado la detección de un caso importado en España con resultados positivos de laboratorio para la infección humana por el nuevo coronavirus.
Se trata de una mujer residente en España, nacida en Marruecos, que había viajado a Arabia Saudí y que se encuentra ingresada en el Hospital Puerta de Hierro de Majadahonda (Madrid), donde se han tomado todas las medidas sobre el caso, así como sobre los posibles contactos según los procedimientos de actuación consensuados entre este Ministerio y las CC AA.
La paciente, que ingresó el pasado 1 de noviembre, permanece en situación favorable y estable. Las muestras analizadas en el Centro Nacional de Microbiología han resultado positivas a infección por el nuevo coronavirus.
El Ministerio y la Comunidad de Madrid están procediendo a la identificación de todos los contactos estrechos de la paciente, tal y como se recomienda en los procedimientos acordados a nivel nacional e internacional.
Un caso importado, en el que se han establecido todas estas medidas, no supone riesgo para la salud pública en España.
Siguiendo lo establecido en el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional, el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad lo ha notificado a la Organización Mundial de la Salud, así como a la red europea de alerta rápida (EWRS), con los que se mantiene un estrecho seguimiento de la situación, junto con la Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid.
El coronavirus causante del síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio fue identificado en el año 2012 en Arabia Saudí. La mayoría de las personas afectadas por este virus respiratorio presenta enfermedad respiratoria aguda con síntomas de fiebre, tos y dificultad respiratoria.
Hasta la fecha se han notificado 150 casos confirmados, 125 de ellos en Arabia Saudí. Todos los casos se han registrado en cinco países de Oriente Próximo (Arabia, Jordania, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Qatar y Omán). En Europa se han registrado casos, todos ellos importados de esta zona, en otros cuatro países: Reino Unido (dos casos), Alemania (dos casos), Francia (un caso) e Italia (un caso).
Para más información sobre el coronavirus puede consultarse la página web del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad.
Spain has first MERS case; woman went to Hajj
November 6, 2013
The woman was already sick before she left the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a World Health Organization expert said Wednesday.
“She became symptomatic while she was in KSA,” said Dr. Anthony Mounts, the WHO’s point person for the new virus, a cousin of the coronavirus that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak.
“We understand that she did perform the Hajj and came back and was admitted to hospital in Spain and was tested there.”
It appears the woman had some contact with the health-care system while in Saudi Arabia, but the details of that are not yet clear.
“I believe that she was checked, but I don’t think that she was so severe at that time,” said Mounts.
“I don’t know anything about whether or not they tested there. … That’s one of the things that we’re still trying to get information on.”
The woman was already sick before she left the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a World Health Organization expert said Wednesday.
“She became symptomatic while she was in KSA,” said Dr. Anthony Mounts, the WHO’s point person for the new virus, a cousin of the coronavirus that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak.
“We understand that she did perform the Hajj and came back and was admitted to hospital in Spain and was tested there.”
It appears the woman had some contact with the health-care system while in Saudi Arabia, but the details of that are not yet clear.
“I believe that she was checked, but I don’t think that she was so severe at that time,” said Mounts.
“I don’t know anything about whether or not they tested there. … That’s one of the things that we’re still trying to get information on.”
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
CDC: Surveillance for Avian Influenza A(H7N9), Beijing, China, 2013
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Volume 19, Number 12—December 2013
Peng Yang, Xinghuo Pang, Ying Deng, Chunna Ma, Daitao
Zhang, Ying Sun, Weixian Shi, Guilan Lu, Jiachen Zhao, Yimeng Liu,
Xiaomin Peng, Yi Tian, Haikun Qian, Lijuan Chen, and Quanyi Wang

Author affiliations: Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing, China; Beijing Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Beijing; Capital Medical University School of Public Health, Beijing
During surveillance for pneumonia of unknown etiology and sentinel hospital–based surveillance in Beijing, China, we detected avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection in 4 persons who had pneumonia, influenza-like illness, or asymptomatic infections. Samples from poultry workers, associated poultry environments, and wild birds suggest that this virus might not be present in Beijing.-snip-
The first patient infected with influenza A(H7N9) virus in Beijing was found by surveillance for pneumonia of unknown etiology, which was initially designed for finding patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome or influenza A(H5N1) virus infection. Although hospital-based surveillance is less efficient in finding mild and asymptomatic infections, it may be the most feasible approach for identifying severe cases of infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus.
The second patient infected with influenza A(H7N9) virus, the 6-year-old boy, was found through sentinel hospital and laboratory-based surveillance. Before emergence of influenza A(H7N9) virus, surveillance was conducted by using cell culture–based virus isolation techniques. To increase assay sensitivity and rapidity, real-time PCR preceding virus isolation was adopted to replace the strategy of only using virus isolation. In addition, because only specimens positive for seasonal influenza viruses were subjected to virus isolation, this procedure could help avoid the risk for propagating influenza A(H7N9) virus from unknown specimens, as is caused by conducting virus isolation directly in biosafety level 2 laboratories. Our findings and those of another report (8) demonstrated that patients infected with influenza A(H7N9) virus only had ILI. Therefore, the strategy of PCR preceding virus isolation should be the preferred option during sentinel hospital and laboratory-based surveillance.
Live poultry is the major source of avian influenza A(H7N9) (6, 9–11). In addition, migratory birds may participate in multiple reassortment events for emergence of H7N9 subtype virus (1,12). Therefore, the role of wild birds in transmission of avian influenza A(H7N9) virus to poultry or humans should not be ignored. In our samples from poultry workers, associated poultry environments, and wild birds, influenza A(H7N9) virus was not found, which suggests that this virus might not be present in Beijing.
In conclusion, human infections with H7N9 virus can cause a wide spectrum of clinical illnesses. Surveillance of patients with pneumonia of unknown etiology is preferred for early detection of severe cases. PCR is recommended for screening in sentinel hospital and laboratory-based surveillance of influenza A(H7N9).
For Full Article: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/12/13-0983_article.htm
CDC: Full Genome of Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Derived by Direct Sequencing without Culture
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Continued full article: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/11/13-0664_article.htm
Volume 19, Number 11—November 2013
Xianwen Ren1, Fan Yang1, Yongfeng Hu1, Ting Zhang1, Liguo Liu1, Jie Dong, Lilian Sun, Yafang Zhu, Yan Xiao, Li Li, Jian Yang, Jianwei Wang, and Qi Jin

Author affiliations: MOH Key Laboratory of Systems Biology of Pathogens, Beijing, China
An epidemic caused by influenza A (H7N9) virus was recently reported in China. Deep sequencing revealed the full genome of the virus obtained directly from a patient’s sputum without virus culture. The full genome showed substantial sequence heterogeneity and large differences compared with that from embryonated chicken eggs.Continued full article: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/11/13-0664_article.htm
CDC: Lack of MERS Coronavirus Neutralizing Antibodies in Humans, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
Emerging Infectious Diseases - Ahead of Print
Volume 19, Number 12—December 2013
Stefanie Gierer1, Heike Hofmann-Winkler1,
Waleed H. Albuali, Stephanie Bertram, Abdullah M. Al-Rubaish, Abdullah
A. Yousef, Awatif N. Al-Nafaie, Amein K. Al-Ali, Obeid E. Obeid, Khaled
R. Alkharsah, and Stefan Pöhlmann1

Author affiliations: German Primate Center, Göttingen, Germany (S. Gierer, H. Hofmann-Winkler, S. Bertram, S. Pöhlmann); University
of Dammam, Dammam, Saudi Arabia (W.H. Albuali, A.M. Al-Rubaish, A.A.
Yousef, A.N. Al-Nafaie, A.K. Al-Ali, O.E. Obeid, K.R. Alkharsah).
We used a lentiviral vector bearing the viral spike protein to detect neutralizing antibodies against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in persons from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. None of the 268 samples tested displayed neutralizing activity, which suggests that MERS-CoV infections in humans are infrequent in this province.Complete article: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/12/13-0701_article.htm
First case in Spain of the new #MERS #Coronavirus
MADRID, 6 Nov (IRIN) -
This is a woman living in Spain, born in Morocco, who had traveled to
Saudi Arabia and is admitted to the Hospital Puerta de Hierro
Majadahonda (Madrid), where they say that "we have taken all the
measures on the case" as well as possible contacts as operating
procedures agreed between the Ministry and communities.
The patient, who was admitted on November 1, remains in a favorable and stable, but the samples analyzed in the National Microbiology Center have tested positive to the new coronavirus infection.
Both the Ministry and the Community of Madrid are proceeding to identify all close contacts of the patient, as recommended in the procedures agreed at national and international level.
However, he insists, "an imported case in which all these measures have been established, no risk to public health in Spain".
Following the provisions of the International Health Regulations, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality has notified the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European rapid alert network (EWRS), with which it maintains close monitoring of the situation, together with the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid.
This new coronavirus was identified last year in Saudi Arabia, where they have notified 125 of the 150 cases confirmed to date by WHO.
The remaining cases have been reported in five countries in the Middle East (Saudi, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman), while in Europe all reported cases are imported from that area. In particular, there have been cases in the UK (2), Germany (2), France (1) and Italy (1).
Most people affected by this respiratory virus acute respiratory disease presents with fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality has reported the
detection of the first imported case in Spain with positive laboratory
results for human infection similar to the new coronavirus that causes
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which caused more than one
hundred infections in the Middle East.
The patient, who was admitted on November 1, remains in a favorable and stable, but the samples analyzed in the National Microbiology Center have tested positive to the new coronavirus infection.
Both the Ministry and the Community of Madrid are proceeding to identify all close contacts of the patient, as recommended in the procedures agreed at national and international level.
However, he insists, "an imported case in which all these measures have been established, no risk to public health in Spain".
Following the provisions of the International Health Regulations, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality has notified the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European rapid alert network (EWRS), with which it maintains close monitoring of the situation, together with the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid.
This new coronavirus was identified last year in Saudi Arabia, where they have notified 125 of the 150 cases confirmed to date by WHO.
The remaining cases have been reported in five countries in the Middle East (Saudi, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman), while in Europe all reported cases are imported from that area. In particular, there have been cases in the UK (2), Germany (2), France (1) and Italy (1).
Most people affected by this respiratory virus acute respiratory disease presents with fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
#H7N9 Guangdong 3(M) Sym's Cough, No Fever, Lungs Fine, Contacts Confirmed Negative
November 6, 2013
Guangdong authorities said the boy was infected with H7N9 virus in Suining, Sichuan people, now living in Changping Town, Dongguan Yuan Shan Pui Village, he had cough but no fever, and lungs was normal, the condition is stable, in Dongguan City People's Hospital of Infectious Diseases isolation treatment. Boy's seven close contacts are under medical observation, of which three people experience flu-like symptoms, has been tested for H7N9 virus confirmed all were negative.
Guangdong health department refers to the boy last month on the 27th, a few days before the onset of the disease, the parents had been brought to the village only Yuanshanbei market to buy dishes, but there is no contact with poultry. Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety department confirmed that the market has a 13 km range for the Hong Kong registered live poultry farms, but it will not stop temporarily for poultry farms in Hong Kong, the center will close liaison with the Mainland authorities to determine the appropriate corresponding actions.
Guangdong authorities said the boy was infected with H7N9 virus in Suining, Sichuan people, now living in Changping Town, Dongguan Yuan Shan Pui Village, he had cough but no fever, and lungs was normal, the condition is stable, in Dongguan City People's Hospital of Infectious Diseases isolation treatment. Boy's seven close contacts are under medical observation, of which three people experience flu-like symptoms, has been tested for H7N9 virus confirmed all were negative.
Guangdong health department refers to the boy last month on the 27th, a few days before the onset of the disease, the parents had been brought to the village only Yuanshanbei market to buy dishes, but there is no contact with poultry. Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety department confirmed that the market has a 13 km range for the Hong Kong registered live poultry farms, but it will not stop temporarily for poultry farms in Hong Kong, the center will close liaison with the Mainland authorities to determine the appropriate corresponding actions.
Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau officials: HK #H7N9 avian influenza prevention measures has reached a high level
November 6, 2013
People November 6 hearing, according to the Hong Kong Government News Network News, Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health Ko Wing-man said that as the temperature dropped to 20 degrees below, the Mainland has begun H7N9 cases, our existing risk management measures for live poultry has been reached a very high level, the Government will pay close attention to the relevant circumstances.
It is reported that recently Dongguan, a year-old boy was diagnosed infected with influenza A H7N9 avian influenza virus, which also follow the Mainland Hong Kong side control measures. Ko Wing-man said that the government has launched influenza vaccination and subsidy schemes, and will enhance the winter influenza season between risk assessment and management, but also hope that people will try to seasonal influenza vaccinations.
#H7N9 Guangdong Child's 3 Contacts Have Flu-like Sym's. Poultry Tests Negative
November 6, 2013
China news agency, Guangzhou, November 6 (Cheng Jingwei and Luo Yishan) - Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture said outside 6 pm, Changping Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, occurred an H7N9 avian influenza infection in children, the local agricultural sector in accordance with the relevant Chinese Ministry of Agriculture guidelines to carry out emergency monitoring H7N9 avian influenza were collected within the relevant market in Dongguan Changping poultry population of 175 samples, the results were negative.
According to the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission of the 5th Bulletin, Dongguan, Guangdong, a 3-year-old five month boy was diagnosed with H7N9 avian influenza infection.
Currently boy milder, and its seven close contacts of 3 people experience flu-like symptoms.
The child is in Suining, Sichuan, who now live in Changping Town, Dongguan Yuan Shan Pui Village.
This year, the agricultural sector across the province of Guangdong in accordance with the Guangdong provincial government and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, the arrangements and requirements, to carry H7N9 avian influenza surveillance.
Up to now, the province's total monitoring H7N9 avian flu samples 87,462 copies, except April and May have been published and processed two positive samples, all the other negative. This two positive samples in Dongguan Dongcheng District, Guangzhou Zengcheng City was found. It is reported that this year's May 24, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, "the Ministry of Agriculture Bulletin No. 1950" H7N9 avian influenza has been adjusted to the two types of animal disease management.
China news agency, Guangzhou, November 6 (Cheng Jingwei and Luo Yishan) - Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture said outside 6 pm, Changping Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, occurred an H7N9 avian influenza infection in children, the local agricultural sector in accordance with the relevant Chinese Ministry of Agriculture guidelines to carry out emergency monitoring H7N9 avian influenza were collected within the relevant market in Dongguan Changping poultry population of 175 samples, the results were negative.
According to the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission of the 5th Bulletin, Dongguan, Guangdong, a 3-year-old five month boy was diagnosed with H7N9 avian influenza infection.
Currently boy milder, and its seven close contacts of 3 people experience flu-like symptoms.
The child is in Suining, Sichuan, who now live in Changping Town, Dongguan Yuan Shan Pui Village.
This year, the agricultural sector across the province of Guangdong in accordance with the Guangdong provincial government and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, the arrangements and requirements, to carry H7N9 avian influenza surveillance.
Up to now, the province's total monitoring H7N9 avian flu samples 87,462 copies, except April and May have been published and processed two positive samples, all the other negative. This two positive samples in Dongguan Dongcheng District, Guangzhou Zengcheng City was found. It is reported that this year's May 24, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, "the Ministry of Agriculture Bulletin No. 1950" H7N9 avian influenza has been adjusted to the two types of animal disease management.
Commentary: The Virulence of #H7N9 Cases in Autumn 2013
There have been 4 cases of avian influenza H7N9 in China, since it's reprieve during the Summer. There was an abrupt slowdown in April, with one case in July, and one in August. Then, October and November brought 4 cases.
3 of the 4 cases are in Zhejiang Province. The 4th, in Guangdong Province.
After much research today, I was able to obtain the onset date for the 1st case this Autumn, Henan Liu Ji 35(M). It is the interval from onset to critical condition that has me concerned.
3 of the 4 cases this Autumn are in critical condition.
The first case, 35(M) had an onset of 10/7. In the article in the previous post of this blog, talks of how the onset was abrupt. From onset to ICU was 4 days.
The second case, 67(M) was 5 days between onset and ICU.
The third case, 64(F) was 3 days.
The fourth case, a child of 3(M), was 4-5 days.
3 of the 4 cases are in Zhejiang Province. The 4th, in Guangdong Province.
After much research today, I was able to obtain the onset date for the 1st case this Autumn, Henan Liu Ji 35(M). It is the interval from onset to critical condition that has me concerned.
3 of the 4 cases this Autumn are in critical condition.
The first case, 35(M) had an onset of 10/7. In the article in the previous post of this blog, talks of how the onset was abrupt. From onset to ICU was 4 days.
The second case, 67(M) was 5 days between onset and ICU.
The third case, 64(F) was 3 days.
The fourth case, a child of 3(M), was 4-5 days.
Chronology of events of 1st #H7N9 Avian Influenza Case in October 2013
Zhejiang Province
Date of Report: 10/16/13
Name: Henan Liu Ji 35(M)
From: Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province
Onset: 10/7/13
Adm: 10/8/13 Shaoxing City
People’s Hospital
ICU on 10/11.
Confirmation: Retested on 10/14.
Note: 1st Case since 8/11/13.
Intubated, artificial liver
treatment. Unconscious.
Oct. 17: Stable Condition
WHO: http://www.who.int/csr/don/2013_10_16/en/index.html
October 3, after traveling back to Shaoxing Liu, the first time to call his brother reported safe."Over the phone, my brother's voice was tired, but could hear a lot of fun, full walk plus car, take a lot of road." Xiao Wu said his brother also mentioned that on the way careless ankle foot, swollen up and back the same day to a nearby store to do foot massage, the situation is a little better.After the phone, nor how contact. Liu was sent to the hospital until after Xiao Wu was from my brother officer that her friends get sick after.According to Liu's friends recalled, October 6, they also eat lunch together.That Liu's good appetite, eating with a lot, drank two bottles of beer.But I did not expect, on the 7th, the rest in the dormitory Liu suddenly sick. Morning, Liu got up behind a little dizzy, high body temperature, that may be just a cold, lying down to rest, he wanted something to eat, you can not eat two began vomiting, sweating, fever, and more serious symptoms.In the evening, holiday, another worker came back to see Liu very ill, immediately go to a nearby pharmacy to buy anti-inflammatory drugs back.The next day, Liu went to the town of a clinic, the doctor felt it should be common bacterial cold, give him to open up some cold medicine. 9, 10, two days, Liu are linked to saline in the clinic, but the situation did not improve.Hospitalized in critical condition after receiving notice11 afternoon, Liu after hanging saline, shortness of breath occurs, the doctor immediately dialed 120. Evening around 5:00, he was sent to the Shaoxing City People's Hospital emergency room, the temperature was 40.2 degrees."6:00, when my brother called me personally and asked me the next day there is no space to Shaoxing." Xiao Wu recalled that when his brother Liu consciousness fairly clear, but speak very laborious, panting . He put down the phone immediately arrived by car Shaoxing. On the road, the doctor gave him the phone call. Originally, Liu refused to enter ICU, doctors and nurses how to persuade his reluctant to plug the ventilator."I am very much aware of my brother, and he had no money, into the intensive care unit was big money, could not bear." Xiao Wu Xiao allow doctors to hasten the first push into the intensive care unit, the signature, payment of anything until it supplemented on.Until 9:40, Xiao Wu rushed to the hospital emergency ward, Liu still struggling into the intensive care unit does not agree, "the doctor can only spend tranquilizers before my brother will stabilize." Kick tranquilizers, a small Liu began coma, was taken to the intensive care unit.12 am, emergency department found Zhou Xiaowu, issued a critical condition notice.Infected with H7N9 virus confirmed.http://news.ifeng.com/mainland/special/h7n9/content-3/detail_2013_10/16/30357237_0.shtml
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