Saturday, July 3, 2010
A number of pigs destroyed because of flu Sick Children
Sunday, July 4, 2010 5:15 pm 0 Comments 0 0
PONTIANAK - MI: Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Pontianak City who allegedly destroyed a pig infected with hog cholera or swine plague similar owned by a citizen Gang Pak Majid, Pontianak District Municipality.
"The pig was infected with swine plague that destroyed so as not contagious to other animals and humans in the vicinity," said Chief Diswanak Aswin Dja'far Pontianak City, Saturday (3 / 7). Culling infected pigs suspected of swine plague by burning it to death and no infectious virus.
One of the residents Gang Pak Majid, Marsiyah, stated, because one of the residents keresahannya alley raises pigs. "My son, AW, currently still being treated at the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Soedarso Pontianak, which until now still waiting for lab test results," he said.
He hopes that pet pigs was destroyed because people uneasy. "Enough of my child in the hospital," he said.
Previously, Friday (2 / 7), De, 10, and Da, 8, undergoing treatment in hospitals Soedarso since five days ago. According to laboratory test results, both positive influenza A (H1N1). Both previously reported an unexpected flu H5N1 (bird flu), but negative.
Head of Hospital Services Soedarso Pontiac Tita Selati Sundari states, influenza type A (H1N1) is not dangerous. If the patient's condition improved, Saturday (3 / 7) or Sunday (4 / 7), has been allowed to go home. "Both patients had been treated since Monday (28 / 6) is a referral from PHC Pontianak," said Tita explains.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, influenza symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, pain in the body, head, chills, lethargic and weak. Some patients experienced bowel movements and vomiting.
Two more patients of the AP, 15, and W, 9, who entered hospital on Tuesday Soedarso (29 / 6), until now the results of laboratory tests have not come out. "We're still waiting for test results of blood samples. If we had the results, we will convey to the media," said Tita.
According to him, the four patients suspect bird flu was treated by dr pediatrician Dedet. Previously, hospitals also treat De Pontianak, 4, unexpected bird flu patients. Based on the results of laboratory tests on blood samples of bird flu negative De.
Two Hospital Patients Soedarso Positive Influenza Type A H1N1
PONTIANAK. Ar and WT, the two patients who underwent treatment at hospitals Soedarso Pontianak since five days ago have detected influenza type A (H1N1) is based on test results of laboratory examination Kemenkes Institute for Research and Development. Previously, patients were
"Results of laboratory tests on blood samples from two patients in hospitals Soedarso Pontiac showed both positive influenza A. However, this type of influenza is not dangerous. If the patient's condition gets better, tomorrow (today, red) was allowed to go home, "said Dr. Abdussalam, Spp Dedet and Dr H was accompanied by Head of Service Sppa dr Tita Sulandari and publicity department of Hospital, SH Rudy told reporters at a press meet in space Soedarso Pontiac General Hospital Director, Friday (2 / 7).
According to Salam, this type of influenza symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, pain in the body, head, chills, lethargic and weak. Some patients experienced bowel movements and vomiting.
He also explained that non-fatal influenza A compared to bird flu. Even very low in the cause of death. But be dangerous if not treated quickly. Because the virus attacks the human lung tissue. Which spread through the human rather than from pigs.

Influenza type A viruses are divided into several sub-types based on two types of proteins on its surface. This protein is called as Hemaglutinin (HA) and Neuroaminidase (NA). There are 15 types of sub-types of HA and 9 NA subtypes, and various combinations of the two types of proteins can be found.
Only some type A flu virus that commonly infect humans today, namely H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2. While some sub-types commonly found in animals, such as H7N7 and H3N8 flu that causes disease in horses.
Sub-type called type A flu virus based type of HA and NA proteins, for example is the H1N2 type A influenza viruses that have a type of protein, HA protein 1dan NA2. So that the virus is H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Type A that have a 5 HA and NA proteins 1.
In the meantime, DD has come home first and the results were negative. Remaining two other patients the DN and Au, are still awaiting results of laboratory examination of Research and Development Institute Ministry of Health in Jakarta to know the symptoms of a virus that attacks.
dr Dedet, said fourth condition that they handle the current patient condition was steadily improving. Typical clinical presentation of swine flu infection in humans are similar to normal influenza. With symptoms of viral infections that attack humans if the fever more than 37.8 degrees Celsius, sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache and pain.
Precautions that can be done, said Dedet, avoid contact with people who are sick. Then cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and washing hands with soap and water. "More important whenever possible to avoid contact with others when the flu. Or remain silent in the house when they have flu symptoms, "he added.
HINI prevention could also pattern by maintaining healthy eating by putting four of five perfect. To be able to awake the condition of the body. Because adequate protein intake. Because the disease attacks the body when conditions are weak. One reason for low protein content in the body. So that the body becomes weak immune.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Negative for Bird Flu, Swine Flu Positive
birds are dying there from h5n1, the kids have h1n1...
Saturday, July 3, 2010, 08:21:00
PONTIANAK-test results of laboratory examination of Research and Development Institute Ministry of Health in Jakarta for two patients, Dany Ardian (10) and Audina (8) susfect suspected H5N1 bird flu has been accepted party Soedarso Hospital. The results conclude that two negative pasein H5N1 (bird flu) but the positive H1N1 (swine flu). Now they are still undergoing intensive care isolation room. This was revealed in a press conference Soedarso Hospital party to a number of journalists, Friday (2 / 7). Description was submitted dr.Abdussalam, S.pp and dr.Dedet H, accompanied by the Head of Service S.ppa dr.Tita Sulandari Hospital and the Hospital of the public relations department, Rudy SH.
"Two patients who were treated in hospital isolation room negative Soedarso susfect bird flu, Influenza A type HINI positive. Type influenzanya than usual and not fatal bird flu, "said Dr. Abdussalam. And low in the cause of death. But be dangerous if not treated quickly. Because the virus attacks the human lung tissue. Which spread through the human rather than from pigs. While for two other patients, Ar and WN, are still awaiting results of laboratory examinations of Research and Development Institute Ministry of Health in Jakarta know the symptoms of a virus that attacks. Simultaneously Dedet, said fourth condition of the patient is now his condition continues to improve.
Go back, go dr Abdussalam, typical clinical presentation of swine flu infection in humans are similar to ordinary inluenza. With symptoms of viral infections that attack humans if the fever more than 37.8 degrees centigrade, sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache and pain. While preventive measures that can be done, said Abdussalam, avoid contact with people who are sick. Then cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and washing hands with soap and water. "More important whenever possible to avoid contact with others when the flu," he said. "Or the silence in the house when they have flu symptoms. And swine influenza virus died on the temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, "he added. Another explanation about the prevention of H1N1 dr Dedet, maintaining the pattern of healthy eating by putting four of five perfect. To be able to awake the condition of the body. Because adequate protein intake. Because the disease attacks the body when conditions are weak. One reason for low protein content in the body. So that the body becomes weak immune. "That disease can get in," he said. (STM)
Jakarta, 07.01.2010, (Kominfo-Newsroom) - Ministry of Health reported, throughout May and June 2010 there is one additional positive cases of bird flu (H5N1), on behalf of TFA (34 years) women, residents of Jakarta.
"Cases were reported infected with H5N1 positive based on results of laboratory examination of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Center of Research and Development Agency dated June 4, 2010," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental sanitation (P2PL), Kemenkes, Tjandra Yoga Aditama, in Jakarta, Thursday (1 / 7).
He explained, that patients with onset of illness on May 25, 2010 with symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of nausea, and muscle aches. Patients treated on 27 May to private practice. A day later to go to private hospitals in Tangerang.
"During the treatment in hospital, the patient's condition continued to deteriorate with symptoms of severe pneumonia. June 1, the patient was referred to Tangerang General Hospital and died on the same day, "he said.
Further to say, the risk factors that cause patients infected with bird flu because, prior to caring for sick TFA often decorative plants beside the house. In addition TFA also often visited in-law's house in the city of Tangerang, which is endemic bird flu in poultry.
Still, he thinks, not found cases of influenza like illness (ILI) on all contacts with both the case of household contact, neighbors and medical personnel, berrdasarkan observations.
With the addition of one case, the cumulative number of bird flu in Indonesia since 2005 until June 2010 was 166 cases with 137 deaths. DG P2PL, as the focal point of the International Health Reagulation (IHR) has also reported new cases to WHO.
House: No Need to Panic By Death Chickens
Friday, July 2, 2010 03:49 AM
Pontianak (ANTARA News) - Members of the House of Representatives Commission IX-Margret Karolin Natasa asks people not to panic associated with the number of chickens that died in Pontianak and surrounding areas in the past two weeks.
"All has not been proven, people should not panic," said Natasa Karolin-Margret in Pontianak, Thursday.
According to PDI-P politicians, for the handling of bird flu had no fixed procedure that must be a related party. This applies to the handling of suspects and people with bird flu.
"Let's prove it if that's true," said Karolin from that electoral district ordinance.
On that occasion he also asked relevant agencies should provide an understanding of the causes, characteristics, prevention, and anticipation of bird flu.
Regarding whether or not Pontiac have a lab to detect bird flu virus, Karolin says it needs to be studied from various aspects, for example, the number of cases. "This laboratory is very expensive considering the value," he said.
District General Hospital (Hospital) dr. Pontiac Soedarso unexpected treat four patients referred from bird flu after a community health center (Puskesmas) because the condition of high fever and shortness of breath.
House of Representatives (DPR) RI through IX Commission continues to monitor events and positive expectations of bird flu in some parts of Indonesia.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
China: Disease study centre opens
Jun 29, 2010
SHANGHAI - AMERICAN and Shanghai health authorities opened an epidemiology centre in the Chinese city on Tuesday to train experts in sleuthing out ways to prevent chronic and epidemic diseases.
The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is helping with training and technical assistance at the centre that will be 'driven by what are the major public health issues in this country,' said CDC deputy director Stephen B. Thacker.
'We need more field epidemiologists in China and around the world and we need them better trained,' Mr Thacker told The Associated Press.
Outbreaks of SARS (sudden acute respiratory syndrome) and bird flu since 2003, and last year's swine flu epidemic have driven home the rising risks from new diseases or deadly mutations of epidemic ailments, especially in developing countries that may lack the infrastructure to cope with them before they get out of hand.
Earlier joint research in field epidemiology helped identify routes of infection for some of those ailments. Some of the work has been related not to epidemics but to unexplained illness and deaths. Experts traced mysterious clusters of deaths in south-west China's Yunnan province to consumption of certain wild mushrooms. Research into cases of paralysis among leukemia patients prompted the recall of unsafe medicines.
Mr Thacker said they also need more experts in the broad areas of public health, not just communicable diseases. 'We need to look at what's killing people, what's putting people in hospitals. Here in Shanghai, the leading causes of death are not infections, they're heart disease, stroke, injuries, cancer and so on,' he said. Wang Longxing, director of the Shanghai city Health Bureau, said the government is starting to invest more in prevention. -- APEgypt: Alexandria culls 1454 birds
A campaign to fight bird flu in Alexandria
Thursday, July 1st, 2010
1454 birds were culled alive, and within the framework of the efforts of the security officers of the Directorate of Alexandria in the fight against avian influenza.
It was also during the campaign, which included east and west of the city and was attended by officers of the Investigation of Supply and criminal investigators, and bodies and the environment and facilities in coordination with the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Agriculture to remove 14 of the nest of breeding birds and re-closure of 49 shops selling live birds by their owners seals were broken and open, as the awareness of citizens the seriousness of the disease.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Egypt: Cairo University to reach a new vaccine for the treatment of avian influenza
A team of scientists, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, in collaboration with the Institute of "Harbin" Veterinary Research in China to prepare
A new vaccine for the prevention of avian influenza. Dr Ahmed Abdul Ghani Elsnose Professor of Virology and one of the scientists of the research team that the new vaccine strain was isolated from Egypt in 2009 was tested and proved a success in the treatment of disease and prevention
Than 100%. The SNOUSSI, that the new vaccine prevents the secretion of the virus from chickens married after he was injured, adding that the group of scientists, which included both Dr. Mustafa Bustami Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Hussein Ali Hussein, head of viruses, and Dr. Rafiq al-Suleiman, Professor AIDS provided new vaccine and reports that prove the effectiveness of the General Authority for Veterinary Services to conduct laboratory experiments to test the efficiency of it, and that
Will be recorded in the event of approval of it. The Elsnose in his remarks for the seventh day, that part of the tests were the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and with regard to isolating the virus, The bulk of these experiments have been conducted at the Institute of Harbin, China, which is part technology, genetics reverse was The result is that scientists have found the two countries to a new vaccine strain of Egypt, is quite different from the vaccine developed by scientists at the National Center for Research and lineage, which was isolated in 2006, known as Elsnose that the bird flu virus has mutated, become different from what was
In the past four years. Elsnose called for the need to adopt the new vaccine as soon as possible, and called for the General Authority for Veterinary Services, the need for the early completion of clinical trials for the vaccine, so as to eliminate the disease as soon as possible.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Two New FMD Outbreaks in China
CHINA - The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) reports that two new outbreaks of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in swine.
The Chinese veterinary authorities sent follow-up report no. 12 to the OIE yesterday, 28 June. The two outbreaks took place in Qinghai and Xinjiang.
The first outbreak took place on 19 June at a farm in Xinjiang where 24 animals were reportedly infected and 355 showed signs of susceptibility to the disease. The second outbreak, which took place in Qinghai, occured on 22 June. Seventeen cases were identified, and 153 were found susceptible.
All in all, a total of 41 animals were infected while 508 animals were susceptible to the FMD virus. All animals were destroyed.
The investigation for the source of the outbreak is ongoing and remains inconclusive
Suspected Acute Haemorrhagic Fever in the Republic of the Congo
The three deaths were among male forest hunters from Mokouangonda who presented similar symptoms of epistaxis (nose bleeds), bloody diarrhoea, cough and fever prior to deaths after a 1-2 week long hunting expedition in the Odzala National Park.
A joint Ministry of Health (MoH) and WHO team is currently in the field to assess the situation and to collect clinical samples for diagnosis. These will be tested by the Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF) Gabon, and Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale à Kinshasa, DRC.
A Regional Coordination Committee to contain the outbreak has been established in Ouesso, Sangha Region, under the Direction Générale de la Santé, assisted by WHO and other international partners including Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in Congo and Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in France. Measures to respond to the disease outbreak including epidemiological investigation, social mobilization and infection control are being implemented in the area.
Foot & mouth disease - China (08): (QH,XJ) porcine, st O
Date | 29-JUN-2010 |
Subject | PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - China (08): (QH,XJ) porcine, st O |
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Tue 29 Jun 2010
Source: Trading, Xinhua News Agency report via COMTEX [edited]
Foot and mouth disease found in north west China swine
New cases of foot and mouth disease [FMD] were found in north west China's
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province on Tuesday [29 Jun
2010], a statement from the press office of China's Ministry of Agriculture
According to the statement, 24 pigs raised by some farmers in the western
suburbs of Aksu City, Xinjiang, were suspected to have contracted a new
strain of FMD, which was identified as O-type, on 19 Jun 2010. This was
confirmed on Friday [25 Jun 2010].
Another case was also confirmed on Saturday [26 Jun 2010] in Menyuan County
of Qinghai, where 17 other swine raised on an animal farm were first
suspected of having the same virus last Tuesday [22 Jun 2010].
Altogether 508 infected swine have been slaughtered in the 2 regions so
far. The situation is under control, the statement said.
communicated by:
FMD News
FMD Surveillance and Modeling Laboratory
University of California at Davis
[Official information about the 2 outbreaks above and a map showing their
respective locations are included in China's follow-up report no. 12 on
FMD, submitted to the OIE on Tue 29 Jun 2010, available at
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hospitalized after eating dead pig hearts
TRI DUC (28/6/2010 14:32)
* There were five deaths related to suspected Streptococcus
On 27 / 6, information from the Medical Center of Quang Dien district, said the patient has to receive the Le Van Can, (53 years) residing in the town of SIA (Quang Dien district) to the hospital with clinical symptoms of Streptococcus, the status of high fever, diarrhea, bleeding under the skin ... very heavy.
The patient was promptly transferred to hospital treatment from Hue. Preventive medicine center has directed the medical establishment to conduct drug pump elementary reading, household disinfectant around the patient.
As the patient's home, said neighbors for a few days before the pig died, he Th. slaughter from the heart as bait party. After flanking each other in person with high fever and many other unusual signs are taken to emergency family.
It is known that from late April to present Hue Central Hospital received 30 patients admitted to hospital suffering suspected Streptococcus (many cases the disease by eating pork, pig died) and 5 patients had died .
Add four provinces had announced blue ear epidemic
TP - Day 27-6, Department of Epidemiology (Department of Animal Health, MARD), said outside the Hai Duong, more 4 out of 16 provinces have blue ear epidemic to this point all translations published, including: Bac Giang, Thai Binh, Bac Ninh, Hoa Binh.
According to the Department of Animal Health, the province over the 21 days are not generated new outbreak, perform work of disinfection, sterilization.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Helmand Congo virus outbreak prompts alert in KP, FATA
Jun 26, 2010
Sources told that the deadly virus broke out in Afghan province Helmand where the germs of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) had been confirmed in seven persons.
They said that the ministry had directed the provincial health authorities to remain vigilant and collect the data of those Afghan refugees who were under treatment in various hospitals of the province, adding that the authorities had been also directed to send the blood samples of suspected patients of the lethal disease for laboratory test in the federal capital.
Sources revealed that after receiving the alert call all the public sectors hospitals of the province have been directed to take precautionary measures for avoiding the spread of the virus.
Security officials at Torkham border have also been ordered to strictly monitor the movement of refugees at the border.
An endemic tick-borne viral disease, CCHF is transferred to humans through tick bite or through direct contact with blood or other infected tissues from livestock infected with the virus. Symptoms include fever, aching muscles, dizziness, neck pain and stiffness, backache, headache, sore eyes and sensitivity to light.
Other clinical signs that may emerge include fast heart rate, dramatic drop in platelet and white blood cell counts, bleeding from the upper bowel, blood in the urine, nosebleeds, and bleeding from the gums.
The severely ill may develop liver and kidney failure after the fifth day of illness. In patients who recover, improvement generally begins on the ninth or tenth day after the onset of illness
Quarantine imposed in south Russia over swine fever outbreak

© RIA Novosti. Denis Voroshilov
An emergency situation has been introduced in a district in Russia's southern Rostov Region where a swine fever outbreak was registered on Saturday, the regional emergencies center said on Sunday.
The swine fever virus was found in a private farm holding in the village of Duby in the Tarasovsky district where two swine died of the disease, the emergencies center said, adding that a quarantine regime had been introduced at the neighboring Mityatinskoye village where 549 pigs were kept.
The Rostov Region has been hit by large-scale swine fever outbreaks several times this year. In particular, the virus was found in February this year in a personal subsidiary plot in Gukovo, following which the entire swine stick consisting of over 350 pigs was destroyed, with the damage amounting to 2.23 million rubles ($72,000).
Swine fever outbreaks were also registered in mid-May at the Kazachiy krai pig farm in the Tatsinsky district where almost 2,000 pigs were destroyed and in late May at the Donskoye farm in the Oktyabrsky district where almost 4,000 pigs were destroyed.
African swine fever, or Montgomery's disease, was first reported in Africa in 1903. Both domestic and wild animals can become infected when they come into contact with sick animals. The virus does not affect humans.