Red Dot Postmark = confirmed
Red Postmark = suspected
Blue = diagnosis negative
Yellow = Malaria
Green = suspicious illness, no diagnosis

West Jakarta
Adm: 8/20 – Hospital in West Jakarta
Name: MM (M,35)
From: West Jakarta
Onset: 8/16/10
Recon: 8/18 – private clinic
Recon: 8/20 – general practitioner
Diagnosis: 8/24 suspected.
DOD: 8/27
Confirmed: Positive
Adm: 9/12
Hospital: Hospital in East Jakarta
Name: LH (P, 40)
From: Depok
Onset: 9/9/10
Recon: 9/13 Treated for 3 days @ another Hospital.
Recon: 9/16 Friendship Hospital
DOD: 9/17
Confirmed: Positive
Kemiling, Bandar Lampung
3 Siblings Suspected Bird Flu
From: All three are Febiana (8), Dina (5), and Zaki (6), residents Kemiling Bukit Permai Housing (BKP)
Adm: 10/21 (Thursday 6 pm)
Hospital: RSUDAM
Recon: PHC BKP
Onset: 10/17
Notes: 2 hours intervals, got sick.
Chickens died nearby
According to him dozens of villages as endemic malaria is located in the area over the territory of three districts, namely Paninggaran, Kandangserang, and Lebakbarang.
Adm: 10/?
Date of Article: 10/13
Name: Preschooler (20 mos)
From: Rt. 32, Damai District
Hospital: Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Pub. Hospital (RSKD)
Diagnosis: Negative
Gunung Sepuluh
IndonesiaAdm: 10/6
Name: R (5)
From: Kelurahan Gunung Bahagia
Hospital: RSKD Karamunting Kunojoso Djatiwibowo
Notes: Fever. Family did not raise chickens. Neighbors chickens died.
Diagnosis: Negative
Adm: 10/3
Name: Ha (15)
From: Gunung Bakaran Sepinggan Village, Dist: South Aberdeen
Hospital: Gen. Hosp. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo
Notes: Initial sym’s fever, resp. tract inf. History of direct contact with dead chickens.
10/3: BF in two villages: Gunung Bahagia Rt. 59 & Rt. 60
Confirmation: Negative, home.
02-10-2010, had a cough for a long time, there is a history of treat sick chickens at the date of 03-10-2010. Dated 08-10-2010 has no fever but was still coughing.
HD/P/11, son of AH-4 to the onset of illness on 04-10-2010, there is a history of contact with chickens that died suddenly (holding by entering into the cage and bury). Fever began to fall on 08-04-2010 but still coughing and weak body condition.
UK/L/5, son of the 8th AH onset of illness on 04-10-2010. Fever began to fall on 08-10-2010 but the cough is getting worse. There was no contact with sick and dead poultry.
YK/L/3, child-9 AH onset of illness on 03-10-2010. Fever began to fall on 08-10-2010 but coughs and colds worse. There was no contact with sick and dead poultry.
In addition to these 5 people, there is also a neighbor who is also the brother of AH AH ill with symptoms of fever, but no contact with sick chickens and sudden death.
Badi Island
About 200 residents on the island of Badi, Mattirodeceng Village, District Liukang Tupabbiring, Pangkep, must bear the pain because there are no health workers who serve them.
Mattirodeceng mayor, Abdullah Asagaf, very mengkwatirkan fate of all citizens on the island of Badi, amounting to some 400 heads of families that every day someone is sick. Until now carrying about 200 people sick fever due to bad weather that hit the island.
"In fact there were three people there died of fever. Some call for bird flu, but residents and local governments can not justify or confirm allegations that because only the health personnel who can determine whether bird flu is," said Ahmad Effendi, the people of Makassar, who happened to be there a few days ago.
Diamond (17)
Article Date: 10/1/10
Adm: September 2010
From: Jalan Kayu Jati, District of Hulu Tembilahan
Hospital: Puri Husada Hospital Tembilahan
Diag: Suspect Bird Flu
Notes: Home now. Dead poultry
Sarina (5)
Adm: 9/5
Died: 3 hours after arrival
Temp for 5 days at home.
From: Jalan M Boya, Lorong Durian, Tembilahan
Isolated Village
10 houses around the chicken pen farm
18 People Suspected
While data from the Health Department Pinrang mentioned, until now there has been found that infected people have bird flu, but Sept. 25, a number of residents included in the monitoring of Public Health Pinrang, among others in the village of Suppang Saddang 10 people, Village Ulue Same two people, Mallongi longi-five people, and the Village Amassangan one person. Not less than 18 people can be monitored on suspicion of contracting bird flu virus.
4 Hospitalized
They were reconciliation from RS Kabupaten Pinrang. Children's patient was Savira from the Soppeng Regency and Andrian from the Pinrang Regency.
His two patients other was Novi and Nawir also from Pinrang. Nawir and Andrian still one family.
30 monitored; same 3 hospitalized.
H5N1 Suspected Case
NR (25)
From: Kembang Seri
Adm: Community Ctr
Tests: Pending
Suspected H5N1
HA (37)
From: Kembang Seri
Adm: Community Ctr
Tests Pending
Suspected H5N1
Vi (27)
Adm: 8/10
Hospital: Bengkulu Central
Sym’s: shortness of breath, high fever, sore throat, malaise
Notes: direct contact with poultry that died suddenly. Hospitalized for one night, fever reduced. Blood sample sent on 8/11.
Suspected H5N1 Case
Name: P (19)
From: Lempuing
Adm: 8/6
Hospital: M Yunus
Sym's on Adm: fever, sore throat
Notes: buried chickens few days earlier
57 People with Fever
Isolation Room @ Hospital.
39 went home.
"Such complaints can be dealt with according to already provide treatment as appropriate according to the SOP suspect swine flu or bird flu. "
"From the number of patients who entered the isolation room, there are only two samples that we take the swap, and blood for examination in Jakarta. Two men had been representing all suspect,"
When you throw in all of the activity for this year, and the poultry outbreaks...the map looks like this:

Red = Humans
Blue = Poultry