Saturday, October 16, 2010
Now, cellphones to reveal emerging disease outbreaks
Texting, browsing, playing games, taking directions, listening to music are the things you use your cellphone for. But now it can be used to fight diseases.
Cellphones would start a fight against diseases by relaying a telltale signature of illness to doctors and agencies monitoring new outbreaks.
"This technology is an early warning system," New Scientist quoted Anmol Madan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as saying.
Madan's team concluded that you could spot cases of flu by looking for changes in the movement and communication patterns of infected people.
This technology could be an early warning system to enable us to pot outbreaks of influenza
Epidemiologists know that disease outbreaks change mobility patterns, but until now have been unable to track these patterns in any detail.
So Madan and colleagues gave cellphones to 70 students in an undergraduate dormitory. The phones came with software that supplied the team with anonymous data on the students' movements, phone calls and text messages.
The students also completed daily surveys on their mental and physical health.
A characteristic signature of illness emerged from the data, which was gathered over a 10-week period in early 2009.
Students who came down with a fever or full-blown flu tended to move around less and make fewer calls late at night and early in the morning.
When Madan trained software to hunt for this signature in the cellphone data, a daily check correctly identified flu victims 90 per cent of the time.
The technique could be used to monitor the health status of individuals who live alone.
Madan is developing a smartphone app that will alert a named contact, perhaps a relative or doctor, when a person's communication and movement patterns suggest that they are ill.
Public health officials could also use the technique to spot emerging outbreaks of illness ahead of conventional detection systems, which today rely on reports from doctors and virus-testing labs.
The findings were presented at the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing in Copenhagen, last month.
Egypt: Lack of Control of Bird Flu in Poultry Sector Increases Prices
Recognized government, represented by the Ministry of Commerce, up poultry prices in the second week of Oct. first week compared to the price of live poultry white to 18 pounds during this week, compared with 17.5 in the last week, while poultry prices rose from 21.5 the municipality to 23 pounds .
وتوقع خبراء دواجن ولحوم ارتفاعاً «جنونياً» فى أسعار اللحوم الحمراء مع اقتراب موسم عيد الأضحى بسبب تزايد الطلب على اللحوم والحيوانات مقارنة بالداوجن، بالإضافة إلى عدم سيطرة الدولة على مرض أنفلونزا الطيور فى قطاع الدواجن، مما أدى إلى وجود خلل فى أسواق بيع اللحوم والدواجن.
According to experts, poultry and meat rose «crazy» in the price of red meat with the season approaching Eid al-Adha because of the increasing demand for meat and animals compared Baldaojun, in addition to the lack of state control of bird flu in the poultry sector, which led to an imbalance in the markets selling meat and poultry.
Dr. Mohamed El Shafei, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Poultry Producers, said he expected prices of meat coming period due to lack of supply and the resort of the citizens to consume more meat of poultry, which also contribute to high prices.
وأضاف الشافعى "الأسعار المزرعية للدواجن تصل إلى ١٠.٧٥ جنيه للكيلو القائم، ترتفع إلى ما يتراوح ما بين ١٧ و١٨ جنيها للكيلو المجمد، والمبرد بينما تصل تكلفة إنتاج كيلو الدواجن القائم إلى ١٠.٥ جنيه مطالبا بإعادة هيكلة قطاع الدواجن لتطويره. وأشار إلى أن مرض أنفلونزا الطيور ساهم أيضاً فى زيادة المشكلات التى تواجه المعروض من الدواجن المجمدة فى الأسواق"، مؤكداً أن المرض لم ينحسر حتى الآن.
The Shafei, "prices of farm poultry up to 10.75 pounds per kilogram based, to increase to somewhere between 17 and 18 pounds per kilo freezer, radiator, while up the cost to produce a kilo of poultry-based to 10.5 pounds, demanding the restructuring of the poultry sector to develop it. He pointed out that Bird flu has also contributed in increasing the problems faced by the supply of frozen poultry in the markets, "adding that the disease has not subsided yet.
He pointed out that bird flu has also contributed to the problems faced by increasing the supply of frozen poultry in the markets, adding that the disease has not abated so far, pointing out that it is currently being production of a vaccine to fight the disease strain isolated locally to the virus, being sure of its efficiency and suitability for the immunization in the poultry sector or not, and will be announced officially unfit for circulation or ineffective during the next twenty days.
In a related context, Dr. Majid Othman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Information Center, Chairman of the Central Chamber of crises to follow developments in the spread of viral influenza in birds and pigs, make periodic follow-up developments of bird flu during the current period.
New East European sub-type 3 PRRS virus isolate found
//11 Jun 2010
First author, U. Karniychuk, and colleagues explain that the PRRS virus (PRRSV) is divided into a European and North American genotype. East European PRRSV isolates have been found to be of the European genotype but form different sub-types.
In the present study, PRRSV was isolated from a Belarusian farm with reproductive and respiratory failure and designated 'Lena'. Analyses revealed that Lena is a new East European sub-type 3 PRRSV isolate. The main purpose of this investigation was to study the pathogenesis and antigenic characteristics of the PRRS virus (Lena).
Obvious clinical and virological differences were observed between the animals inoculated with a recent European sub-type 1 PRRSV isolate (Belgium A) and animals inoculated with PRRSV (Lena). Three out of six pigs inoculated with PRRSV (Belgium A) had anorexia and low fever at three, four and five days post-inoculation. High fever, anorexia and depression were prominent signs in most pigs inoculated with PRRSV (Lena) between two and 28 days post-inoculation. Four pigs out of ten died during the experiment. Arcanobacterium pyogenes was isolated from lungs of one animal that died, and Streptococcus suis was isolated from lungs of one animal that was euthanised.
The difference in viral titres in sera from PRRSV (Belgium A) and PRRSV (Lena)-infected pigs was statistically significant (p>
High viral titres were detected in lungs (102.3 to 107.7 TCID50/g tissue), tonsils (102.0 to 106.2 TCID50/g tissue) and inguinal lymph nodes (102.2 to 106.6 TCID50/g tissue) until 35, 28 and 35 days post-inoculation, respectively. To examine the antigenic heterogeneity between the East European sub-type 3 isolate Lena, the European sub-type 1 strain Lelystad and the North American strain US5, sets of mono-specific polyclonal antisera were tested in immunoperoxidase monolayer assays (IPMAs) with homologous and heterologous viral antigens.
Heterologous antibody titres were significantly lower than homologous titres (p=0.01-0.03) for antisera against PRRSV (Lena) at all sampling time points. For antisera against PRRSV (Lelystad) and PRRSV (US5), heterologous antibody titres were significantly lower than homologous titres at 14 and 21 days post-inoculation (p=0.01-0.03) and at 10 and 14 days post-inoculation (p=0.04), respectively.
* Karniychuk U.U., M. Geldhof, M. Vanhee, J. Van Doorsselaere, T.A. Saveleva and H.J. Nauwynck 2010. Pathogenesis and antigenic characterization of a new East European sub-type 3 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus isolate. BMC Veterinary Research, 6:30. doi:10.1186/1746-6148-6-30.
Annihilate Chicken in Seven RT
The tail of whom 57 Positive Bird Flu

Tripe ENDS: Chickens in cages became the target destruction in the region Sepinggan, yesterday afternoon. (Oki nurtricahyo / kp)
BALIKPAPAN - The spread of the H5N1 virus continues to spread in South Aberdeen. A total of 156 chickens from 7 RT in the region on Friday (15/10) yesterday had to be destroyed by a joint team. Fifty-seven (57) tail of whom tested positive for the virus-infected carriers of the bird flu disease.
Lurah Sepinggan Yahya Iqbal said, the extermination was conducted on the RT 107 report that there are 15 chickens died suddenly in his area the night before. Approximately at 08.00 yesterday, a direct administrative team moves to the scene to monitor the actual condition. "After we are conditioning people, chairman of RT, and local community leaders, we directly reduce joint team consisting of representatives from the community, Babinsa, Babinkamtibmas, village and Agriculture Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DPKP)," he explained.
According to the procedure, he added, birds that are in a radius of 1 km from the discovery of birds infected by all (RT 107) must be destroyed. So, the team eradicate poultry in RT 68, 116, 89, 90, 107, 113, and 114 which are spread throughout Korpri and Perusda. Without forgiveness, baked chicken and cage, while the loose shot with a pellet gun.
In total, Iqbal said, there are about 300 chickens that were shot. However, only 165 successfully destroyed by burning. The rest were taken by their respective owners for consumption because they are still healthy. Then again the rest escaped into the jungle during the pursuit. "It is not consumed from the head and innards. Then cooked right with temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius. For the chickens that escaped the pursuit, we ask owners to catch it each time back to the times, and then destroyed or consumed in the right way, "pleaded Iqbal
Source: [In Spanish, trans, Corr.SB, edited]
A new highly pathogenic strain of virus PRRS has been detected
Researchers at the University of Ghent (Belgium), led by Dr Hans Nauwynck,
have discovered a new strain of the porcine reproductive and respiratory
syndrome virus (PRRSV).
PRRSV is divided into genotypes of Europe and of North America. PRRSV
isolates from Eastern Europe belong to the European genotype, but are
different subtypes.
The researchers found, in a pig farm in Belarus, a new PRRSV which they
named "Lena". Analyses revealed that Lena is a new subtype 3 in Eastern
Europe, highly pathogenic and causes severe clinical symptoms. It is
different from European subtype 1 Lelystad and North American US5 strains.
Indonesia: 2 Confirmed H5N1 Deaths
Until the end of September, positive cases of bird flu (H5N1) added two cases, ie MM (M, 35 years) who lives in West Jakarta, and LH (P, 40 years) who Depok West Java, based on the results of the Central Laboratory of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Research and Development Agency.
MM (L, 35 years) onset of illness on August 16, 2010 with symptoms of fever. Two days later went to private clinics. Because pain is not better even gain weight, 2 days later went to the general practitioner who then directly referred to a hospital in West Jakarta.
On August 24, patients diagnosed with suspected bird flu and taken straight nose and throat swab specimens. However, the patient's condition worsened with severe pneumonia symptoms. Date August 27, 2010 patients died.
LH (P, 40 years) housewife, began to sick 9 September 2010 with symptoms of fever, cough, and runny nose. On September 12 new patients treated at the emergency room at a hospital in East Jakarta. The next day the patient was treated in another hospital. Three days of treatment, patient condition has not improved, even appeared crowded. Lung X-rays showed a picture of pneumonia. The doctor who treated bird flu suspect then diagnose and refer him to the Friendship Hospital on October 16, 2010. [typo on date]
In AI referral hospital, the patient was treated in isolation rooms and given standard therapy. Patients also taken specimens of throat and nasal swabs. Lung X-rays showed pneumonia expanding and worsening. Finally the patient died on September 17, 2010.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health as the focal point Kemenkes IHR (International Health Reagulation) has been informed about the case to the WHO.
This information is published by the Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For more information please contact via telephone: 021-52907416-9, fax: 52921669, Call Center: 021-500567, 30413700, or e-mail address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it You need JavaScript enabled to view it , , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it You need JavaScript enabled to view it , , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it You need JavaScript enabled to view it
South Korea-Bird Flu Virus in Yesan Proven Low Pathogenic
Update 2010-10-16 14:59:08 |
![]() The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the provincial government said Saturday that the virus was found to be low pathogenic in a test conducted by National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service The South Chungcheong provincial government asked the state-run agency to conduct a test on the virus, which was found during a regular quarantine inspection of duck farms in the province on Friday afternoon. Three-thousand units of poultry raised at the affected farm were culled. Low pathogenic forms of avian influenza show no symptoms and pose no harm to poultry. |
Friday, October 15, 2010
Vietnam: H5N1 Ducks/Chickens in Cam Xuyen; Cam Thanh, Trung Nam
Sau 9 tháng tạm lắng, dịch cúm A/H5N1 đã bùng phát trở lại tại hai thôn Trung Nam và Nam Kênh, xã Cẩm Thành, huyện Cẩm Xuyên (Hà Tĩnh).
After 9 months of lull, A/H5N1 flu broke out again in two villages of Central and South Channels, Cam Thanh, Cam Xuyen district (Ha Tinh).
Mẫu bệnh phẩm xét nghiệm của Chi cục Thú y Hà Tĩnh đã cho kết quả dương tính. Testing samples of Ha Tinh SDAH gave positive results.
Ngày 14/10, thông tin từ Chi cục Thú y Hà Tĩnh cho biết, tại thôn Trung Nam, xã Cẩm Thành, huyện Cẩm Xuyên, xuất hiện một số vịt, gà chết không rõ nguyên nhân.
14/10 days, information from the Veterinary Department said in Ha Tinh, Nam Trung village, Cam Thanh, Cam Xuyen district, appeared a number of ducks and chickens died of unknown causes.
Chi cục Thú y Hà Tĩnh đã lấy mẫu xét nghiệm và có kết quả dương tính với dịch cúm A/H5N1.
Ha Tinh SDAH sampled and tested positive for influenza A/H5N1.
Trước đó, vào ngày 10/10, sau khi nhận được thông tin từ Trạm Thú y Cẩm Xuyên cấp báo: đàn gia cầm của 5 hộ dân ở thôn Trung Nam có hiện tượng ốm chết (hơn 700 con bị chết trong tổng đàn 2.750 con), Chi cục Thú y tỉnh đã cử đoàn về kiểm tra, chỉ đạo công tác phòng chống dịch.
Earlier, on 10/10, after receiving information from the Veterinary Station Cam Xuyen report issued: flocks of five households in rural China Southern phenomenon dead (more than 700 children died in 2750 herd I), the provincial Animal Health Department sent a delegation on the inspection and direction of prevention.
Chi cục đã tiến hành lấy 9 mẫu bệnh phẩm gia cầm ốm chết để xét nghiệm, phối hợp với UBND huyện Cẩm Xuyên chủ động triển khai các bước dập dịch.
Department has taken samples 9 dead birds for testing, and coordinate with the People's Cam Xuyen active service deployment stamping steps.
WHO: Outbreak of disfiguring tropical disease surges in Afghanistan, with thousands infected
KABUL- An outbreak of a tropical disease caused by sand fly bites that leaves disfiguring skin sores has hit Afghanistan, with tens of thousands of people infected, health officials said Friday.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease transmitted by the female phlebotomine sand fly — an insect only 2-3 millimetres long that requires the blood of humans or animals so its eggs can develop. Treatable with medication and not life-threatening, cutaneous leishmaniasis can leave severe scars on the bodies of victims.
The disease threatens 13 million people in Afghanistan...
In Kabul — described by the WHO as “the world capital of cutaneous leishmaniasis” — the number of cases jumped from an estimated 17,000 a year in the early 2000s to 65,000 in 2009, WHO said.
Most victims are women and children. ..“This number is likely to be the tip of the iceberg as cases are grossly under-reported,” said Graaff.
An outbreak has occurred in a small village in western Herat province’s Kohsan district with 63 people infected since August, Graaff said.
The cause of the outbreak was unknown and a WHO team has been dispatched to investigate, he said.
According to the WHO, as many as 12 million people are infected worldwide with the disease, with about 1 million to 2 million new cases annually.
Vietnam Update Blue Ear Disease, Foot & Mouth,
In Decision 1877/QD-TTg, the Prime Minister has directed the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of supply (charge) 33,000 liters of pesticides found Benkocid national reserves to support the four provinces of Binh Phuoc, An Giang, Kien Giang and Gia Lai prevention blue ear disease. The output level, receive, manage and use disinfectants on follow current regulations.
According to DAH, the country has 28 provinces of Nghe An, Soc Trang, Tien Giang, Long An, Binh Duong, Bac Lieu, Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc, Vinh Long, Khanh Hoa, Dac Lac, Hau Giang, Lam Dong , Tay Ninh, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, An Giang, Dong Thap, Can Tho, Ben Tre, Kien Giang, Ca Mau, Kon Tum, Dac Nong, Gia Lai and Tra Vinh, Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan, Phu Yen has translated blue ear 21 days.
According to Department of Aquaculture, due to disease in fish are increasing in many provinces, especially in the provinces where the flood water aquaculture seriously contaminated. Prime Minister for 121 tons of chlorine chemicals in the national reserves to support a number of provinces, including North Central Province to combat fish disease. After floodwaters recede, the provinces from Nghe An to Quang Tri, risk facing the disease in cattle, poultry and aquaculture water will be polluted.
The two provinces of Ha Tinh and Quang Binh, foot and mouth disease (FMD) in cattle has reappeared. Earlier, on 4-10, the provinces of Quang Binh People's Committee has announced PRRS in Hop Hoa, Minh Hoa district.
Veterinary Medicine Department of Quang Ngai, said FMD is raging in the two mountainous districts of Tra Bong and Shanxi. Shanxi has 64 districts in Tra Bong and has 66 cattle infected. SDAH direct local press service, not to spread disease; advocacy for people prevention, she advised me not to move cattle disease from region to region, not slaughter transportation of cattle disease ...
Vietnam: Dac Lac Province Confirmed H5N1 Ducks
13-10 am, SDAH province of Dac Lac, said the H5N1 avian influenza has reappeared on the ducks in Krong Bong district.
Functional departments were conducted with local zoning antidotal spraying, the entire area disinfected poultry to prevent avian influenza H5N1 to spread.
Earlier, nearly 500 children flock in Hoa Son phenomenon convulsions, difficulty breathing, green manure, white, die-off. Through testing the samples were determined ducks were H5N1 avian influenza. Department of Animal Health has conducted destroyed the entire flock. /.
Vietnam: Quang Ngai: Appearance of avian influenza
Before that, starting on 8 / 10, 2400 a flock of his family died Ca series.
Veterinary science has to get samples sent out by the veterinary offices in Da Nang region IV and the test results positive for influenza A/H5N1.
After obtaining the test results, the entire flock of his songs were emergency destruction.
Currently, Veterinary Department, Quang Ngai province is guiding forces deploy localized outbreak, toxic disinfectant spray and guide farmers to sanitary restrictions cages ... epidemic.
Vietnam: Quang Ngai Province Confirmed H5N1 Ducks
From day 9 / 10, only from a family of ducks in Nghia Ha, Tu Nghia District, Quang Ngai province with about 2,200 children die and then rise gradually scattered.
Avian influenza will be minimized if the implementation of preventive measures in time
After receiving the report, Nghia Ha veterinary stations sampled and sent for testing. The result was to send all 3 samples are tested positive for influenza A H5N1 virus.
Pm on 11/10, local authorities and Quang Ngai Veterinary expeditiously destroy the said ducks and pepper spray chemicals infections, detoxifying the outbreak area.
Earlier, in late August, Tinh Phong commune, Son Tinh District, Quang Ngai Province, flock of more than 1,500 children a family has tested positive for H5N1.
Day 9 / 9, the disease reappeared in 3200 ducks, 750 children and children of two other families in the district of Tu Nghia Nghia Hanh district ... and then, influenza A H5N1 appeared scattered in several districts in Quang Ngai.
According to the understanding of reporters, most birds are breeding in Quang Ngai province since April 2010, that is, not Vaccination was one. Meanwhile, the vaccination plan for phase 2 in September this year again delayed because resources are not enough vaccine. On the other hand, the livestock farmers do not actively use measures to prevent disease in their flocks.
Many reasons are given to justify the number of poultry died of the disease, but suppose, the immediate need is immediate and local people need to actively coordinate to prevent the spread of disease, not to Sporadic outbreaks of widespread outbreaks. /.
Egypt: Can Not Predict Nature of Next Wave of H5N1 or H1N1 This Winter
Dr. Majid Othman, Head of Information Centre and the Council of Ministers Decision Support and Head of the Central Chamber of crises to follow up the developments viral spread of avian influenza and swine, it is currently difficult to predict the nature of the next wave for any of the viruses with the advent of winter.
وقال عثمان فى تصريحات خاصة لليوم السابع على هامش توقيع اتفاقية مشاركة 4 مدن مصرية بالحملة العاملية لمجابهة الكوارث، أن الخطورة الحقيقية لفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير كانت أقل من المتوقع، لكن خطورة أنفلونزا الطيور مازالت مستمرة.
Osman said in a special statement for the seventh day on the sidelines of the signing of the post 4 cities Egyptian campaign to counter the global disaster, that the real risk to the swine flu virus was less than expected, but the seriousness of avian influenza is still continuing.
ونفى عثمان أى احتمالية لتأجيل الدراسة إذا ظهرت حالات إصابة بين الطلاب، مؤكدا عدم حدوث اى تغيير فى سيناريوهات مواجهة المرض التى بدأتها الحكومة منذ بداية ظهوره العام الماضى.
Osman denied any possibility to postpone the study if cases appeared among the students, stressing that there is no change in the scenarios against the disease which is initiated by the government since the beginning of his appearance last year.
وأوضح عثمان أن غرفة الأزمات لديها قاعدة بيانات جيدة عن المرض سواء أنفلونزا الطيور أو الخنازير، مشيرا إلى أنه فى حالة ظهور حالات إصابة بشكل أكبر وأكثر خطورة سيتم اتخاذ القرارات اللازمة بناء على درجة خطورة الموجة.
Othman explained that the room crises have a good database about the disease, whether avian influenza or swine, pointing out that in the event of emergence of cases of greater and more serious will take the necessary decisions based on the degree of seriousness of the wave.
وشدد عثمان على انتظام غرفة الأزمات المشكلة بالمركز واللجان المصغرة المنبثقة عنها فى اجتماعاتها الدورية، حيث تجتمع الغرفة كل 5 أسابيع، كما تجتمع اللجنة المصغرة كل أسبوع لمتابعة أى تطورات، حتى فى ظل تراجع الموجة خلال فترة الصيف.
Osman stressed the regularity of the problem the center room crises and mini-committees emanating from it at their periodic meetings, where the room meets every 5 weeks, as the mini-committee meets every week to follow up on any developments, even in light of the retreat wave during the summer period.
Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu Virus Can Survive Months on Steel or Glass at Cooler Temperatures
Joseph Wood and colleagues note that the highly pathogenic (H5N1) avian influenza virus so far has been rare but dangerous in humans, with mortality rates of about 60 percent. Although the H5N1 virus may spread to humans by direct contact with infected birds or other virus-contaminated material, health experts are concerned that the virus could evolve to develop the ability to spread from person to person, and cause serious outbreaks. However, there is little information on how different environmental conditions and materials affect H5N1's survival.
The scientists investigated the ability of a strain of highly pathogenic H5N1 originating from Viet Nam to survive on a variety of materials under different environmental conditions, including changes in temperature, humidity, and simulated sunlight. The materials included glass, wood, steel, soil, and chicken feces. They found that H5N1 survived longer (up to two weeks) at cooler temperatures -- around 39 degrees Fahrenheit -- but lasted only up to one day at room temperature. The virus also tends to persist at low humidity and no sunlight and on certain surfaces, including glass and steel. Although when exposed to simulated sunlight, the virus survived longer on soil and chicken feces compared to the other materials. It could potentially survive for up to two months on those materials, they estimate.
At low temperatures and low humidity, the virus actually survived longer on steel, glass, and soil than in chicken feces, a common source for spreading the virus. "Measures taken to contain and inactivate the virus, especially in these areas or conditions, may be warranted," the article notes.
Editor's Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Chicken carcasses Beware!
INFORMATION outbreak of the chicken carcass sales, proceeds from Upeks findings in one of the trade center in number of broiler Abubakar Lambogo Jl. There, several times received a request chicken carcasses.
"Yes sometimes there who came to ask what there is that want to sell dead chickens," said the reluctant dimediakan IM.
According to him, that person is routine to buy a chicken carcass. Reportedly, he worked as an itinerant food trader. The price of chicken carcasses was much cheaper than fresh chicken is slaughtered. However, as confirmed again, chicken traders on Jl Lambogo Abubakar denies selling chicken carcasses.
Andi, a chicken entrepreneur who is situated at the time of Abu Bakr confirmed Lambogo Upeks confessed, never sell chicken that has become a carcass to the public for consumption. According to him, cut chicken imported from Maros regency, had been selected. Not taken a sick chicken. But can not deny also, in the course of chicken piled in the car carrier can cause illness and death easy chicken.
"The arrival and looks sick, we immediately slaughtered for not die in vain. It is also to reduce losses, "he said.
However, Andi said if the dead chicken is quite a lot, does he usually sell, but not for public consumption. Usually those who buy chicken carcasses were the farmers. They use it as a shrimp feed. "If the number is only approximately 10 cows are dead, then we immediately destroy the plant," he said.
Bird Flu Positive,Worse than 2007
BALIKPAPAN-although it was stated graph to decline, the spread of H5N1 virus (bird flu) still continue to threaten the existence of feathered chicken species. Section, Department of Marine Fisheries and Livestock (DPKP) Balikpapan resume culling of 55 chickens that indicated the bird flu. "Rapid test positive, the RT 24 Source Rejo," said Head of Animal Health DPKP drh Ratna in his office, yesterday.
He said he deeply regrets the re-discovery of chickens infected with bird flu. Re-occurrence of cases in the RT 24 Source Rejo, due to act of the people who do not care will appeal that had been digencarkan it, considering afian influenza virus infected after the people who bring in chickens from a location that has tested positive for bird flu.
"We also regret, because due to the people who buy chicken at a cheap price of the family in Sepinggan, though its location has been declared positive, so the virus was brought chicken he bought it," explained Rachel.
In anticipation of wider distribution, then it re-sprayed disinfectant into up to a radius of 100 meters from the area point of presence chickens were destroyed, to kill the remnants of a virus that could have been saved in the surrounding area. "As usual we sterilize, clear handling appropriate SOP (Standard Operations procedures, Red)," he explained.
With increasing 55 chickens that were destroyed, then until recently has contained as many as 709 chickens that died suddenly, and 351 chickens in the depopulation (destroyed, as indicated bird flu). "In total there are 14 villages already that we examine, 9 village who tested positive and 4 village which turned out negative," explained Rachel again.
He admitted that cases of bird flu that is currently attacking Balikpapan more virulent than avian flu cases that occurred in Aberdeen in 2007 ago. The reason, both from the number of chickens to infected sites, the case is currently greater.
However, it dismissed the notion that states that the rapid growth of the bird flu case caused by the slow handling by his side, but it was suspected that the gene mutation has occurred on the bird flu virus that caused a mix of nucleotides (molecules that form a series of H5N1 virus).
"At this time the H5N1 strain was traced her, whether the same as was the case in South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, or who, because of the virus most likely came from two regions," he added.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Vietnam: Ha Tinh Province - H5N1 Poultry & Flooding Disease Concerns
Ha Tinh influenza A/H5N1 outbreaks after floods
(AP) - After nine months of lull, A/H5N1 flu broke out again in two villages of Central and South Channels, Cam Thanh, Cam Xuyen district (Ha Tinh). [Trung Nam và Nam Kênh, xã Cẩm Thành, huyện Cẩm Xuyên (Hà Tĩnh).]
Testing samples of Ha Tinh SDAH gave positive results.
14/10 days, information from the Veterinary Department said in Ha Tinh, Nam Trung village, Cam Thanh, Cam Xuyen district, appeared a number of ducks and chickens died of unknown causes. Ha Tinh SDAH sampled and tested positive for influenza A/H5N1.

Earlier, on 10/10, after receiving information from the Veterinary Station Cam Xuyen report issued: flocks of five households in rural Trung Nam phenomenon dead (more than 700 children died in 2750 herd I), the provincial Animal Health Department sent a delegation on the inspection and direction of prevention.
Department has taken samples 9 dead birds for testing, and coordinate with the People's Cam Xuyen active service deployment stamping steps.
Propaganda against influenza A/H5N1 was the health sector conducted in time for local people
Date 12/10, Cam Xuyen district has established steering committees and union prevent destruction of poultry, directing the Cam Thanh conducted destruction of cattle in the outbreak.
Then on 13/10, 230 poultry farmers in the village of Na Kênh dead. Thus, the number of dead birds and destruction of the households in Cẩm Thành pm on 13/10 is close to 3350 children.
Risk of disease outbreaks can be extensive and spread to humans, Veterinary Station Cam Xuyen commune has directed 11 checkpoints set up to prevent the birds dispersed from the infected area out, and disinfection facilities to service the region, livestock pens and inter-village roads.
Causes of disease outbreaks is the specialized agency is determined by the floods should have experienced the environment in Cẩm Thành (Cẩm Xuyên) heavily polluted, the weather changes while migrated pathogens in the environment long and the local poultry has timed out but has not been immune vaccination for phase 2 is a shortage of vaccines.
Viet nam- ducks with H5N1
Ha Tinh: After the flood risk of disease and hunger
Thursday, 10.14.2010, 10:39 (GMT +7)
(SGGPO) .- floods recede, the overcoming of consequences, environmental treatment, the relief people in Ha Tinh province and the party committees, local government aggressively implemented, the basic steps helping people restore their lives. However, people in flooded areas are still facing numerous difficulties, particularly the risk of disease and starvation.
Although the spraying of disinfectants, water treatment, environmental timely but the number of pink eye disease, foot of drinking water, diarrhea is increasing very rapidly after the flood in Huong Khe, Vu Quang.
Bird Flu Was Followed By The Other Illness [Central Java]
Purwokerto - The bird flu Illness that attacks the poultry in the Banyumas territory up to now was still being difficult to be controlled. The problem, the cause virus of this illness had the trend be mutated as well as brought the other prospective illness.
That was revealed by Chairman Council Ekonomy Livestock Central Java, Gembong Heru Nugroho, responded to the case emergence of bird flu in Banyumas.
"Till now the bird flu illness is still continuing to be available. Moreover, this illness emergence was precisely followed by the other illness or happened the complication with the other illness like ND (New Castle Deseases-Red) or the bronchitis infection," said he, yesterday.
According to Gembong, bird flu unlike previously again that could be handled with giving of the vaccine and spraying of disinfectant. Now the vaccine is not effective any more.
This illness could also cause the occurrence of the decline in the productivity, especially in the layer. "Moreover, the decline in this productivity could reach 60 percent," he said.
Moreover, he continued, the egg shell that usually is brown could become white when the layer infected bird flu. This condition was very damaging the breeder. Moreover the illness kind that attacked the poultry also even more.
His side also regretted the government that at this time no longer gives the vaccine to the breeders. In fact, to prevent the occurrence of the case of bird flu, one of his methods of being the poultry must be given the vaccine routinely every time three months.
"The regional government since 2-3 last year no longer gave the vaccine to the breeder. As a result, the breeder was overwhelmed. In fact, in West Java giving of the vaccine was still proceeding," he stated.
This condition was still being increased with the price increase was buying food, while the selling price of the egg experienced the decline. For the breeder that maintained in the number that many, the possibility could be still remaining. However for the small scale breeder, like available in the Sumbang Subdistrict, was enough difficult to remain.
Gembong added, the bird flu emergence was also influenced by the weather. The extreme weather that takes place now really influence the development of the virus H5N1 and poultry resistance.
"The existence of the extreme weather automatically caused chicken resistance to descended. As a result susceptible was attacked by the illness, especially bird flu," he explained.
Too wide in the meanwhile, Head of Sector Health of the Animal and the Service Fivestock and fisheries (Dinnakkan) the Banyumas Regency, Sentot S Eko explained, in fact giving of the vaccine to the poultry was ineffective. Because, the range of the Banyumas territory was too wide.
"In fact the potent method of facing the bird flu illness was by applying the concept biosecurity, that is by maintaining the cleanliness of the pen and spraying with the disinfectant liquid routinely. Whereas for stock of disinfectant in Banyumas be still relatively sufficient," he said.
hattip bmg
Indonesia: Bengkulu: Threatened Bird Flu Outbreak Spreads
It was related that that, the Pertanian Service and Livestock Breeding (Distannak) Ms [Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan (Distannak) BU] immediately must carry out anticipation.
If not the plague will spread to other subdistricts in BU to the problem, Kadistannak Ms Ir Batman Meiry Arsyad said the case of bird flu in Lais had the possibility will hinder to the Kota Arga Makmur and the surrounding subdistrict.
So his side has carried out anticipation. Including carrying out spraying disinfektan in the affected territory suspect bird flu.
For Untuk Lubuk Gedang, Distannak has determined the alert status. This area will be isolated. 17 litre disinfektan has been sent for the eradication of the plague. His profit resulting from the death mandadak the chicken belonging to this resident did not yet cause human fatalities. Nevertheless this must be guarded against. He also appealed to the resident to not consume the chicken died suddenly.
The community's vigilance was really hoped for in this case. If the same thing, it was hoped immediately happening reported to related apparatus. So as could fast was dealt with, obviously him. In the meantime, in the Hijau daughter, hundreds of tails of the chicken belonging to the resident in the Village of Suka Medan also died mendadak.Masyarakat concerned with the incident. However as far as this is concerned to want Medan to not yet have related apparatus that descended to carry out the checking, said Kamto Wibowo, the resident Like Medan Kecamatan Putri Hijau.
Indonesia: Bengkulu: Bird flu spread Again
Considering his spreading that like that did not yet spread and spread to manusia. but this has been done the report to the Service of Kesehatan Povinsi Bengkulu only the resident hoped careful mengkomsumsi meat, even so with if the characteristics of the poultry often has experienced was sick hoped immediately it was reported to the official or the subdistrict side so that the existence of the handling early. The "community was asked to be participating for the handling" of "this bird flu." Uptil now the difficulty dealt with the spreading of this virus because of the awareness of the very low resident. With this status was hoped for penangann him more was increased again. Moreover the government support and the resident also must more, this could not have been it was considered normal, 10 tails that in the Village nusuk was studied by us came back for the following sample "said Buyung Sementara Itu, this morning rencanaya will be carried out by the extermination against hundreds of poultries that were attacked by this deadly virus, because of that his side was doing uapaya this handling." This was caused by the change in the climate that not menentu. tomorrow (the day ini,red) we will carry out the extermination of the poultry with penguburuan and the burning of the poultry he explained
Indonesia: 2 Suspected Patients Test Negative
Thursday, October 14, 2010
In the meantime 2 patients who it was suspected were affected by bird flu that could be treated in the Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Public Hospital (RSKD) for the time being negative bird flu, because from results of the inspection that was carried out did not show sign-t you the existence of this deadly virus. "His condition was safe, and showed negative the spread," said one of the RSKD nurses of Isolation space.
Moreover one of the patients who came dai Sepinggan might have come home, although still was told for the routine inspection until the existence produced by the test that was dismissed from the health laboratory in Jakata. Whereas 1 patient still is pre-schoolers (20 months) the resident Rt 32 Damai districts that it was suspected contracted Bird Flu, but after being carried out by his condition inspection was also normal. "My child could experience hot 40 Celsius levels," said the mother of the pre-schooler.
Sementara itu 2 pasien yang diduga terkena flu burung yang sempat dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo (RSKD) untuk sementara negative flu burung, sebab dari hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan tidak menunjukkan tanda-tnda adanya virus yang mematikan tersebut. “Kondisinya aman, dan menunjukkan negative penularan,” kata salah seorang perawat ruang Isolasi RSKD.
Bahkan salah seorang pasien yang berasal dai Sepinggan sudah boleh pulang ke rumah, walaupun masih disuruh untuk pemeriksaan rutin sampai adanya hasil tes yang dikeluarkan dari laboratorium kesehatan di Jakata. Sedangkan 1 pasien lagi adalah balita (20 bulan) warga Rt 32 kelurahan Damai yang dicurigai mengidap Flu Burung, tetapi setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan kondisinya juga normal. “Anak saya sempat mengalami panas 40 derajat Celsius,” kata ibu si balita.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
mysterious fever grips Kanpur Dehat
The death toll has mounted to about 300 in Kanpur Dehat due to mysterious fever since last one month.
The fever took its root in the state and it spreaded itself in Jaunpur, Lucknow and Shamli, the sources said.
Around 40 girls in a college in Jaunpur were affected by the fever last week and in Kanpur it became an epidemic.
The new CMO has not been appointed yet after the dismissal of the CMO and the health department is unable to detect the disease.
The death toll is rising day by day, but the government is sleeping yet.
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Sun 10 Oct 2010
Source: The Times of India (TOI), Times News Network (TNN) [summ., edited]
The total toll from "mysterious" fever has continued to escalate with 13
more deaths reported from Ramabai Nagar district ([formerly] Kanpur Dehat)
on Sunday [10 Oct 2010]. More and more people infected with the
unidentified virus have flocked the district hospital in Akbarpur. So far,
256 people have already died during the past few days. A team of district
officials visited the affected villages on Sunday [10 Oct 2010] to
ascertain the facts and figures of human casualties. It has been learnt
during the visit that as many as 400 people, most of whom are minors, are
down with fever.
The disease started from Ahrauli Sheikh village in Amraudha block and
within a month spread to 48 villages, housing 3000 families. It was also
learnt that the infants who fell victim to the disease were suffering from
acute malnutrition. "The infants were suffering from malnutrition and that
made some of them vulnerable to the killer virus," said district nodal
officer (epidemic) Arvind Sachan.
[byline: Faiz Rahman Siddiqui]
communicated by:
[This report provides no additional information about the nature of the
disease (other than fever), nor its likely etiological agent (other than
"killer virus") beyond similar statements in the 1st report of 4 Oct 2010
(cited below). There has been a significant increase in the number of fatal
cases, from 180 in the 4 Oct 2010 report to 256 indicated above. In the
absence of additional information, it is impossible to speculate rationally
about what is going on in this outbreak. Sadly, the complete article goes
on at some length about complaints by local people charging inadequate
availability of medical facilities and attention in this area. If samples
have been collected and sent to a reference laboratory, ProMED-mail would
be interested in receiving information about the results as they become
A map showing the location of the Ramabai Nagar District can be accessed at
<>. A
HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of India is available at
Vietnam-Appearance of avian influenza H5N1 in Ha Tinh
(VOV) - After 3 days of outbreak, nine households have poultry and water fowl infected with the total number of 3,000 children, including the destruction of 2,745 chickens, ducks and geese.
Avian influenza H5N1 appeared in rural China Southern, Cam Thanh, Cam Xuyen district of Ha Tinh when many parts are focused on handling environmental hygiene, especially carcasses following the recent floods.
To encircle, control services, Animal Health Branch of Ha Tinh province coordinated with local authorities to promptly provide a ton of lime powder, 130 liters of chemical disinfection, and also founded 4 pin to control the killing operation, trade, movement of poultry, waterfowl in the area.
However, the mob, controlling epidemic facing many difficulties because there are no drugs to vaccination. /.
Indonesia: Central Java - Sragen Suspected H5N1 Poultry
Sragen (Espos)- -Enam ekor ayam jenis bangkok di Dukuh Karangasem RT 2/RW V, Kelurahan Karang Tengah, Sragen mati mendadak. Sragen (Espos) - Six-type chickens in Hamlet Karangasem bangkok RT 2/RW V, Kelurahan Karang Tengah, Sragen sudden death. Kematian ayam terjadi hanya berselang 12 jam alias semalam sejak gejala sakit kali pertama terlihat. Chicken deaths came just 12 hours apart last night, aka the first time since symptoms of illness appear.
Terkait hal itu Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan (Disnakan) Sragen mengecek kondisi di lapangan untuk melihat kemungkinan kematian disebabkan flu burung. Related to the Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Sragen check the conditions on the ground to see the possibility of death due to bird flu.
Pemilik ayam mati, Windarwati menjelaskan enam ayam mati dalam empat hari berturut-turut. The owner of the chicken died, Windarwati explain six chickens died in four days in a row. Pada hari pertama sampai ketiga, setiap hari satu ayam ditemukan mati. On the first day until the third, every day a chicken was found dead.
Sedangkan pada hari terakhir, yaitu Minggu (10/10) sekaligus tiga ayam mati. While on the last day, that Sunday (10/10) as well as three dead chickens. Menurut dia, kematian ayam terjadi secara mendadak. According to him, death occurs suddenly chicken. Hanya berselang sekitar 12 jam, ayam tiba-tiba ditemukan di dalam kandang. Only about 12 hours later, the chicken suddenly found inside the cage.
“Dua ayam jago bangkok dan empat yang lain usia tanggung. "Two roosters bangkok and four other corporate age. Semuanya mati mendadak,” terang Windarwati, saat ditemui Espos, di kediamannya, Rabu (13/10). All of sudden death, "explained Windarwati, when found Espos, at his residence, Wednesday (13/10).
Sementara Lurah Karang Tengah, Suroto membenarkan warga di desanya melaporkan kematian ayam secara mendadak. While the Middle Reef Village, Suroto justify the village's residents reported chicken deaths are sudden. Suroto dan jajarannya pun telah mengecek lokasi. Suroto and staff also have to check the location. Sayangnya, di lokasi, dia tidak ditemukan bangkai ayam yang mati mendadak. Unfortunately, the location, he can not find dead chickens that died suddenly. Pemilik mengaku telah membuang bangkai ayam mati ke sungai di dekat lokasi. The owner claimed to have disposed of dead chicken carcasses into the river near the site.
Suroto menilai warga patut khawatir, lantaran sekitar tiga bulan sebelumnya kejadian ayam mati mendadak pernah terjadi di Dukuh Nglangon, kelurahan setempat. Suroto assess residents should not worry, because about three months before the incident never happened chickens died suddenly in Hamlet Nglangon, the local village. Ketika itu, tiga ekor ayam mati mendadak, dan berdasarkan tes laboratorium satu ekor ayam mati yang dijadikan sampel dinyatakan positif flu burung. At that time, three chickens died suddenly, and based on lab tests of dead chickens sampled tested positive for bird flu. “Karena itulah, warga saya rasa perlu waspada,” tandasnya. "Therefore, I think people need to be vigilant," he said.
Kepala Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan (Disnakan) Sragen, Eka Rini mengakui telah menerima laporan kematian ayam secara mendadak di Keluarahan Karang Tengah.
Head of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Sragen, Eka Rini admitted to having received reports of a sudden death of chickens in Keluarahan Middle Reef.
Terkait laporan tersebut, pihaknya kini tengah menyelidiki kemungkinan penyebab kematian. Related to these reports, it is now investigating the possible causes of death.
Eka Rini menegaskan belum dapat menduga penyebab kematian ayam, sebelum melakukan pengecekan laboratorium secara lebih detail. Eka Rini confirmed not to suspect the cause of death of chickens, before checking the laboratory in more detail. “Kita belum bisa pastikan penyebabnya. "We can not confirm the cause. Yang jelas ini sedang dicek ke lokasi. What is clear is being checked to the location. Mestinya kalau ada kejadian segera dilaporkan, jangan sampai terlambat seperti ini. It should be reported immediately if any event, do not be late like this. Bangkai ayam sudah terlanjur dibuang,” terang dia. Chicken carcasses had already thrown away, "he explained.
Vietnam: Dak Lak Province H5N1 Ducks
13-10 am, SDAH Dak Lak province, said the H5N1 avian influenza has reappeared on the ducks in Krong Bong district.
Sáng 13-10, Chi cục Thú y tỉnh Dak Lak cho biết, dịch cúm gia cầm H5N1 đã tái xuất hiện trên đàn vịt tại địa bàn huyện Krông Bông.
Các ngành chức năng đã cùng với địa phương tiến hành khoanh vùng phun thuốc tiêu độc, khử trùng toàn bộ khu vực chăn nuôi gia cầm nhằm ngăn chặn không để dịch cúm gia cầm H5N1 lây lan.
Functional departments were conducted with local zoning antidotal spraying, the entire area disinfected poultry to prevent avian influenza H5N1 to spread.
Trước đó, đàn vịt gần 500 con của một hộ dân ở thôn 8, xã Hòa Sơn có hiện tượng một số con bị co giật, khó thở, phân xanh, trắng, chết hàng loạt và báo với thú y địa phương.
Earlier, a flock of nearly 500 households in eight villages, Hoa Son commune with the phenomenon of a number of seizures, difficulty breathing, green manure, white, die-off and reported to local animal health.
Qua kiểm tra các mẫu bệnh phẩm đều xác định đàn vịt bị dịch cúm gia cầm H5N1, đã tiến hành thiêu hủy toàn bộ.
Through testing the samples were determined ducks were H5N1 avian influenza, has conducted all destroyed.
Chi cục Thú y tỉnh cũng trực tiếp kiểm tra 2 cơ sở chăn nuôi vịt khác trong huyện với hơn 1.500 con cũng có các triệu chứng tương tự như đàn vịt nhiễm H5N1 nói trên và vận động dân tiêu hủy phòng tránh lây lan.
Provincial Animal Health Department also directly examine two other ducks breeding establishments in the district with more than 1,500 children have symptoms similar to H5N1-infected ducks, said the movement's destruction and prevent spread.
Quang Ngai: Outbreak of foot and mouth epidemic
HAI YEN (10/13/2010 10:08)
Date 12/10, director of Quang Ngai Department of Animal Health, said Nguyen Dinh Tuan, foot and mouth epidemic is raging in two strengths is mountainous districts of Tra Bong and Son Tay (Quang Ngai).
Son Tay district has 64 cattle and 66 human Tra Bong with foot and mouth disease. Departments are to advise DARD of Quang Ngai Provincial People's Committee proposal released foot and mouth epidemic. Before the complicated situation of the above diseases, Veterinary Department, Quang Ngai province has directed local efforts to stamp out epidemics, the disease not to spread out wide. It is known from early August to 20 / 9, the province has appeared three diseases.
Specific influenza H5N1 in poultry occurred in six communes in 5 districts (Binh Son, Son Tinh, Tu Nghia, Nghia Hanh, Tra Bong) to 7353 birds have been infected and destroy all dead. Blue ear pig disease to 73 in three districts of Binh Son, Son Tinh and Tu Nghia. FMD in cattle occurs in three districts Son Tinh, Son Tay and Binh Son 64 cows sick.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Source: FAOAIDEnews, Animal Influenza Disease Emergency Situation Update No
70 [summarised, edited]
At a glance: The latest HPAI outbreaks for the period 1 - 30 Sep 2010
Note: AIDEnews publishes reports of confirmed HPAI cases using the
following sources: OIE, European Commission, FAO, and national governments.
Africa -- Egypt
A total of 13 H5 HPAI positive cases were reported in 7 governorates from 1
to 30 Sep 2010:
Beni Suef (2), Fayoum (6), Giza (1), Menoufia (6), Qualioubia (3)
Governorates (number of outbreaks in the governorate is in brackets). All
of the outbreaks were in household poultry, except for one commercial farm
in the Qualioubia Governorate that had been vaccinated.
Asia -- Indonesia
The Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response (PDSR) programme
through 33 Local Disease Control Centres covers 71 192 villages in 84 per
cent of Indonesia -- 448 districts and municipalities in 29 of its 33
During July 2010, PDSR conducted surveillance in 1868 villages (2.6 per
cent). The overall HPAI incidence was 0.5 infected villages per 1000
villages under surveillance. The province with the highest incidence values
was Bengkuli (4.7 per 1000 villages). The number of newly infected villages
found during [July] was: 17 in Sumatra, 17 in Java, 2 in Kalimantan, and 3
in Sulawesi.
During August 2010, PDSR conducted surveillance in 1488 villages (2.1 per
cent). The overall HPAI incidence was 0.6 infected villages per 1000
villages under surveillance. The province with the highest incidence values
was Bengkuli (12.6 per 1000 villages). The number of newly infected
villages found during [August] by island was: 23 in Sumatra, 15 in Java, 5
in Kalimantan, and 1 in Sulawesi.
communicated by:
Juan Lubroth
Chief, Animal Health Service/CVO-FAO Animal Production and Health Division
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
[The above issue 70 of FAOAIDEnews, available at the above URL, includes
the following items:
1. Avian Influenza: continued support is required
2. Satellite telemetry supports determination of HPAI
3. Most recent H5N1 AI outbreaks (country names), 2006-2010
4. At a Glance (copied above)
5. Summary of confirmed HPAI outbreaks (list of countries infected since
2003, pertaining to the dates of 1st and latest outbreaks, animals infected
to date, and human cases/death to date).
Item 5 lists 11 countries in Africa, 19 in Asia, 7 in the Near East and 26
in Europe. 10 of the affected European countries experienced H5N1 cases in
wild birds only.
The countries which have reported the highest number of human
cases/mortalities are: Indonesia (168/139), Vietnam (119/59), Egypt
(112/36), China (39/26), and Thailand (25/17).
H5N1 Spreads thru dust, flies, crops, poultry, water....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 18:41 pm
TARAKAN- Head of Public Health and Food Crop Husbandry Department Tarakan, DVM Wikan Cahya Addi said, flies can become a medium-to-human spread of bird flu.
In addition, the virus can be transmitted if we come in contact with fellow human beings who just touched the bird flu infected poultry.
"So there is little possibility of bird flu was circulating when we are in the areas affected by bird flu, then with dust, vehicle and birds can also make us infected with bird flu," he said.
To anticipate this widening bird flu outbreak, Wikan appealed to all farmers and poultry owners to wash their hands immediately after touching poultry. This meant that the bird flu is not contagious to humans.
"Can wash with a disinfectant, detergent or soap with bath also includes a disinfectant. Because of bird flu has also spread to humans through airborne dust, then this should mengkandangkan poultry farmers, "he said