Monday, April 27, 2009

The case of Pig Flu had never attacked Indonesia

Senin, 27 April 2009

The secretary Indonesian Veterinary Watch Mangku Sitepu said till at this time was not yet encountered by the case of pig flu to the pig in Indonesia. "In Indonesia was still safe, had never had the case," said Mangku when being contacted the Time, on Monday (27/4). But, Mangku supported efforts of pig quarantine that were striven for by the Department of Agriculture as anticipation of the prevention against the pig in Indonesia. According to him, pork could not spread the virus of pig flu to humankind. The secretary of the Department of the Mexican Health said like that was quoted the Associated Press news agency, the illness of pig flu killed 103 people and at least infected more than 1,600 people since last April 13. Canada became the newest decisive country the case of this virus was received in the human body. Now 20 cases that not turn off was encountered also in the USA. He said the virus to the pig that was encountered in Indonesia was the virus H5N1 (bird flu). The pig could be stated or infected but did not make this pig be sick. "Special/extraordinary to this pig did not make him be sick," ujar Mangku

He explained this pig flu has been found in 1918 in the pig. The plague of influenza in Spain happened and killed 40 million humans and attacked the pig. Just after that was known by his virus H1N1. He said this virus in the country that had four seasons had the level of the high death fatality. But in Indonesia was not fatal. According to him, good bird flu or pig flu had the same type but in the different sub-type. Bird flu was zoonosis or could spread from the poultry to humankind. In Asia the virus of sub-type bird flu H5N1, in the Netherlands or Europe H7N7, and H9N2 in Hong Kong and China. Whereas pig flu it was known had the sub-type virus H1N1, H3N2, H2N1, and H1N2. To his death rate pig was small. This virus could be spread to the fellow pig.

Despite this, said he, had been encountered by the case of the spread from the pig to humankind in 1978 in the USA that attacked the pig breeders. The last research proved this virus of pig flu has bermutasi. "There were three viruses namely the common flu virus, bird flu, and pig flu," he said. For the case of pig flu, said Mangku, was gotten by two focuses of attention. However at this time more often will be focussed on the spread from humankind to humankind. Whereas to the animal, prevention efforts were carried out through quarantine and increased vigilance. "Proposed by us so that kedutaaan or Indonesian delegation in Mexico or the country other asked for the free certificate pig flu in the visas request," said Mangku.

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