Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Pakistani, among those killed by flu

A Pakistani, among those killed by flu
The INER reported 15 deaths from the epidemic in National Institute of Respiratory Diseases

Sunday April 26 2009

A Pakistani was the first foreigner to have died in Mexico, the victim of swine influenza.

To his family, a group of about eight people, samples were taken for analysis and were given treatment with the antiviral oseltamivir.

Sources from the Ministry of Health confirmed the death of Pakistan, which is part of the 20 deceased persons to whom it was found that the contracted swine influenza.

According to data collected by El Universal, Pakistani, which is not provided the name, joined the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) on April 16.

The Health Department detected its first case of swine influenza and released three days before the April 17 first epidemiological alert for an outbreak of atypical seasonal influenza.

The alien died on Sunday April 19. His relatives were summoned to proportional one days after the medication and prevent the spread of the virus.

INER in the 15 patients died, one at 11:30 am yesterday by a virus whose name did not clarify the institute's director, Edgar Mondragon Armijo.

In a brief press conference, Mondragón Armijo said that patients have the H1N1 strain, which is defined by, and might think it's pork. "

Are placed 24 patients diagnosed with influenza, 10 of them seriously that they even have assisted mechanical ventilation.

Mondragón Armijo explained that only provide antivirals to patients and relatives of the deceased.

The admission to this hospital is controlled by armed police. In the area of respiratory emergencies only allows access to the patient and a companion.

Whether internal to the patient, the relatives are not allowed in the waiting room. They settled in a camellón where they have eaten their food and even spend the night.

INER to have channeled some patients who are suspected to have influenza, but the families do not receive data from the state of health.

A couple of 23 years died yesterday, the latest victim, joined by a "severe pneumonia" last April 20.

The doctor told his family that he died of a heart and a strange virus is not detected. "

On Friday they had warned him that there were fewer than 24 hours of life.

The elementary teacher Mariana Solis, a carrier of the flu, took two hours to give the antiviral oseltamivir.

Just Friday night she was diagnosed with influenza, because in a previous query in the ISSSTE told she had flu. Every week taught a group of 25 minors.

hattip Helblindi

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