Kalianda, 12 / 1 (Antara / FINROLL News) - Department of Animal Husbandry of South Lampung regency declared bird flu again attacked dozens of poultry in District Ketapang.
Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Office of the Great South Lampung Husbandry Kusmartuti in Kalianda, Tuesday said the bird flu infections caused by infected areas are in the market with activity levels and high avian traffic.
He mentioned the number of dead birds as much as 48 tails of six residents in the Hamlet II, Village Sripendowo, Ketapang District.
"We've done some spraying disinfectant into the poultry barn owned by citizens, and had socialized about the prevention and eradication of bird flu," he said.
Agung said that besides livestock traffic, causes high attack against the avian bird flu since the current peak of the rainy season.
According to fixed procedures (protap), animal husbandry department has been doing counseling and spraying disinfectant into a poultry cage citizens to anticipate the spread of the spread of the disease.
In the attack of bird flu in South Lampung regency since the beginning of this year, there were three cases recorded by the number of 92 dead birds tail.
Since the beginning of January 2010 of bird flu occurred in the Village Building, District Palas, and the virus has also attacked the village-owned poultry Tajimalela, District Kalianda
Great hope the community can work together with the Animal Husbandry Department to work together to alert against bird flu, because the rainy season is very potential as a medium for transmission of the disease.
He said the public should anticipate the environmental hygiene and impound livestock to suppress transmission of the disease, because the 17 districts in South Lampung regency is endemic areas of bird flu.
Related to the need for disinfectant, Animal Husbandry Department of South Lampung district has requested an additional provision of disinfectant to the Animal Husbandry Department for the sprayed Lampung province to a number of areas vulnerable to bird flu in local districts.
"Our supplies are running low disinfectant, so that additional needs, considering South Lampung is endemic areas of bird flu," he said.
He said South Lampung Animal Husbandry Department currently has a supply of 120 liters of disinfectant, and is expected not sufficient for one year.
Therefore, it will ask for an additional 300 liters to as much inventory during 2010.
"Because, based on the case last year, we need as many as 600 liters more," he said.
However, the word da, with the addition of 300 liters is expected to be sufficient if the bird flu virus attacks are not as high as last year.
He said the disinfectant will be sprayed into a poultry barn owned by the radius of the attack to suppress the spread of firus.
In addition, the disinfectant will be given to branch offices throughout the district to supply at any time if there are findings of bird flu cases.
Based on the data in the local Animal Husbandry Department, during 2008 the number of cases of bird flu in South Lampung 35 cases, and the number of dead birds reached the tail 3000.
In 2009 the number decreased, where only 17 cases, and the number of 500 dead birds tail.
While the at the beginning of 2010 there were three cases of bird flu with the number of birds that died suddenly about 100 tails. (L. KA * H009)
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