Monday, March 8, 2010

Discovery of the 104 case of bird flu

[I believe the date of this article is faulty. He did not make his statement on the 3rd of March. He made it on the 6th.]

Ministry of Health announced the discovery of new human case of avian flu to the old man 53 years of Shubra El-Qalubia, bringing the total number of cases 104 cases since the onset of the disease in Egypt.

وأكدت وزارة الصحة أن التاريخ المرضى للحالة يؤكد دخوله مستشفى النيل للتأمين الصحى يوم 27 فبراير الحالى وهو يعانى من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة وسعال ورشح والتهاب صدر مزمن، بالإضافة إلى التهاب رئوى أيسر وذلك عقب تعرضه لطيور يشتبه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، وقد تم إعطائه عقار "التاميفلو"، وتحويله إلى مستشفى صدر العباسية بالقاهرة وحالته الصحية حرجة.

The Ministry of Health that the date for the case of patients entering the hospital confirms the Nile to health insurance on February 27, suffering from fever, cough, runny nose and chronic inflammation was issued, in addition to pneumonia, easier and that after being exposed to birds suspected of being infected with bird flu, has been given a drug "Tamiflu", and was transferred to a hospital in Cairo and the Abbasid critical condition.

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