04/08/2010 15:18
On 05/04/2010, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses of Bac Kan province issued emergency notices 47/TB-BCD number of cases of patients with influenza A (H5N1) in Bac Kan and some preventive measures for avian influenza A (H5N1) emergency.
Notice shall specify: Last time that happened all over the country scattered cases of morbidity and mortality caused by influenza A (H5N1). Currently, the province of Bac Kan also had flu patients, testing positive for influenza A (H5N1). Specifically as follows:
Notified by the Ministry of Health, in the first months of 2010 there were some cases of influenza A (H5N1): 01 cases in Khanh Hoa province (on 27.1.2010), 01 cases in Son Duong district - Tuyen Optical (on 02.19.2010) has 02 cases of death from influenza A (H5N1), the first case in Cai Be district, Tien Giang Province (died on 23/2/2010), the second case Binh Duong Province (died on 17/3/2010). In the case of patients with influenza A (H5N1), some cases have no direct contact with infected poultry.
As reported by the Department of Health, in Bac Kan province had 01 patients with influenza A (H5N1): Patients with a history of eating sick chickens, in which the patient resides (As can commune, Cho Moi) going outbreaks in chickens.
On 27/3/2010, the disease began to develop symptoms such as fever, cough. On 30/3/2010, the patient in Cho Moi district hospital treatment, results shooting the film normal lung. Through 03 days of treatment in hospital for New symptoms more severe signs: continuous fever, difficulty breathing, shooting the film X. Optical images show lesions spread both lungs. The patient was transferred to the Hospital (BVDK) province in 15 hours 30 minutes on 02/4/2010 at the Department of Infectious treatment. Capture X.quang found widespread damage to the lungs than film in Cho Moi district hospital, the patient started showing signs of respiratory failure.
Center for Preventive Medicine province took samples and sample survey of the Central Hygiene and Epidemiology Institute. 21 hours 00 Hoi on 02/4/2010, the patient was transferred to hospital treatment of infectious and tropical diseases. Laboratory at the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology: samples positive for influenza A virus (H5N1).
On 03/4/2010 from Health Department has directed and coordinated with the DPC to all organizations in anti-social services like her. On 04/4/2010 National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology has sent missions to support Bac Kan flu A (H5N1).
Report of the Department of Health through the actual work of investigation in the outbreak and work with the DPC Cho Moi showed people's consciousness about the prevention of influenza A (H5N1) is very low (still eat poultry meat sick / die, do not report translated for local authorities, identify birds indiscriminately thrown into rivers, streams, causing pollution and high risk spread in the province, to other locations); the initiative in prevention of avian veterinary staff on the local level is not high. These issues should be relevant sectors and authorities at all levels of interest, correct time.
To actively in the work for prevention of influenza A (H5N1) in people over the province, the Steering Committee asked the health sector, the Agriculture and Rural Development, the departments concerned and the People's Committee districts, some urgently implement the following key tasks:
For Health Services:
Strengthening supervision cases first infected with influenza A (H5N1) in treatment at all levels, from the commune health centers to district hospitals, provincial general hospital. In the process of receiving, diagnosing and treating patients must strictly comply with the guidance in the Decision on 19.08.2008 30/2008/QD-BYT guiding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of flu A (H5N1) in humans;
To direct the provincial Preventive Medicine Center, TTYT the districts:
Prepare machinery, chemicals, protective equipment and strengthening of Preventive Medicine team, ready to support local anti-epidemic when required. Implementing anti-guide service in accordance with Decision No. 1812/QD-BYT on 05/23/2005 by the Health Ministry issuing process outbreak of avian influenza A (H5N1).
If a patient's death, burial must be held as stipulated in Circular No.: 02/2009/TT-BYT of the Health Ministry in guiding the cleaning operation burial, cremation.
Enhance communication to raise awareness of people about flu in poultry. To well implement the Health Ministry's recommendations on prevention of influenza A (H5N1) from birds to infect humans.
For the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:
To expeditiously examine and supervise the local situation in the province of HPAI in poultry; enhance direct veterinary staff at all levels on prevention of avian influenza ; coordinate well with the public health sector in the prevention and control outbreaks in poultry and avian influenza A (H5N1) in humans.
Two Health and Agriculture and Rural Development to urgently formulate a regulation to coordinate their operation against disease spread from cattle and poultry to humans, especially flu A (H5N1) to respond proactive preventive measures right from the stage occurred in poultry.
For the People's Committees of districts and towns:
To organize the inspection and supervision of the management of state animal health in the province; reorganize the work report, translate reports from villages, communes to district levels; Emergency School Steering Committee to consolidate prevention and control of local direct the departments of professional, relevant departments of local People's Committees of communes, wards and towns strictly implement the direction of the health sector , Agriculture and Rural Development and the Provincial Steering Committee, which plans to timely prevention and control to limit the spread of avian influenza A (H5N1) from poultry to people, minimize the number of patients died .
In this announcement, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses requires Bac Kan provinces, the departments concerned to expeditiously implement. /.
On 05/04/2010, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses of Bac Kan province issued emergency notices 47/TB-BCD number of cases of patients with influenza A (H5N1) in Bac Kan and some preventive measures for avian influenza A (H5N1) emergency.
Notice shall specify: Last time that happened all over the country scattered cases of morbidity and mortality caused by influenza A (H5N1). Currently, the province of Bac Kan also had flu patients, testing positive for influenza A (H5N1). Specifically as follows:
Notified by the Ministry of Health, in the first months of 2010 there were some cases of influenza A (H5N1): 01 cases in Khanh Hoa province (on 27.1.2010), 01 cases in Son Duong district - Tuyen Optical (on 02.19.2010) has 02 cases of death from influenza A (H5N1), the first case in Cai Be district, Tien Giang Province (died on 23/2/2010), the second case Binh Duong Province (died on 17/3/2010). In the case of patients with influenza A (H5N1), some cases have no direct contact with infected poultry.
As reported by the Department of Health, in Bac Kan province had 01 patients with influenza A (H5N1): Patients with a history of eating sick chickens, in which the patient resides (As can commune, Cho Moi) going outbreaks in chickens.
On 27/3/2010, the disease began to develop symptoms such as fever, cough. On 30/3/2010, the patient in Cho Moi district hospital treatment, results shooting the film normal lung. Through 03 days of treatment in hospital for New symptoms more severe signs: continuous fever, difficulty breathing, shooting the film X. Optical images show lesions spread both lungs. The patient was transferred to the Hospital (BVDK) province in 15 hours 30 minutes on 02/4/2010 at the Department of Infectious treatment. Capture X.quang found widespread damage to the lungs than film in Cho Moi district hospital, the patient started showing signs of respiratory failure.
Center for Preventive Medicine province took samples and sample survey of the Central Hygiene and Epidemiology Institute. 21 hours 00 Hoi on 02/4/2010, the patient was transferred to hospital treatment of infectious and tropical diseases. Laboratory at the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology: samples positive for influenza A virus (H5N1).
On 03/4/2010 from Health Department has directed and coordinated with the DPC to all organizations in anti-social services like her. On 04/4/2010 National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology has sent missions to support Bac Kan flu A (H5N1).
Report of the Department of Health through the actual work of investigation in the outbreak and work with the DPC Cho Moi showed people's consciousness about the prevention of influenza A (H5N1) is very low (still eat poultry meat sick / die, do not report translated for local authorities, identify birds indiscriminately thrown into rivers, streams, causing pollution and high risk spread in the province, to other locations); the initiative in prevention of avian veterinary staff on the local level is not high. These issues should be relevant sectors and authorities at all levels of interest, correct time.
To actively in the work for prevention of influenza A (H5N1) in people over the province, the Steering Committee asked the health sector, the Agriculture and Rural Development, the departments concerned and the People's Committee districts, some urgently implement the following key tasks:
For Health Services:
Strengthening supervision cases first infected with influenza A (H5N1) in treatment at all levels, from the commune health centers to district hospitals, provincial general hospital. In the process of receiving, diagnosing and treating patients must strictly comply with the guidance in the Decision on 19.08.2008 30/2008/QD-BYT guiding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of flu A (H5N1) in humans;
To direct the provincial Preventive Medicine Center, TTYT the districts:
Prepare machinery, chemicals, protective equipment and strengthening of Preventive Medicine team, ready to support local anti-epidemic when required. Implementing anti-guide service in accordance with Decision No. 1812/QD-BYT on 05/23/2005 by the Health Ministry issuing process outbreak of avian influenza A (H5N1).
If a patient's death, burial must be held as stipulated in Circular No.: 02/2009/TT-BYT of the Health Ministry in guiding the cleaning operation burial, cremation.
Enhance communication to raise awareness of people about flu in poultry. To well implement the Health Ministry's recommendations on prevention of influenza A (H5N1) from birds to infect humans.
For the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:
To expeditiously examine and supervise the local situation in the province of HPAI in poultry; enhance direct veterinary staff at all levels on prevention of avian influenza ; coordinate well with the public health sector in the prevention and control outbreaks in poultry and avian influenza A (H5N1) in humans.
Two Health and Agriculture and Rural Development to urgently formulate a regulation to coordinate their operation against disease spread from cattle and poultry to humans, especially flu A (H5N1) to respond proactive preventive measures right from the stage occurred in poultry.
For the People's Committees of districts and towns:
To organize the inspection and supervision of the management of state animal health in the province; reorganize the work report, translate reports from villages, communes to district levels; Emergency School Steering Committee to consolidate prevention and control of local direct the departments of professional, relevant departments of local People's Committees of communes, wards and towns strictly implement the direction of the health sector , Agriculture and Rural Development and the Provincial Steering Committee, which plans to timely prevention and control to limit the spread of avian influenza A (H5N1) from poultry to people, minimize the number of patients died .
In this announcement, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses requires Bac Kan provinces, the departments concerned to expeditiously implement. /.

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