Friday, June 18, 2010

If the transmission of new viruses of pigs Jingxian fear of a pandemic


WASHINGTON (Xinhua Zheng Qiyuan) last year triggered a global influenza pandemic of influenza A H1N1 influenza virus has spread to Hong Kong to repeat the pig, and the emergence of genetic "shuffling", at any time can develop into another new pandemic Virus! University of Hong Kong research team in January of this year, for the first time in the pig samples found in a mixed human, pig, bird flu and influenza A H1N1 influenza virus genes entirely new. To study microbial experts say the new show influenza H1N1 virus in pigs in vivo influenza virus, the genetic "shuffling" restructuring, and whether the transmission of new viruses and threats to humanity, still await study. Centre for Health Protection said that if the virus a "shuffle" effect of the evolution of adult-human transmission after the virus could trigger a global pandemic.

University of Hong Kong through the Hong Kong Government and University research team co-monthly regular systematic influenza surveillance program, found that influenza A H1N1 influenza virus has spread to pigs duplication and recombination in the pig appear to produce a hybrid influenza H1N1 influenza and other viral genes the new virus. Research team in the last year, 10 months ago, not in the sample in a flow of pigs in Hong Kong virus, but in October last year to this year's January period, the sample was found to occur 4 times a flow of virus, the virus has been transmitted from human to pig repeat only. Meanwhile, Canada, the United States, Australia and Singapore have reported similar cases.

There are eight gene segments

In January this year, University of Hong Kong for the first time in the pig samples, we found that the genetic "shuffling" the new recombinant virus 8 gene segments from 3 different influenza viruses, including the 1989 discovery in North America , including people, birds, swine influenza virus genetic mixing of multiple European and Asian bird flu-like virus and influenza A H1N1 influenza virus. The new virus appears, showing the last outbreak of a pandemic virus with a flow of pigs available recombinant influenza virus "shuffle", evolved into other new influenza viruses.

Pig Pig pass without symptoms

Participated in the study of Hong Kong Department of Microbiology, Malik Peiris said the study found that a flow of transmission of the virus to the pigs, the pigs in vivo with other viruses, recombinant unpredictable and serious consequences. In further animal testing, no new virus can also spread disease in pigs land. However, he pointed out that as long as the meat cooked, eating pork is still safe.

Expert Calls for Global Monitoring

Another study 的 Kong Guan Yi, a professor of microbiology, said that although so far no indications that a new virus which will affect human pose an immediate threat, but pigs Ke Shi Wei virus gene "shuffling mixing vessel", not rule out a stream H5N1 avian influenza virus and the virus genes "shuffle" into the deadly virus to humans, calls for global pig should take systematic monitoring measures to prevent a major outbreak of new viruses. Results of the study, published yesterday, "Science" magazine.

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department spokesman said the CFS would help Hong Kong University researchers collected twice a month to a slaughter house, pig blood, throat and nasal samples for testing, monitoring of pigs infected with influenza virus, emphasizing that all live pigs into the slaughterhouse before, shall be subject to rigorous testing, before the supply to the market.

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