7th District in Bangkalan endemic bird flu
Senin, 15 November 2010 - 21:00 wib Monday, November 15, 2010 - 21:00 pm
The man who nicknamed Jimhur explains, the role of the district government, especially from related offices in order to provide understanding about the spread of bird flu, should be immediately implemented. Sebab, sejauh ini warga yang ada di tingkat desa masih belum tahu soal apa itu flu burung. Because, so far the people who is in the villages still do not know what it is about bird flu.
Terpenting, ciri-ciri hewan seperti apa yang terkena flu burung, juga harus bisa dijelaskan kepada warga. Most importantly, the characteristics of animals such as what is exposed to bird flu, also should be explained to citizens. Demikian pula langkah awal yang harus dilakukan, juga perlu diberitahu dan bila itu tidak dilakukan, ke depan dia kuatir akan jatuh korban, baik itu hewan dan pemiliknya. Similarly, the first step to be taken, also need to be told and if it is not done, the next he's worried about casualties, both animal and owner.
“Saya tegaskan, sosialisasi dan tindakan terkini sangat penting, guna mengantisipasi hal yang tidak diinginkan,” terangnya. "I affirm, socialization and current actions are very important, to anticipate things that are not desirable," he explained.
Dia mengaku sangat beralasan, bila tujuh dari 18 kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten Bangkalan tersebut, masuk dalam kategori endemis flu burung. He admitted that he is reasonable, when seven of 18 subdistricts in the district Bangkalan, the entry in the category of bird flu endemic. Selain banyaknya populasi hewan ternak di tujuh kecamatan tersebut, sebagian juga yang menjadi lalu lintas hewan ternak. In addition to the number of livestock population in the seven districts, in part also the livestock traffic.
“Apalagi dengan terbuka jembatan Suramadu, besar kemungkinan penyeberan virus flu burung semakin cepat,” ungkapnya. "Especially with the longest bridge opens, it is probable Spread of bird flu virus more quickly," he said.
Sebanyak tujuh kecamatan yakni Kamal, Socah, Kota, Arosbaya, Geger, Burneh, dan Tanah Merah, masuk dalam catatan endemi flu burung. A total of seven districts namely Kamal, Socah, City, Arosbaya, Geger, Burneh, and Tanah Merah, entered in the records of bird flu endemic. Warga yang ada di kawasan tersebut, diminta untuk waspada, paling tidak menjaga kebersihan hewan ternak agar tidak sampai terkena flu burung. Residents in the area, and should be cautious, at least maintain the cleanliness of cattle so as not to hit by bird flu.
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