Thursday, March 10, 2011 17:59
PADANG, - Vice Governor of West Sumatra, a Muslim eunuch in the area asking people not to panic in dealing with any cases of bird flu in poultry that have been found in seven districts.
"People do not need to panic and stay calm about this incident because the government will take necessary steps immediately in accordance with fixed procedures in handling cases of bird flu in poultry," said Muslim eunuch in the Valley on Thursday (10/03/2011).
Appeal was delivered at a press conference to address cases of bird flu in West Sumatera, West Sumatera Province, accompanied by Secretary Mahmuda Riva, Head of Animal Husbandry Department Edwardi West Sumatra, the Director of Medical Hospital Yusirwan M Djamil Padang, and other related institutions.
According to Muslims, the West Sumatra provincial government has coordinated with local governments that contracted the bird flu outbreak in poultry as well as with the Health Ministry to take necessary steps.
"To the regent / mayor, whose land is found cases of bird flu for the immediate response efforts required," he said.
If indeed the case is very widespread,

"All the people who still live poultry are destroyed to be replaced by the local government if it is determined the status area outbreak," he said.
In addition, to the people who find any poultry that died suddenly to immediately report to local authorities to be sampled in order to be studied.
As for the suspected human victims of bird flu has been set up two hospitals to handle the RS M Djamil Padang and RS Ahmad Mukhtar Bukitinggi.
Until Thursday, there were 11 people suspected of bird flu have been treated in hospital M Djamil, and two people have returned home.
Head of West Sumatra Livestock Edwardi revealed, since January 2011 of bird flu cases found in the seven districts / cities included, the city of Padang, Solok City, Solok District, Events Calendar, the City and County Padangpariaman Pariaman and South Coastal District.
Then, there were 2400 positive poultry bird flu and thousands more died suddenly.
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