Friday, March 2, 2012

Resahkan Pasuruan residents, the bird flu #H5N1 #BIRDFLU

You say yes..You say no..

Friday, March 2, 2012 17:52

(Pasuruan, East Java): People RT: 03 RW: 03 Village Landscape District Municipality of Makati South Bugul would upset the bird flu disease spread by poultry chicks. One local resident Ponimah (54) after a diagnosis of the doctors had tested positive for the disease that is deadly bird flu virus.

After I consult a doctor, I asked the doctor if the illness had experienced shortness of breath.
I never said yes. After a doctor, then I was diagnosed with bird flu disease, "said Village residents Ponimah Landscaping District of South Bugul Pasuruan.
The existence of deadly bird flu virus resulting in many chicken livestock that died, the citizens together and Animal Husbandry Department Pasuruan East Java provincial government assisted by the police to destruction and spraying of chicken and chicken coop owned by residents who found the bird flu disease. Residents also make culling of poultry animals by using a BB gun shooting.
"We had to shoot the chickens with a pellet gun so that the chickens can not run away again, and transmit the bird flu virus to other animals.
Farm animals are caught chickens infected with bird flu virus after a resident who tested positive for bird flu disease and the presence of farm animals chickens owned by residents who died suddenly.
"From the service directly terkaitpun down to conduct an examination of farm animals chickens owned by residents. Having conducted an examination of farm animals chickens owned by residents, then found the bird flu virus in the chicken farm animals.

"With features, remove the chicken nasal mucus, and the chicken looked pale. Farm animals chickens infected with bird flu virus directly destroyed by fire and buried. Two chickens infected with bird flu us to a lab for research. We also make efforts spraying the chicken coop owned by citizens, "said Dwi Novanto Drh.Huda one medical team from the Office of East Java provincial government Petrnakan.http://translate.googleusercontent.c...oFXGqGuJHLtbEA

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