Breastfeeding mothers in Cirebon, Suspected Bird Flu Suspect
Thursday, April 19, 2012 17:48 PM

A mother breastfeeding Watiah (27) in Block Asem Balong RT 02/01, Village Babakan, District Sources, Cirebon regency, West Java, suspected suspect bird flu.
The mother of two children said to LICOM, since two weeks experienced cough, shortness of breath, fever, and abdominal complaints. Suspect claims he contracted the bird flu fear, let alone that he was being breast-feeding her second child, Raka, who was only 2 months. "Shortness of breath until I could not sleep. lalu,” My body was cold from about two weeks ago, "said Watiah, when met at his house.
Even Watiah brother, Rupiah (47) and the residents surrounding the house, namely, Mrs. Here (50), Bandi (45), Mrs. Sawer (53), also raise chickens and the average pet them hanging around the house, pet chickens died suddenly .
When touched on the health office, Watiah, until now. He claimed to have met officials from the Department of Health (Health Office). Cirebon regency health office head Endang Susilowati and staff could not be reached.
Meanwhile, H Ali Efendi, Head of Department of Agriculture Livestock Forestry and Plantation Cirebon, said the cause of the sudden death of chickens in the village Babakan the H5N1 virus. “Hasil rapidtes positif flu burung. "The bird flu positive rapidtes. We've check spaciousness, about a hundred chickens died suddenly of H5N1 virus, "he said simply.
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