Friday, April 6, 2012

More on the Indo boy #H5N1 #BIRDFLU

Suspected Bird Flu Patients suffering Stay Watched
Monday, April 7th, 2012 | BP
 Improved conditions ..
 Suspected Bird Flu Patients suffering Stay Watched
MESKIPUN kesehatannya terus membaik, namun Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Jembrana tetap melakukan pengawasan intensif terhadap Dewa Ayu Komang Diah Trisnawati. ALTHOUGH his health continued to improve, but the District Health Office Jembrana keep doing intensive supervision of Dewa Ayu Diah Trisnawati Komang. Bocah berusia empat tahun itu diduga menderita flu burung. Four-year-old boy suspected of having bird flu. Hal ini diakibatkan sebelum sakit, unggas milik keluarganya banyak yang mati dan dinyatakan positif flu burung. This is due before the illness, many family-owned poultry that died and tested positive for bird flu.

Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Jembrana dr. Chief Medical Officer Jembrana dr. Putu Suasta, M. Putu Suasta, M. Kes., Kamis (5/4) mengatakan walaupun unggas milik orangtua bocah di Dusun Rening, Desa Baluk, mati karena flu burung, sejak awal Trisnawati tidak tertular virus tersebut. Kes., Thursday (5/4) said that although the birds belong to the boy's parents in the hamlet Rening, Baluk village, died of bird flu, since the beginning Trisnawati not contracted the virus. Menurut Suasta, salah satu gejala awal manusia yang tertular virus ini adalah suhu tubuhnya mencapai 38 derajat Celcius atau lebih. According Suasta, one of the early symptoms of virus-infected humans is body temperature reached 38 degrees Celsius or more.

"Suhu anak tersebut saat sakit tidak sampai segitu, bahkan sekarang berangsur-angsur membaik," katanya. "The temperature at the onset of the child is not up that much, even now gradually improved," he said. Namun pihaknya tetap mengambil sampel darah anak tersebut untuk diteliti di laboratorium di Denpasar. But it still took the child's blood sample to be tested in the laboratory in Denpasar.

Hingga saat ini, Dinkes Jembrana masih menunggu hasil dari tes laboratorium tersebut. Until now, the DHO Jembrana still awaiting results of laboratory tests. Suasta menegaskan bahwa soal pengambilan contoh darah tidak hanya dilakukan terhadap pasien yang sakit dan di lingkungan sekitarnya ada kematian unggas. Suasta confirmed that the matter of blood sampling is only performed on patients who are sick and in the surrounding environment no poultry deaths.

Ia mengatakan, meskipun tidak ada kematian unggas, jika suhu pasien sesuai dengan gejala awal flu burung, maka pihaknya tetap mengambil contoh darahnya untuk dicek. He said, though no poultry deaths, if the temperature of the patient in accordance with the early symptoms of bird flu, then it still took blood samples to be checked. "Kami tidak ingin seperti kejadian di Desa Dangin Tukadaya beberapa tahun lalu. Saat itu tidak ada kematian unggas, tapi ada manusia yang tertular flu burung," ujarnya. "We do not want such incident in the village of Dangin Tukadaya a few years ago. There was no poultry deaths, but there is a man who contracted bird flu," he said.

Sebelumnya, 25 ekor ayam milik Dewa Ketut Kariada mati mendadak, Selasa (3/4) lalu. Previously, 25 chickens owned by Dewa Ketut Kariada died suddenly, Tuesday (3/4) then. Beberapa di antaranya mati akibat positif terserang flu burung. Some of them have died from bird flu positive. Hampir bersamaan dengan matinya unggas tersebut, Dewa Ayu Komang Diah Trisnawati anak Kariada menderita sakit. Almost simultaneously with the demise of these birds, Dewa Ayu Diah Komang Trisnawati Kariada sick child.

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