Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mainland China week, 1074 cases of confirmed cases and 21 deaths a stream

2010年01月28日09:58 来源:中国新闻网
At 09:58 on January 28, 2010 Source: China News Net [left]发表评论
中新网1月28日电国家卫生部网站最新通报,上周(2010年1月18日-1月24日),中国境内31个省份报告甲型H1N1流感确诊病例1074例,住院治疗255例,死亡21人 。

BEIJING, January 28 Xinhua latest report of the Ministry of Health Web site, last week (January 18, 2010 -1 24), China's 31 provinces in the report of Influenza A H1N1 Influenza 1074 cases of confirmed cases, 255 cases of hospitalization , death 21.
流感哨点监测结果显示,上周境内流感病例占流感样病例的比例为30.3%,与前一周(29.5%)相比基本 持平;甲型H1N1流感病例占流感病例的比例为26.8%,与前一周(39.1%)相比明显下 降。

Influenza sentinel surveillance results show that in influenza cases last week, accounted for the proportion of influenza-like illness was 30.3%, with the previous week (29.5%) compared to flat; Influenza A H1N1 influenza cases in the proportion of influenza cases are accounted for 26.8%, with the former week (39.1%) compared with significantly decreased.


At present, most parts of Influenza A H1N1 influenza virus continues to spread at the community level.
春运已经开始,各地人流、物流显著增加,返乡学生和务工人员、回家探亲人员应科学做好旅途中的 个人防护。

Spring Festival travel season has started, local people, materials increased significantly, returning students and workers staff, home visits staff should do a good job of scientific journey of personal protection.
卫生部提醒,符合甲型H1N1流感疫苗接种条件的人群,特别是孕妇、婴幼儿等较易发展成为重症的高危人群, 要按照当地卫生部门的安排,积极接种疫苗。

The Ministry of Health warned in line with conditions of Influenza A H1N1 influenza vaccination of people, especially pregnant women, infants and young children and other more easily develop into a severe high-risk groups, according to the arrangements for local health departments, and actively vaccination.
社会公众要注意生产、生活环境空气流通;勤洗手,不随地吐痰,咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾、毛巾等遮 住口鼻。

The public should pay attention to production and living environment, ventilation; washing hands frequently, do not spit with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing, towels, etc. cover the nose and mouth.
慢性病患者、肥胖者、孕妇、婴幼儿和老人等较易发展成为重症的高危人群应避免不必要的外出,一旦出现呼吸道 症状,应立即就医。

The chronically ill, obese, pregnant women, infants and young children and the elderly more easily develop into a severe high-risk groups should avoid unnecessary to go out as soon as respiratory symptoms should immediately seek medical treatment.

Fever and other flu-like symptoms should be minimized or in the good to go out wearing masks and other personal protection under the premise of going out.

Acute onset of respiratory tract infection symptoms, especially persistent high fever or illness occurs repeatedly shall seek medical care immediately.
卫生部最后强调,近期,季节性流感活动频繁,又正值人感染高致病性禽流感高发季节,有发热、咳嗽等流感样症 状者,特别是有禽类接触史的流感样症状者,要及时就医,并主动告知医生禽类接触情况。

The Ministry of Health finally stressed that the recent seasonal influenza are frequent, but also a time when people are infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza of high season, there is fever, cough and other flu-like symptoms,

especially those with a history of exposure to poultry flu-like symptoms, should promptly seek medical treatment, and take the initiative to inform the doctor of poultry exposure.

hat-tip sharonsanders

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