(AFP) - A young woman 17 years old (stay in Tan Trao, Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang) have been confirmed infected with influenza A/H5N1 virus. We have the patient critical attack, not breathing machine and still continue to monitor general hospital in Son Duong district.
Ministry of Health warned people not processed, eat poultry and aquatic birds sick (Photo: H. Hai)
As reported by the Department of Health Tuyen Quang, the patient's onset of this disease on February 19, 2010 with symptoms of high fever 38.9 o C, cough, sore throat. Soon after, the patient is brought to treatment at clinics Tan movement, and then forwarded to the General Hospital Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang province on February 24, 2010. Here, suspected influenza A/H5N1 infected patients should be treated with Tamiflu as the treatment regimen for suspected influenza A/H5N1 ca.
Currently, the state can say the patient has the critical attack, only mild shortness of breath, not breathing machine, the image X - ray chest and good progress is being managed, treated in district general hospitals Son Duong.
Epidemiological investigation showed that about 10 days ago in a patient with sick chickens occur, unexplained death and patients with sick chickens involved destruction, death of the family.
Previously, 26 / 2, Department of preventive medicine as an official confirmation of female patients (age 38) died from influenza A/H5N1.
Thus, as of now, there have been two cases of influenza A/H5N1 infections recorded since the New Year, accumulated from 2003 to now, our country recorded 114 cases, 58 cases of death.

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