Sunday, October 3, 2010

Update: Badi: 3 Died Of Old Age/Tumors/Stroke - Not Bird Flu

Monday, October 4, 2010 | 6:06 pm

KAMI ingin meluruskan seputar penyakit yang dialami beberapa warga di Pulau Badi, khususnya di Desa Mattirodeceng. WE want to stretch around the disease experienced by some residents on the island of Badi, especially in the Village Mattirodeceng.

Memang ada tiga orang warga yang meninggal tapi bukan karena diduga flu burung atau avian influenza. Indeed there are three people who died but not because of suspected bird flu or avian influenza. Itu tidak benar. That's not true.
Ketiganya meninggal karena usia lanjut, stroke dan tumor. All three died of old age, stroke and tumor. Yang meninggal karena faktor usia itu usianya sudah 75 tahun. Who died because of age it was 75 years old. Sementara yang stroke dan tumor saya belum tahu usianya. While a stroke and tumor I do not know her age.
Kita sebenarnya sudah merujuk ke Rumah Sakit Umum Pangkep tapi mereka tidak mau. We actually refer to the General Hospital Pangkep but they do not want to. Mereka hanya ditangani oleh dokter puskesmas. They are only handled by the physician clinic.
Alasan ketiganya tidak mau dirujuk karena tidak memiliki dana pengobatan yang cukup. The reason all three did not want to be referred to not having sufficient funds treatment. Padahal di Pangkep kami sudah menerapkan program kesehatan gratis. Whereas in Pangkep we have implemented health programs for free.
Saya akan ke Pulau Badi besok (hari ini) untuk melihat kondisi yang ada di sana. I'm going to Pulau Badi tomorrow (today) to see the conditions there. Sudah ada dokter yang kami utus ke sana memberi bantuan medis. Already there are doctors who we sent over there to give medical assistance. (cr1) (Cr1)
* dr Inriati Latif MKes, Kadis Kesehatan Kabupaten Pangkep * Dr Inriati MKes Latif, head of Health District Pangkep

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