Saturday, December 25, 2010

Egypt: The death of a factor of Nubaria swine flu

[The title in this article says "Swine Flu" for the 32 yo latest death]

Lake Karem Qntoc:

لفظ حسين كامل محمد فرحات ـ 32 سنة "عامل" ـ من النوبارية أنفاسه الأخيرة متأثرا باصابته بانفلونزا الخنازير. The word Hussein Kamel Mohamed Farhat 32 years "worker" of Nubaria died of his wounds swine flu. وقد أكدت العينات التي تم سحبها منه أنها ايجابية. Have confirmed the samples were withdrawn it as positive. بينما تم عزل 11 شخصا آخرين للاشتباه باصابتهم. Were isolated while 11 other people for suspected bird.

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