Tuesday, 30 December 2008,
Residents Cibuntu concern about Bird Flu
Word Suryaman
TASIKMALAYA, TRIBUN - The Village Cibuntu, Kotabaru district, District Cibeureum, Kota Tasikmalaya, dikejutkan with dead fowl in their sudden. Concerned that the death of chickens due to bird flu, chicken-citizens to burn the dead chickens and some buried.
A number of residents who found Tribun, Monday (29/12), menuturkan, chicken-chicken is known when the dead will be removed from kandangnya morning. "Sore previous time to include in the cage, look feel OK. But tomorrow the same morning already dead," said Yaya (40), one of the chicken.
According to him, the attacks against the chicken died suddenly occurred within the last week. Not only chickens but also own the property of another chicken, of which the property Aep, Ny Oyoh, Gayoh, Ny Mae, Sahlan Muh and Ny Entur. Chicken that most of the dead were burnt and buried the other.
Aep (38), other citizens, menuturkan, dead chicken which is estimated to amount to reach the hundreds of residents to make surprise and confusion. The previous no signs of ill chickens, such as nguyung. "Although not yet know the cause, we still burn the dead chickens for fear of bird flu affected, as is often seen on television," he said.
One of the Chairman of the RT, Nasihin, acknowledges that many chickens have died suddenly. But the official report to the RT does not have. Only know the other's citizens. Even have started spreading to neighboring villages.
"I do not know how persisnya the number of chickens that died, because they do not get the report directly from the owner. The official report is to be important for the village in order to response from the relevant agencies," said Nasihin, while mentioning, attacks against the chicken is not infectious to human.
Nasihin hope the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Tasikmalaya regency immediately step in to handle. "We hope to have it so that spraying does not continue to spread," harapnya.
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