Kamis, 26 Maret 2009 3:01 WIB
Indramayu: A villager Mangun Jaya, Kecamatan Anjatan, of Indramayu, West Java, was expected terjangkit bird flu. He was run off with to the Daerah Indramayu Public Hospital after the fever and breathless protracted. Casualties Wawan, 33 years, were carried to the hospital on Wednesday night (25/3), after receiving the maintenance in the Anjatan Community Health Centre. He was placed in special observation space with the intensive maintenance from several doctors. The patient beforehand once direct contact with the chicken that died suddenly. It was not yet known whether the interaction that became his cause. The sample of the patient's blood has been sent to the Kesehatan Indramayu Service laboratory. The RSUD Indramayu team was still carrying out observation and did not yet confirm whether the positive patient was ill avian influenza. He was the assumption patient of third bird flu that was treated in RSUD Indramayu for 2009.
hat-tip Ironorehopper
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