Friday, July 3, 2009

Egypt: 4 suspected cases of bird flu a "lake"

Friday, July 3, 2009 - 20:21

Detained hospital fevers Damanhour 4 cases of suspected bird flu, after the emergence of the disease with similar symptoms of fever and pain in bones, severe stress and difficulty in breathing.

وقال الدكتور يسرى مبروك وكيل وزارة الصحة بالبحيرة إن الحالات هى: صباح عبد الحليم أبو شوكت (30 سنة)، وراندا رمضان البنا (18 سنة)، منة علام عدلى (سنتان)، أحمد عبد الرحيم (13 سنة)، وأوضح أنه تم احتجازهم بالمستشفى بعد أخذ عينة دم منهم لتحليلها بالمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة.

Said Dr. Yusri Congratulations Deputy Minister of Health that the lake cases are: Abd al-Halim Abu Shawkat (30 years), and Randa Ramadan al-Banna (18 years), of which Allam Adly (two years), Ahmad Abdul Rahim (13 years), had been detained in hospital After taking a blood sample for analysis, including central labs in Cairo.

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