Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flu Burung Rambah Sidrap Bird Flu Rambah Sidrap

28 September 2010

SIDRAP, TRIBU - The attack of bird flu disease spread also spread to other areas. After the death of dozens of cases of sudden poultry from bird flu in Pinrang, Soppeng and Wajo, the outbreak is now thought to also start attacking people in Sidrap poultry.

Melalui Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan (Disnakkan) Sidrap, Ju'mat (24/9), melansir, sekitar 1.000 ekor ayam petelur milik La Bakkareng di Kelurahan Kadidi, Kecamatan Panca Rijang, Sidrap, dilaporkan mati mendadak. Through the Department of Livestock and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap, Ju'mat (24 / 9), launch, about 1,000 laying chickens in the village of La Bakkareng Kadidi, District Five Chert, Sidrap, reportedly died suddenly.

Kasus kematian ribuan ayam milik La Bakkareng itu terjadi selama dua hari berturut-turut sejak beberapa hari lalu, namun laporannya baru diterima pasca merebaknya isu flu burung di daerah lain, seperti di Pinrang. The case of the death of thousands of chickens owned by La Bakkareng that occurred during two days in a row since a few days ago, but the new report is received after the outbreak of bird flu issue in other areas, such as in Pinrang.

Kepala Disnakkan Sidrap Abd Azis MM saat dikonfirmasi mengaku sudah mengambil tindakan preventif terhadap kemungkinan menyebarnya serangan flu burung di Sidrap. Head Disnakkan Sidrap MM Abd Aziz admitted that he had taken the time to be confirmed preventive measures against possible spread of bird flu attack in Sidrap.

"Report on the sudden death of chickens owned La Bakkareng it makes us take a step isolation. Kadidi chicken coop in our direct his cap and do a disinfectant," said Aziz.
So far it is still doing research to find out the potential for its spread in Sidrap stakeholders can quickly take action in the field.
"According to Regent command, such as the location of bird flu in Kadidi Labakkareng's cage should be immediately closed or isolated for transmission does not attack the chicken livestock in the vicinity," he added.

Turu Tim Lower

In addition, it also has a special team down in some places that are considered vulnerable to an attack of bird flu.

"Our special teams have eight people terjunkan consists of Chairman

Peternakan Kecamatan dan Partisifation Decease Survivor And Response District Animal Husbandry and Partisifation Survivor Decease And Response
(KDP and PDSR) who served in Sidrap, "he said.

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