Saturday, October 2, 2010

Egypt: Migratory Birds Increase This Year

October 2, 2010

Khalid Allam, project leader for migratory birds, that the increased migration of birds of grassland this year, a rate of 3 to 1, the Protectorate Zaranik Lake Bardawil, which was considered by some researchers as the ratio of a very large rate of migration of those species of birds for each year, does not predict for any environmental risks , stressing that it can not be stressed until after the migration season to determine whether this phenomenon as a result of environmental factors or the behavior of birds.

كما أفاد علام فى تصريحاته لـ"اليوم السابع" أنه حتى يتم الجزم على أسباب أى ظاهرة لابد أن تخضع للملاحظة والدراسة لمدة 10 سنوات متواصلة للجزم بأنها ظاهرة مسببة، قائلا: "مش شرط أن تحمل ظاهرة زيادة معدلات الطيور المهاجرة هذا العام علامة استفهام".

As reported by Allam in his remarks for the "seventh day" that until an assertion on the causes of any phenomenon must be subject to observation and study for 10 consecutive years of boots as a phenomenon causing, saying: "I do not requirement to carry the phenomenon of increasing rates of migratory birds this year, a question mark."

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