Saturday, December 4, 2010

Health in Egypt: new deaths from bird flu and the total of 37 cases

Posted Date: 04/12/2010
Gaza - minimum home
Ministry of Health announced the death of infected with bird flu, a woman, aged 30, from Western Province.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Health on Saturday that he was bringing the total number of cases of the disease in Egypt (113) status and the number of deaths (37) Status of the onset of the disease in 2006 so far This is the situation tenth event of the death in 2010.

In previous statements, denied Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and no surprises in the numbers of deaths from flu in Egypt so far, noting that the Minister of Health Dr. Hatem el already announced that he expected the high numbers of deaths due to infection during the month of January.

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