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Nadila, balita suspect flu burung di Padang. Barbie, toddlers suspect bird flu in Padang.
December 2, 2010
Asrizal (43), absurdly so surprised to know four of the eight new chickens that died suddenly two weeks dipeliharanya [tended/maintained], Saturday (27/11/2010). Shock had turned into worry and anxiety, so her youngest child agency, Barbie Elsa Laiza (19 months), sudden high fever at night.
However, when the citizens of Karang Putih, Batu Village gadang, Indarung had not thought of Avian Influenza disease has ever heard of television. Asrizal who think Barbie is only ordinary fever, bring it went to a midwife on Sunday (11/28/2010). However, Barbie condition worsened on the evening, Barbie vomiting.
"Monday (29/11/2010), I then bring Barbie into the clinic, Dr M Jamil Padang because I was concerned he was hit with bird flu. The doctor then suggested that Barbie was treated in isolation rooms intansi Inpatient Medicine. But now, his condition has improved, "said Asrizal, Thursday (02/12/2010).
When visited, that afternoon, Barbie was already looked cheerful. He was busy joking with Layla (37), his mother, on the bed.
"It is now able to eat. The heat also was normal. Hopefully the result is negative, yes, "said Layla and Asrizal.
Meanwhile, PR Dr M Jamil Padang, Gustafianov, acknowledge, Barbie is the patient suspect bird flu. "The symptoms are similar, namely high fever for three days, nausea, vomiting, coughs and colds. Blood sample was taken and sent, a week longer will we know the outcome, "he said.
He guessed, Barbie had no physical contact with chicken pet parents. "This is the 80th case that we handle through December 2010," said Gustafianov.
When confirmed to Asrizal, this Barbie's father admitted his son was playing with his pet chicken. "Four of the dead chickens had been buried, but I have not had time to report to the municipality," he admitted.
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