Tuesday, 12-07-2011
Sidrap, BKM - Regional bird flu endemic in Sidrap continues to grow. Initially only seven districts contracting, now is now recorded 10 sub-districts of 12 districts in this Sidrap District.
The two districts are still sterile bird flu was Pitu District Riase and Watang Sidenreng.
While 10 other districts namely Maritengngae, Panca chert, Baranti, Kulo, Tellu Limpoe, Panca Lautang, Watang Pulu, Two Pitue and Pitu Riawa already tested positive for all infected. The 10 districts, villages and entire villages had been infected with AI virus evenly.
BKM information compiled in the office of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap on Monday (11 / 7) yesterday, entered the day-to-23, total poultry that died suddenly due to bird flu include chicken laying hens, broilers and broiler chickens instead of race (Native) until now has been recorded as many as 75,695 birds. This figure accounted for approximately 13.00 pm, Monday.
Poultry mortality rate is predicted to still be growing, it follows there are many cases of poultry deaths dilapanga but are reluctant or have not been reported to Disnak Sidrap.
Head Disnakkan Sidrap Msi Ir H Abd Aziz who contacted BKM, on Monday confirmed, the deaths occurred in 10 different districts with the details, in the District Maritengngae tail 15.511, 34.269 chert Panca tail, tail Baranti 7.159, 3.877 Kulo tail, tail Tellu Limpoe 1.170 , Panca Lautang 700 tail, tail Watang Pulu 82, 1250 Two Pitue tail, Pitu Riawa 77 tails.
While additional data last Monday was reported yesterday afternoon by all extension workers scattered farms in the district to be 11.600 races laying chickens die of bird flu-infected positive.
Abd Azis parse, a total of laying the dead chicken in 10 districts as many as 68,331 animals, 6,000 broiler chickens while not a race consisting of chicken, chicken and chicken crow Arabic, it reached 1.364 tail.
Average sudden death of chickens every day said he reached a thousand tails. Percentage of poultry death rate is based on reports received from the first day Disnak outbreak of bird flu attack until now.
Then what about the impact of bird flu have on health and the human soul? Chief Medical Officer (Kadiskes) Sidrap, Dr. HA Irwansyah Kes through P2PL Head Dr Hj Nirwan ensure nobody St. residents who contracted the virus. "Thank God there are no reports of bird flu susfect stated that we received from every district," he said when contacted separately at his office yesterday.
Indeed, he said, it had received information about the existence of one resident from the village who allegedly susfect Kanie and undergoing treatment at the health center.
But after undergoing an intensive examination, the patient was finally confirmed only ordinary fever.

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