the number of deaths 157 147

Saturday, 16-07-2011
..Until Friday (15/11) yesterday, the number of birds that die from attack avian influenza (AI) or bird flu in the District Sidrap, has reached 157 thousand chickens from 11 districts are already pandemic. The more widespread wave of bird flu in poultry death rate continues to increase, making the status of bird flu alert in the area of South Sulawesi's largest supplier of eggs into Extraordinary Events (KLB) has not been revoked.
District 11 in the district, all of them have contracted the virus that can infect humans and other animals are. Three districts of the most severe of these deaths are 3 types of chickens each chicken laying hens, broilers and chicken rather than race is the District 40 560 Maritengae tail, tail and Panca chert Watang Sidenreng 37 267 33 732 birds.
Head of Department of Livestock and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap MSi Ir H Abd Aziz said the number of cardiovascular death until today, has reached 157 thousand heads, both laying hens, broilers (Broiler) or chicken rather than race (native).This figure is said, Azis dicata on Friday 15 Junli 2011 at 114.00 pm. "Bird flu in Sidrap already be pathogenic and fatal malignant (highly pathogenic). It was 157 thousand chickens that died today," said Abd Aziz at his office yesterday.
Insulation system of the 11 districts be followed maximized. However, the results of those efforts have not been up because the traffic is sending birds, many traders ignored. Even trade chicken eggs and keep it running its own, so that expectations can not be controlled cycle of the virus completely destroyed.
Meanwhile, calculation of the losses have been calculated until the third week of the H5N1 virus to attack this area, the number of deaths 157 147 tail consisting of 102,242 laying hens tail, tail 42 885 broilers, 15 838 free-range chicken and fish. "We calculated the loss calculation has reached Rp 7, 3 billion more to the price of laying hens Rp60 thousand per head, the average broiler and chicken Rp25 Rp30 thousand thousand," Abd Azis detailed.
Mortality rate of chickens and livestock losses, said Aziz again, ensuring continued to rise following the 11 districts that have a pandemic, the disease can not be controlled AI.
Moreover, he added, there still exists a few reports of citizens from various regions around the Sidrap continue to report the number of poultry deaths hers. "It is to be our primary attention, death continues to grow. It is estimated that poultry owned by residents in all districts report of his death an average of between four thousand up to 6 thousand deaths every day, "he said.
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