Sunday, July 10, 2011

Makassar Filter Sidrap Poultry Origin

..the number of deaths until Sunday (10 / 7), called the tail has reached 53 thousand

Monday, 11-07-2011

The spread of bird flu was under control

Sidrap, BKM - Makassar take steps to prevent the entry of Avian Influenza (AI) or bird flu, which attacks the District Sidrap, last week. AI viruses are almost already reached all farms in Sidrap centers.

Of the total data last Friday, July 8 last, at the Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap mention this already deadly H5N1 virus in poultry unnatural, reached 42 thousand heads.
However, the number was growing as 8 more districts
Sidrap spread of bird flu has been endemic evenly. Into eight districts, namely District Maritengae, Panca chert, Baranti, Kulo, Panca Lautang, Tellu Limpoe, Watang Pulu.

District Two of the most severe endemic bird flu cases each district Panca Maritengae and chert, as well as the largest center for egg production, these two districts which became the biggest cases of poultry deaths or about 70 percent of the total number of chicken deaths in Sidrap.

Information compiled data, the number of deaths until Sunday (10 / 7), called the tail has reached 53 thousand poultry deaths of 46 664 laying hens tail, broiler or broiler about 6600 tails, and chicken around 693 birds.
The number of such deaths data direalise Disnakkan party after receiving a number of complaints that residents affected by bird flu poultry.
Head Disnakkan Sidrap Ir H MSi Muh Aziz, said there are no signs of this deadly virus attacks will stop. Even the otherwise increasingly raged.

"The distribution was nearly evenly and deaths chickens everywhere. Finally I got the information from the field officer deaths occur in significant amounts in Bulo, Rappang, Maritengae," he said.

If before, the officer Disnakkan Sidrap overwhelmed record number of deaths of poultry in 8 districts such as residents and farmers are reluctant to report the accident or the prestige of his death chickens.
"One by one people started to report the number of poultry deaths. The data that have been reported to our society. The data is still going to be on the increase from that reported," said Aziz again.
Based on incoming reports said Aziz, the number of dead birds, especially laying hens and broilers reach 2,000 to 3,000 head per day. The death toll was the worst since the last five days, the total was around 56 thousand heads off, he said.

The number of dead birds go Azis, mainly due to the central area of ​​the majority of farms have already been reached prior to virus prevention efforts.
Aziz added that the district government Sidrap trouble handling the spread of bird flu virus. The reason is, all the supplies drugs to control the deadly virus is up, such as disinfectants, rapid tests or alkits, gloves, masks, and vaccines transpori media (virus).

For now, said Aziz, the new Provincial Government assistance ranges from 1500 liters to supply the vaccine, while Sidrap need drugs of 2000 rapid tests or alkits, 1,000 masks, disinfectant and 3,000 liters, 1,000 gloves, and 2 million vaccine transpori media (virus ).

Currently, the district government through the bird flu virus response team to work manually, which is only doing surveillance on a number of points where lanes of traffic in and out of poultry in order to oversee a wider spread of the deadly disease.
Regency Sidrap also seeks to traffic isolation chicken. This was done to prevent the birds out, and went into Sidrap.

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