He said, from the transient data since June 6, 2011 found chickens infected with H1N1 virus by 19 thousand heads. And plans, will be sprayed as much as 850 liters infektan substance at the point of the scene point.

"No more vaccinations, but immediately destroyed even though there is still left alive. In the meantime we continue to coordinate with the health service and close the entrance to isolate the scene," he said.

In addition, there has been no medical examination related to these symptoms and have not been determined to be Extraordinary Events. The plan, he said, the inspection and culling and isolation takes approximately three weeks.

"No Suspect, and I will go down tomorrow (8 / 7) direct review. It Sidrap already endemic bird flu because of this incident the previous two in 2005," he said.

Murtala said, not just District Sidrap, but Maros, Pare-pare, and East Luwu also never found the same virus but no casualties in the incident. He adds chicken stock declared safe ahead of Ramadan.

"Inventories meat is safe ahead of Ramadan, and many other locations such as Gowa, Takalar and others." tambahnya. added.

Previously, the spread of avian influenza virus (A1) or the so-called bird flu found in Wanio Village, District Panca Lautang, Sidrap, South Sulawesi. Then spread in other regions indicated that the spread of the virus and Bulo Lanrang Village and Village Tanete. While the production center of layer chicken farm in the village's largest Sidrap Tanete.