Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bali #H5N1 Overwhelmed Jembrana Regency Overcome #BirdFlu Outbreak

Overwhelmed Jembrana Regency Overcome Bird Flu Outbreak

October 26 2011

State (Between Bali) - The government Jembrana feel overwhelmed address the spread of bird flu viruses sporadically and not focused on one region.

Head of Department of Health and Welfare Jembrana, Dr. Putu Suasta, Kes, said Wednesday its handling will be easier if the spread of the virus in only one region.

"What's happening now, although only a few dead birds but wilaya [area; district; region; realm] hnnya jumping far enough. It's quite a hassle us too," he said.

According Suasta, dispersion pattern that occurs today is more dangerous than the deployment focused on one region.

Due to the spread of such date, the work area officers to be more extensive and highly dependent on public reports.

Suasta revealed, often it handles the transmission in one area, not much later than other regions are quite distant poultry deaths were also obtained information .*

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