Sunday, March 18, 2012

Israel turkey outbreak of avian flu Israel turkey outbreak of avian flu

Israel has two cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) was reported, two cases occurred in different commercial turkey farms in Israel. The first cases of bird flu virus found in the 12-week-old turkeys, 19,000 poultry on this infection, 100,000 have been culled.
The second case of avian influenza virus found in 8-week-old turkeys, the virus is found in the two infected dead turkey this case, the total number of infected poultry of about 11000.

The epidemiological investigation is underway, a large number of bio-security measures such as isolation of infected farms and related actions are being implemented to the control of the pathogenic virus in the country.

The outbreak of H5N1 in almost all occurred in March. Israel is also to deal with several cases of Newcastle disease cases, the first cases of Newcastle disease appear until the end of last year, according to the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) Statistical Israel infected with Newcastle disease of poultry, the number of over 55,000.

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