Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey Jordan!!.. Where are the test results??!!

Hey EGYPT!..Hey W.H.O.!.. Hey CDC! ..WHERE ARE THE TEST RESULTS?? You have had a few weeks or more to find out and test the new Mysterious Pnemonia Outbreak in ARE THE RESULTS?? I don't want to ask again..EVERY DAY... But I will if you can't come up with some thing to tell the 1000's of people that read this and other sites following this outbreak.
How about I name it for you?...
MCAD -  Mutual Collaboration Against Disclosure?
ICID- Intentional Concealment of an Infectious Disease?
JAPD-Jordanian Atypical Pneumonia Disease?

How do they sound?

1 comment:

Duff Smith said...

What happens in this situation where the country in question doesn't say much, AND nobody else has anything to say or ask, AND THEN it spreads across a border? Something's going to give all right.