Friday, January 23, 2009

Bird flu from Shanxi critically ill children with signs of the lifting of a smooth six-day consecutive

[The remaining 16 must have had some symptoms, to differentiate them from the other 51 being monitored.....]


23 journalists from the Shanxi Provincial Health Department informed that, at 22, 24, the Shanxi Province of human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza in children with the first 16 days morbidity彭某by the Ministry of Health, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan City Medical Group of Experts on the full treatment After the lifting of critically ill children, vital signs have been stable for six days.

It is understood that the Masters in 67 children infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza in close contact with persons, by the strict medical observation, of which 51 were within 7 days did not develop fever and other symptoms, according to human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza in close contact with persons convicted of standards and principles, the lifting of medical observation. The remaining 16 were at present no symptoms such as fever.

Prior to the health sector, according to informed彭某children, female, 2 years old, January 7, 2009 the incidence in Hunan, January 11 with the grandparents back Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Luliang City, currently under the Fourth People's Hospital in Taiyuan for treatment. January 17, by the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies to review inspection, confirmed that the children infected with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus.
hat-tip Dutchy

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