Saturday, January 24, 2009

In two of the 18 control cities declared the epidemic of influenza

Publication date: 24.01.2009

Account opened grippuyuschih Lida and Grodno. Over three days, 5,171 people there sick. The virus also «otmetilsya» in Novogrudok, Lida and Grodno regions. Sick and the flu in the Vitebsk region: in Sharkovshchina district declared the epidemic. Students from 28 schools of different regions of Belarus have already been sent to the extraordinary vacation.

According to the forecasts of doctors, after one or two weeks, the epidemic and to reach Minsk. In last Thursday appealed for medical assistance 4.294 citizenship, among them 101 patients doctors diagnosed flu. Every day, patients will become longer. Why wait?

- Will circulate the already well known to us two virus subtype A (H1 and H3) and influenza viruses in - said a leading member of the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Ministry of Health Natalia Gribkov. - Although the epidemic and announced, but the main pathogens yet - adenoviruses and the viruses paragrippa. Why is it dangerous? They reduce the immune system and prepare the ground for the flu. Patients complain of high fever, arthralgia lomotu, cough. But the infection was caused, for example, adenovirus. So it turns out that during the epidemic could perebolet and influenza, and ARI.

More than 740 thousand people who are vaccinated against the flu, take care of their health in advance. However, be vaccinated now too late. How to protect themselves from infection? Lubricate nose oksolinovoy mazyu, by the way, like even an ordinary vegetable oil. Try more ventilate offices and apartments, more than a walk in the fresh air. Doctors also are advised to take preventive drugs remantadin, arpetol and vitamins. Well, if you increased the temperature, not geroystvuyte - immediately call a doctor at home.

Author of: Oksana SIDOROVICH
Photo: BELTA

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