Friday, February 20, 2009

Indo: Bogor: Don't panic but continued to be on the alert

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

The rumor of the spreading of the bird flu virus went through the water media that could disturb the resident in and around the source of water that was expected dirtiest should not be abundant. This unrest could not be blamed because of the process of the spread of the virus H5NI from the poultry to humankind up to now still became the mystery. Moreover for ilmuan, the process of the spread of Al's virus to the patient suspect bird flu still in the debate. The "resident might not restless, but also continued to be on the alert because the spreading" of the "bird flu virus to humankind still must be guarded against," said Section Head Kesehatan of the Bogor City Dr Triwandha Elan. He explained, the sign of bird flu was the same as common flu.

However tended faster worsened and had the possibility of could happen pneumonia (the inflammation of the lungs - the lungs, red). Most was seen that was experienced by the sufferer was feverish more than 38°C, was sick the throat, the cough pilek, breathless, limp, had a headache, not appetite, vomited - vomited as well as stomach pain and diarrhoea. The "sign" of "this bird flu varied because not all the signs must be to the sufferer." Could be different - the difference in masing - masing the individual. The death of the patient is usually caused by the virus that attacked the lungs - the lungs and resulted in the lungs - the lungs did not function. The sufferer then failed did breathing. Therefore, Dodo-greeting close Triwandha Elan-appeal to the community stayed preceptive towards the spread of the bird flu virus. He considered the community should not panic precisely must be on the alert and care to prevent the spreading of the bird flu virus so that did not worry. "So, carried out the prevention from the poultry first, because the source" of "the virus came from the poultry," he said.

Kasi Kesmavet Distan Kota Bogor Drh Arif Mukti said, to confirm how the virus H5N1 could tertular to humankind still must be researched further. In the theory must have direct contact the patient with the poultry that terjangkit. "Went through the waste media" of the "poultry or even mucus." That definitely must have direct contact the patient with the poultry and could not through the air intermediary or other, stressed Arif. Nevertheless, he explained, in several cases named the patient suspect bird flu did not have the story carried out direct contact with the poultry. So that up to now still must be investigated. Because in his thinking, really the incubation of the revolving virus 1-7 days necessarily could have traced from where the virus came. If not having direct contact, his risk was very small.

"Bird flu to the animal till now to infect his possibility humankind was small or risky low." But kenyataa him that continued to happen, he said to the Bogor Radar just recently. The Head of Sector P3KL Dinkes the Bogor City Dr Sri Pinantari then joined in explained, the spread method usually from the poultry to the poultry and from the poultry to humankind. However up to now the spread from humankind to humankind is not yet proven. The spread could through the waste or sekreta the poultry that polluted the hands penjamah. In the view of him, the high risk group that must be guarded against including the worker in livestock breeding or pemprosesan the poultry (including the veterinary surgeon and the official of livestock breeding), the laboratory worker who processed the sample of the patient or the poultry that terjangkit, the livestock breeding visitor or pemprosesan the poultry for the last one weeks as well as the difficult flu patient who had the story of contact with the poultry of the bird flu sufferer.

Avoided the individual tertular, Sri explained, the matter that must be done by the risky groups high was by means of washing the hands sesering possibly with disinfectant (gasohol 70 percent) and for the official was obliged to use APP (the individual's protective equipment) like gloves, the spectacles, the mask and other equipment. He said, must be carried out by the vaccination of the virus of human flu for that terindikasi. With the aim of not happening two joint infections of the virus and bird flu of human flu in one person so as enabled the new kind emergence the bird flu virus that could be spread from humankind to humankind. "They who were susceptible like the child - the child, lansia, the heart disease sufferer, or even the pulmonary disease sufferer - the lungs it was hoped avoided the place" of "poultry livestock breeding", "he said." The resident's unrest invited the member the D Ani Sumarni Commission to believe.

Spread him bird flu must be responded to. The community should not panic, but must be on the alert. According to him, if must be waiting for Regional Regulations first apparently needed a long time. He explained, was needed by the preventive aspect towards the government by localising the spreading of the AI virus in several territories suspect. Be not enough from the government, to be needed by synergy between the community officially related. Will "not mean what - what if the government worked without help from the community," he added. Ani hoped, the government could dismiss the policy by means of carrying out discussions with the official of the country unuk discussed the stopping of the spreading and the re-emergence bird flu. "Be not enough only worrying." Now already during him took fast measures, pungkas him.

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