Author: CTK
17.02. 07:36
Some people in the Czech Republic against the deadly bird flu disease. Mladá fronta Dnes writes that the aggressive bird flu virus H5N1 vaccine inadvertently included the Austrian pharmaceutical firm Baxter, the company tested in the bioassay Konarovice in the Kolín.
Find themselves in danger all those who came into contact with ferrets, in which the vaccine was tested. No one was eventually infected. According to experts, it was lucky that the virus has not between populations.
"Vaccine tested in the bioassay to fretkách from the beginning of January. Research has allowed the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Suddenly started ferrets pine and research was completed on February 6," said the main hygienist of Michael Vit. Subsequently, the State Veterinary Administration revealed that the animals were infected with a virus deadly bird flu. "All the ferrets we had to destroy a business close," said spokesman Joseph Veterinarians April.
Find themselves in danger all those who came with infected ferrets in contact. "Thirteen people immediately receive a medicine Tamiflu, and all tests passed. Fortunately, it appeared that no one is infected. Even though they have incubation period in a row, but is still possible to test for the presence of antibodies in the blood," said Vit. April added that "it's a serious warning, no it was not fun."
The company Baxter acknowledged that the error was already in Austria and sent across the border already "infected shipment. "It happened probably in the package. We have testing company," said Richard Tischler of company Baxter. According to him, given the drug Tamiflu even 29 people.
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