Hamida Mohammed from Cairo: source warned the Institute of Plant
Protection Research Center of Agricultural Research of a disaster, because millions of Araban epidemic spread widely prevalent in a large number of governorates of Egypt, the source said that the center of the Ilaf received many complaints, especially from the provinces affected farmers according to the channel is broad and sustained large losses due to the proliferation of crows, which feed on crops and plants, he said, adding that turned into crows from eating the carcass, which is available in the provinces of the Canal during the war to have their crops at this time.What constitutes a serious capacity of these crows fly friction and poultry production plants, which could lead to carry the avian influenza virus result feels poultry, and the result is disaster, epidemic," said the source.
The bird flu arrived in Egypt to the alarming level of the global health community having reached the number of human cases of the disease to 60 people since it appeared in Egypt in 2006, is the children and women victims of avian flu in Egypt, which is one of the countries with high rates of infection due to the proliferation of breeding birds indoors, particularly in rural areas and the occurrence of Egypt on the path of migratory birds carrying the disease.
The Government has begun to deal with the disease in an unorthodox manner, after years of negligence in the prevention of the disease to the accusations of an international health organizations as long as the reports confirmed the inadequacy of the Egyptian efforts in dealing with the problem. The Environment Ministry has decided to use a sophisticated system for monitoring the disease, which carried by migratory birds comes to the natural reserves in Egypt, using satellites, a move was delayed for several years, according to some.
This method relies on the development of precision machines for migratory birds and follow-up of the use of satellites anywhere in the world and track their migration routes, in order to know the extent of its proximity or remoteness from the sources of infections disease.
Minister of Environment Maged George - the development of precision machines in the feet of birds and follow-up of 45 satellites, and use this system, China, Nigeria and Kenya.

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