Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 more confirmed cases of A/H1N1 flu turn up in Australia

2009-05-20 14:59:07

CANBERRA, May 12 (Xinhua) -- Two more confirmed cases of influenza A/H1N1 turn up, Australian Department of health and aging said on Wednesday.

The Department staff told Xinhua that one of the newly confirmed cases is a Melbourne 9-year-old boy who returned from a trip to the United States on May 12 while the other is a female from Sydney, New South Wales who is said not infectious by the department.

They are currently being held in isolation at homes.

At the moment, Australia has a total number of three cases that are test positive to A/H1N1 influenza virus.

On May 9, a female who was tested has caught influenza A/H1N1 became the first confirmed case in Australia. She recovered soon after treatment.

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