
Received the Major General, Magdi Abu Amar, director of security of the lake, a notice of the detention hospital fevers Damanhour Reza Issa (52 years) living in Kafr Dawar, Ahmed Mohamed Shawky (3 years) resident of Homs, Abu Mohamed Tamer (3 months) resident of the village kindergarten in Kfar new rotor, where the sample was taken blood for analysis of the injured central labs in Cairo.

Hospital doctors suspected fever Fayyoum soldier wounded in the village of Qasr brave bird flu, the samples were taken for him to be sent to the central Ministry of Health laboratories for analysis.
And Abdul Aziz reject, 23 years, recruited from the village of Qasr Eliassl status Ittsa had entered the hospital diets Fayyoum, which suffers from very high temperature, showing symptoms of bird flu, and doctors suspected of being infected with the disease

Children are Ashraf Sabrin Hamdi, 3 years, and Fatma Fathi Mohammed Ahmed, 6 months, from the village of El Toh Center

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