Sunday, December 18, 2011

Crows fear of the spread of the virus in poultry #bird flu #h5n1

Crows fear of the spread of the virus in poultry

Dec 18, 01:01 am

 Jamshedpur, News Office: three months in Jamshedpur and the surrounding areas caused the death of nearly ten thousand Crows Berdflu's Mutated Virus' Now, poultry (chicken, goat, etc.) is also fear of the spread.  checked for an infection to other birds, high-level investigation team has left Ranchi on Saturday. Team for three days around the city visiting various areas in the birds examined Berdflu infections which are subject to poultry. Animal Husbandry Department official team led by Manoj Kumar Potka, Ptmda, Ghatsila etc. visited blocks. A joint team of United Nations and the Government of Berdflu of other organisms could affect the investigation focused on.  Veterinary investigation officer Manoj Kumar has denied reaching any conclusion. He said the team will be presenting its report to the General Secretary of the Department and the Government of India.  Berdflu of Animal Husbandry Department officials also expressed fears of the virus is being moved to other poultry species.
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Murarka wrote again
 The Creatures - Animal Welfare Board in the city is nominated Sandeep Murarka Crows, mynahs and pigeons to death once again wrote to the board.  S. Deputy Secretary of the Board.  In a letter to Vinod Kumar Murarka has also expressed concern that perhaps it is not a sign of the beginning of a major environmental threat? The Deputy Secretary has requested that they related to their level, this information must be transmitted to the central department or ministry. Sandeep Chairman of the Board a copy of the letter, Deputy Commissioner, East Singhbhum, DFO Dhalbhum and AWBI is sent to Chennai.

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