Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hong Kong kills 20,000 birds, 159 under surveillance #h5n1 #birdflu

..A long story with lots of pics...

Seven foci mystery chickens Wan

  Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Poultry Market outbreak of avian flu, the AFCD massacred the action yesterday, the destruction of the venue seventeen thousand live chickens, dead chickens, but authorities did not control the source, has completed the inspection thirty chicken farms in Hong Kong, no strange.  York Chow, Secretary for Food and Health Research yesterday raised chickens wearing leg with farm data, to strictly control the source of the chickens. Chicken farmers reservations, refer to the cost per bird will increase one dollar potential passed on to consumers. Authorities are testing the recent three dead birds of the H5N1 virus has variants.  Microbiology experts warn, the next two weeks is a critical period, to pay attention to whether the period of human cases or a large number of chickens infected before they can be excluded from our large-scale outbreak of avian flu risk.
  More than twenty were wearing protective clothing AFCD and CHP officers, yesterday morning about 8 am Bring trash, disinfectants and other tools, arrived at Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Poultry Market, started two hours after the slaughter of chickens. Staff before the chicken faecal samples collected, after which the chickens into the trash, pump liquid carbon dioxide destroyed by the garbage truck will be delivered to Tseung Kwan O Landfill chicken carcasses. Seventeen thousand chickens with pigeons and other poultry were destroyed some 20,000 only...


..Viral gene sequencing is being conducted to understand the virus and the recent dead chickens two dead birds found in Yuen Long District schools are the same, and early this year found more than eight dead birds of the avian virus genes.  Authorities will also examine whether the continued use of existing vaccines chickens...

..AFCD staff has inspected the territory last thirty farms, no abnormalities, and in chicken faecal samples collected for each farm test to determine whether infection of bird flu.  CHP found no cases of human infection of bird flu, there are 159 people under medical surveillance, including wholesalers wholesale poultry market, practitioners and local chicken farmers, no flu symptoms. CHP urged the public, if high fever or flu symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.  Center yesterday set up a hotline for public inquiries 21,251,111, temporarily received 17 inquiries.

  South exposing new varieties of bird

  Hong Kong University infection and infectious disease center director, said Ho Pak-leung, a popular birds in southern China the emergence of new varieties of H5 influenza virus type, dead chickens in the wholesale market is still unknown whether the dye of this new species, found only a single case, the public need not panic .  He believes that the next one to two weeks is a critical period, the incubation period of avian influenza virus for about a week, the authorities will then have to pay attention during the chickens or human cases of avian influenza viruses, and just to confirm local invasion or attack for some time already.

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