Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Slight improvement in Hong Kong #H5N1 victim #BIRDFLU

Plagued Hong Kong children in serious condition hydrocephalus to reduce

[WH (Reuters) - integrated media sources, the Hong Kong Food and Health Secretary York Chow said the two-year-old boy infected with the avian flu situation remains serious, but hydrocephalus has been reduced.
 Stained avian influenza boy is single cases of contact infection
The genetic test results show that any genetic variation, the virus is generally spread in birds, will not be transmitted to people.
  Dozens of people had contact with young boys, including his parents, did not experience a virus, that single case will continue to communicate with the mainland. Dr Chow said the boy disease before the onset of the 2nd, who with his mother to the Guangzhou market to buy live ducks is very likely infected in the market, but he also visited one week before the disease Anhui, do not rule out other infections may.
 Dr Chow also said that Local 20 dead wild birds this year than the past two years, including waterfowl at higher risk.  He added that this year's peak season for influenza is still 4-5 weeks, and urged the public to observe good personal and environmental hygiene.  http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://news.wenweipo.com/2012/06/05/IN1206050061.htm&usg=ALkJrhhK5XCUIwa2S8OW9YW40NsrVk0SEg

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