Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Human avian influenza prevention and control guidelines: try to avoid contact with live birds

Source: Comprehensive Network Beiqing
(2009/01/28 07:33)

Of human infection with bird flu after the prognosis (pre-estimate the progress of the disease and the consequences) is part of a course of disease in patients with short, quick recovery, and do not leave sequelae; Another situation is that some patients rapidly increased emergence of viral pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory failure, heart failure and renal failure, such as multiple organ failure, septic shock and multiple medical complications such as Reye syndrome died.

从1997年香港禽流感统计资料可以看出,18例确诊禽流感患者死亡6例,死亡率为33.3%。 From the 1997 Hong Kong avian flu statistics can be seen that 18 cases of confirmed bird flu death in patients with 6 cases, the mortality rate was 33.3%. 越南10例确诊患者中,有8例死亡。 Vietnam 10 cases of diagnosed patients, there were 8 deaths. 可见禽流感患者的死亡率是比较高的。 Bird flu shows that mortality is relatively high.

■如何预防人类禽流感 ■ how to prevent bird flu in humans

管理传染源:加强禽类疫情监测;对受感染动物应立即销毁,对疫源地进行封锁,彻底消毒;患者隔离治疗,转运时戴口罩。 Source of infection management: Strengthening the poultry epidemic monitoring; of infected animals should be destroyed immediately, on the foci blockade disinfected; patients treated in isolation to wear a mask when transshipment.

切断传播途径:接触患者或患者分泌物后应洗手;处理患者血液或分泌物时应戴手套;被患者血液或分泌物污染的医疗器械应消毒;发生疫情时,应尽量减少与禽类接触,接触禽类时应戴上手套和口罩,穿上防护衣。 Cut off the route of transmission: contact with patients or patients should wash their hands after secretion; dealing with patients with blood or secretions should be wearing gloves; were patients with blood or secretions contaminated medical equipment should be disinfected; there is an outbreak, we should minimize contact with poultry, contact with poultry should wear gloves and masks, to wear protective clothing.

■预防禽流感最有效的措施是什么 ■ to prevent bird flu, the most effective measure to what

人与禽接种流感疫苗是预防人流感和禽流感最有效的根本措施,易感人群和高危人群应在流感发生前一个月接种流感疫苗。 Man and avian influenza vaccination is the prevention of human influenza and avian flu and most effective measures to vulnerable populations and high-risk groups should be vaccinated one month prior to the occurrence of influenza vaccine. 目前,我国多用裂解流感疫苗。 At present, the use of influenza vaccine cleavage. 出现禽流感的养鸡场其周围5公里范围内的鸡,必须强制性接种流感疫苗。 Avian flu around the chicken farm five kilometers within the scope of chickens, influenza vaccination should be mandatory. 目前给鸡接种的是H5禽流感病毒疫苗。 At present, vaccination is to chicken H5 avian influenza virus vaccine.

■预防禽流感传染的主要措施有哪些 ■ prevention of avian flu infection What are the main measures

一是远离家禽的分泌物,尽量避免触摸活的家禽及鸟类。 First, stay away from poultry secretions, as far as possible avoid touching live poultry and birds. 二是保持室内空气流通,每天开窗换气两次,每次至少10分钟,或使用抽气扇保持空气流通。 Second is to maintain the indoor air circulation, ventilation windows twice a day, each at least 10 minutes, or use exhaust fans to maintain air circulation. 三是保持地面、天花板、家具及墙壁清洁,确保排水道去水顺畅。 Third, keeping the floor, ceiling, furniture and wall cleaning, ensure that the drainage channel to the water smooth. 四是吃禽肉要煮熟、煮透。 The fourth is to eat cooked poultry meat, Cook. 五是注意多摄入一些富含维生素C等增强免疫力的食物和药物。 Fifth, pay attention to more intake of some vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, such as food and drugs. 六是适当进行体育锻炼。 Sixth, the proper conduct of physical exercise. 七是勤洗手。 Seventh wash their hands.

食用鸡肉能被传染上禽流感吗 Consumption of chicken infected with bird flu could be you

研究表明,食用了煮熟的病鸡的肉和蛋,不会感染上禽流感病毒。 Studies have shown that eating cooked chicken meat and eggs, will not be infected with avian influenza virus. 目前还没有因食用鸡肉和鸡蛋感染上禽流感病毒的例子。 There is no eating chicken and eggs infected with avian influenza virus example.

禽流感流行季节能吃鸡鸭吗 Avian influenza epidemic season you can eat chickens and ducks

正规市场上经过检疫的家禽可放心食用,关键是要煮熟、煮透。 After the informal market can be assured quarantine of poultry for human consumption, the key is to cook, Cook. 如果食用未经检疫或来自疫情暴发区的病禽,则不排除染病的可能。 If consumed without quarantine or from poultry outbreak areas are not ruled out the possibility of infection.

吃鸡蛋时应该注意什么 It should be noted that when the eggs to eat what

鸡蛋壳有可能被病鸡的粪便污染,而鸡粪里可能会有病毒存在,所以鸡蛋外壳应该用流水清洗,同时要注意洗手。 Shell eggs may be contaminated chicken faeces, while the chicken might have the virus, so the egg shell should be cleaned with water, at the same time attention should be paid to hand washing. 另外,食用鸡蛋时应烹调充分,不要吃生的或半生的鸡蛋。 In addition, the consumption of eggs should be fully cooked, do not eat raw or half-eggs.

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