Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Members concerned about the avian epidemic in Hong Kong urged the WHO to expand a thorough investigation

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【新唐人2009年1月22日讯】中国大陆在半个月内出现4宗人染禽流感个案,有香港议员担忧疫情扩大,实际个案可能更多。 【New Tang Dynasty January 22, 2009讯】 Chinese mainland in half a month there were four cases of bird flu infected, the epidemic in Hong Kong has worried that the expansion of the actual cases may be more. 因此要求世卫尽快介入调查,增加疫情公布的透明度,以免重蹈沙士覆辙。 Therefore requested the WHO to intervene as soon as possible, a survey released by the epidemic increase in transparency, in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of SARS.

香港立法会食物安全及环境卫生事务委员会主席李华明表示,4个个案在短时间内分布在不同的省份,其中山西2岁女童的母亲早在女童发病前已带肺炎症状病逝,她生前曾接触活禽,但无法证实是否感染禽流感。 Hong Kong's Legislative Council on Food Safety and Environmental Health Services Committee Chairman Fred said that the four cases in a short time in different provinces, including Shanxi 2-year-old girl's mother as early as the girls before the onset with symptoms of pneumonia died, she had had contact with live poultry, but could not confirm whether or not infected with bird flu. 李华明担忧重蹈沙士覆辙,要求世卫施压中共当局,增加透明度。 Fred worried about repeating the mistakes of SARS, WHO asked the Chinese authorities to exert pressure to increase transparency.

香港立法会议员李华明:我强烈要求世卫要立即進行调查,因为内地令人很不放心,因为政治为先,就不会有新闻自由,没有独立的媒体,导致这方面的报导被封锁消息,为了政治的理由,这个是很普遍的。 Hong Kong Legislative Council Fred: I strongly urge the WHO to conduct an immediate investigation, because the mainland is far from assured, since politics first, there would be no freedom of the press, no independent media, resulting in this area are blocked news reports, for political reasons, this is very common.

由于山东及山西有禽蛋输港,李华明认为香港存在一定的风险。 As a result of Shandong and Shanxi have eggs for export to Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Fred believes that there are certain risks.

香港立法会食物安全及环境卫生事务委员会主席李华明:大陆進口的活鸡今次很例外不增加,就是因为大陆这四单个案。 Hong Kong's Legislative Council on Food Safety and Environmental Health Services Committee Chairman Fred: mainland imports of live chickens not to increase the present case is an exception because a single case of the four mainland.

另外,据中国大陆媒体报导,指出从时间和地理上,疫情分布有随寒流南下的趋势,由于广东未来将持续降温,担心禽流感疫情在广东发生。 In addition, the Chinese mainland, according to media reports, pointing out that from the time and geographical distribution of the epidemic with the cold southward trend of the future as a result of Guangdong will continue to cool down, worried about bird flu occurred in Guangdong

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