Friday, January 30, 2009

Indo: Prevent distribution of H5N1, Use Only Used wash water!

FRIDAY, 30 JANUARY 2009 | 17:47 WIB
Lamongan, FRIDAY - suspected cases of bird flu found in 29 villages in 11 districts Lamongan District. Since December to now, there were at least 5,000 chickens died. According to Animal Husbandry and Animal Health District Lamongan suspected bird flu found in nine districts, namely District Maduran, now, Solokuro, Karanggeneng, Sukodadi, Turi, Sugio, Kalitengah, and shoots. Now this case is found in the District and Karangbinangun DEKET.

Implementing Tasks and Head of Animal Husbandry Animal Health Lamongan Soeprayitno, Friday (30 / 1), say, chicken is not all dead birds infected with bird flu. To know the chicken died due to avian influenza virus or not need laboratory testing. Lamongan only in the tens of chickens fell ill a positive of H5N1 virus or avian influenza, some of the chicken samples tested in laboratory animal husbandry in Tuban.
Head of Animal Health Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Pudji Hermawan said, suspected cases of bird flu in Lamongan mencuat again since 17 December 2008. When dozens of chickens that belong to Siti, Siwuran Village residents, Maduran District, died suddenly.

Pudji states, chickens exposed to bird flu is generally the type of chicken. Ago since the end of 2008 until now, suspek or suspected cases of bird flu found in 29 villages 11 districts. Case is found in the Village Siwuran, Parengan, Klagen Srampat, Sumo tall, and Mblubang, District Maduran; Kabalankulon and Batutengger (now); Sonoadi, Jagran, jar, Kalinggreman, Kendal Kemlagi, Karangrejo, and Rijekngablak (Karanggeneng).

Similar cases found in the Village Pengangsalan and Kalitengah (Kalitengah); and Great Source Gedhangan (Sukodadi); Takerharjo (Solokuro), Karangwedoro, Sukoanyar, and Mbalun (Turi) and Ngombek (shoots) and three villages in the District Sugio. Cases found in the latest Village Putat Banjar (Karangbinangun) and Sugihwaras (DEKET).

He asserts, to this day of bird flu have not yet found the man. Initially on 19 January Imrotul Muhibah (21), citizen Glagah, Lamongan, suspek pain (suspected) bird flu infected and treated at the General Hospital Ibn Sina Gresik. Victim died. However, the results of laboratory tests showed the patient was negative bird flu.

In the border region in Panceng, Kabupaten Gresik, a week ago also found hundreds of dead chickens. A patient suspected of bird flu virus is exposed to treatment in hospitals Dr Soetomo, Surabaya. "However, laboratory results showed the patient was negative bird flu and chicken samples are tested in Surabaya," said the Head of The headline Gresik Regency Manuntun Sianturi.
Society can do its own prevention against the spread of H5N1 virus. Very easy to do. Water used to wash containing detergent can be used as disinfektan for disemprotkan to the birds and the environment to stop the spread of H5N1 virus.

Besides coop, gathering area poultry or wild birds should also cultured disemprot disinfektan. Liquid disinfectant disemprotkan to place the suspect as a mediator spread of H5N1 virus. In Kabupaten Gresik recorded a population of 131,637 head layer chicken, chicken pieces, 1,405,400 chickens, 632,861 chickens free-range chicken, duck tails, 26337, and entok / 13,048 goose tails.

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