Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lantau seized ducks bird carcasses found in Sha Lo Wan, live birds to suspect someone has broken the law "backyard"

February 1, 2009

Ming Pao】 government in 2006 banned the keeping of live poultry retail investors, but yesterday, the AFCD has bizarre to Sha Lo Wan on Lantau Island Found 3 ducks and body, according to preliminary tests, suspected of carrying the H5 bird flu virus, Indeed the test results to be announced. 事件是自去年12月政府大規模銷雞隻後,再次有活禽被驗出有H5病毒。 Incident was in December last year the Government's extensive sales  chickens again have live birds were found to have the H5 virus. 由於拾獲屍體附近3公里範圍內沒有家禽農場,當局正了解是否有人違法「散養」家禽。 Found near the body as a result of three kilometers there is no poultry farms within the scope of, the Government is to know whether it was illegal "backyard" poultry.

有活家禽業人士透露,不少人在新春期間買不到活雞還神,曾表示會考慮家養活禽以確保重要節日不會開罪神靈。 Live poultry industry sources, many people buy live chickens during the festive period is also God, has indicated that it would consider the domesticated birds in order to ensure that major festivals would not offend the gods.

衛生防護中心正追蹤6名報告鴨鵝屍體事件的市民和12名參與檢走死鳥行動的工作人員,其中17人並無出現有關病徵,衛生防護中心正對他們進行醫學監察。 Center for Health Protection is the report of ducks and geese to track the body of 6 events and 12 members of the public to participate in Phoenix seized operations staff, 17 of whom did not appear related to symptoms, the Center for Health Protection is for them to carry out medical monitoring.

餘下一名26歲司機,於1月27日起發燒和出現上呼吸道感染病徵,他曾參與上周四(1月29日)檢走死鳥的行動,他否認在行動中曾接觸禽屍。 The remainder of a 26-year-old driver, on January 27 from fever and upper respiratory infection symptoms, he was involved in last Thursday (January 29) seized Phoenix action, he denied that during the operation have had contact with poultry carcasses. 發言人表示,由於該名司機在參與行動的兩日前已開始出現病徵,感染禽流感的可能相當小,但作為預防措施和更緊密跟進其情,該名司機現正在瑪嘉烈醫院留醫,以便觀察和進一步調查。 The spokesman said that as a result of the driver involved in operations on the 2nd has been developed symptoms of avian flu can be quite small, but as a precautionary measure and to follow up more closely the situation , the driver is being treated in Princess Margaret Hospital so that observation and further investigation.

檢禽屍司機事前發燒需住院 Inspection of poultry carcasses pre-drivers to be patient with fever

兩隻鴨鵝屍體於上周四(1月29日)在大嶼山沙螺灣足球場旁的沙灘被發現,當時屍體已嚴重腐爛。 Two ducks and geese in the body last Thursday (January 29) at Sha Lo Wan on Lantau Island soccer field next to the beach was found badly decomposed body. 而另一隻鴨屍體於昨日在同一沙灘被檢走。 While the other ducks in the same body on the beach yesterday was seized. 3隻鴨鵝的初步測試,懷疑帶有H5禽流感病毒。 3 ducks and a preliminary test, suspected of carrying the H5 bird flu virus. 漁農自然護理署發言人表示,檢獲的鴨鵝屍體附近3公里範圍內沒有家禽農場,當局正了解鴨鵝屍體相繼出現在該沙灘的各種原因,包括研究屍體被海浪上沙灘的可能性,以及是否遭人棄置等。 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department spokesman said the bodies of ducks and geese were seized near the range of 3 kilometers there is no poultry farms, the Government is to understand the body of ducks and geese have appeared in the beach of a variety of reasons, including research bodies were waves on the beach  possibility and whether it was disposed of, etc.. 當局昨日派員巡查附近的沙螺灣村及沙螺灣新村,並沒有象顯示有人散養家禽。 Inspections of the authorities yesterday near Sha Lo Wan and Sha Lo Wan Village, there is no indication that it was  backyard poultry keeping. 當局十分關注事件,並在沙灘附近加強巡查。 Administration is very concerned about the incident and step up inspections on the beach nearby.

活家禽批發商商會會長徐名團相信,發現的鴨鵝屍體是家庭養的家禽:「相信是有家庭偷偷地養,難道在大陸飛過來咩!」徐指出,政府在去年12月大規模殺雞,沒有放鬆內地活雞供港的數量,令不少人在新春期間沒有活雞還神,曾有元朗村民表達不滿,紛紛表示要「靠自己養家禽,好過靠政府」。 Live poultry wholesalers Xu Association of Mission believe that the body was found in ducks and domestic poultry raising: "I believe there is a family secret custody, can fly over the mainland Cashmere!" Xu pointed out that the Government in December last year, large-scale killing chicken, there is no relaxation for Mainland live chickens to Hong Kong, thus many people do not live in the New Year period is also God, the villagers had expressed dissatisfaction with the Yuen Long, have indicated the intention to "raise their own poultry, is better than relying on government." 徐名團說:「阿婆唔養先出奇!我聽見好多人都話驚得罪神靈,唯有自己諗辦法解決(偷偷地飼養活禽)。」 Xu said of Mission: " first lady is not dependent surprisingly! I heard so many people are scared of offending the gods, only consult their own solutions to (secretly keeping live birds)."

疑散養還神「恐得罪神靈」 Suspect backyard also God "for fear of offending the gods"

漁農界立法會議員黃容根則說,由於本地對活鴨鵝的需求不大,有關鴨鵝屬走私的可能性不高,他估計,可能是航經珠江口的船隻,船上人將死去的鴨鵝丟棄,再上岸。 Members of the Legislative Council Agriculture and Fisheries Yung-kan said, as local demand for live ducks and geese do not, the ducks and geese is the possibility of smuggling is not high, he estimated, may be the route by the Pearl River estuary of the vessel, the ship will be dead ducks Goose discarded, and then landed .

現時未經許可而散養活家禽(雞、鴨、鵝、鴿和或鵪鶉)屬違法。 At present, unauthorized bulk feed poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons and quails or) an offense. 違者最高可被罰款5萬元,重犯者最高罰款10萬元。 Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of 50,000 yuan, repeated to a maximum fine of 100,000 yuan. 漁護署表示,當局會加強巡查本地活家禽農場、批發市場及園圃街雀鳥公園,並提醒業界注意衛生,採取適當措施預防禽流感,密切監察野生禽鳥。 AFCD said that the authorities would step up inspections of local poultry farms, wholesale markets and the Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, and to alert the industry to pay attention to health, to take appropriate measures to combat avian flu, to closely monitor the wild birds. 該署呼籲市民,如發現病鳥和死鳥,包括野鳥和家禽屍體,可致電1823聯絡該署跟進。 The department appealed to the public, such as found in birds and bird diseases, including the bodies of wild birds and poultry can call 1823 to contact the Department for further investigation.

今次事件是自去年底大規模銷雞隻後,再次有活禽被驗出有H5病毒。 This incident since the end of last year sales of large-scale  chickens again have live birds were found to have the H5 virus. 去年底,元朗流浮山一雞場證實爆發禽流感,最少有200隻雞死亡,當中3隻死雞樣本及120個活雞糞便樣本,經快速測示後全部對H5呈陽性反應。 End of last year, Lau Fau Shan, Yuen Long, a confirmed outbreak of avian flu in farms, at least 200 chickens had died, of which three samples of dead chickens and 120 faecal samples of live chickens by the fast after the test showed that all the H5 positive. 食物及衛生局長周一嶽在12月9日下令殺雞,出事雞場附近3公里內範圍被劃成疫區,區內7萬隻活雞,加上長沙灣臨時家禽批發市場的1萬隻雞全被屠宰,合共殺掉9萬隻活雞。 Food and Health York Chow Secretary for December 9 in order to kill a chicken, chicken farm near the scene within the range of three kilometers was divided into an infected area in the region 70,000 live chickens, together with the Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market of 10,000 chickens have all been slaughtered, killing a total of 90,000 chickens.

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