Saturday, May 16, 2009

Adjust the schedule of examinations for the University of Minya influenza

Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 11:31

After more than a doctor's request to close the doors of the need to prevent the university and student groups because of swine flu, the Council decided to amend the dates of the University of Minya examination schedules to reduce the density of students within the examination boards to hold examinations on the morning and evening periods, and that there should be a separation between the meter beyond the anticipation of the transfer of students infection.

يذكر أن الجامعة كانت قد قامت بتوزيع منشور طبعت منه 6 آلاف نسخة على طلاب الجامعة تحذرهم فيه من الاختلاط والكثافة الطلابية واستخدام العادات السيئة فى السلام، كما عقدت عدة ندوات للتعريف بالمرض وإخطاره وكيفية وانتقاله.

States that the university had distributed a publication printed a copy of which 6 thousand university students to beware of mixing intensity and the student and the use of bad habits in peace, and held several seminars for the definition of the disease and the risks and how the transmission.

وقد أكد الدكتور ماهر جابر رئيس جامعة المنيا أنه تم تخصيص نسبة خاصة بمستشفى المنيا الجامعى لاستقبال أى حالة تظهر عليها أى علامات للمرض وأن هذا القسم مجهز بأحدث الأجهزة.

The Dr. Maher Jaber, President of the University of Minya has been allocating a special Minya University Hospital to receive any case of showing any signs of the disease and that this section is equipped with the latest devices.

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