Monday, May 18, 2009

U.S. to transfer Abbasiyah fevers because of yellow fever

Monday, May 18, 2009 - 20:35

The Department of quarantine at Cairo International Airport on Monday to transfer passengers admitted to hospital in U.S. Abbasiyah does not have a health certificate to prove vaccinated against yellow fever.

حيث وصل الراكب على خطوط الطيران الإثيوبية قادماً من إثيوبيا والتى اعتبرها طبيب الحجر الصحى منطقة موبوءة بالمرض.

As the passenger on Ethiopian Airlines from Ethiopia, which as a quarantine area infested disease.

تم إنهاء إجراءات وصول الراكب، وتم تحويله لمستشفى حميات العباسية لوضعه تحت الملاحظة الطبية.

Proceedings were terminated and the arrival of the passenger, was transferred to a hospital for fevers Abbasiyah put under medical observation.

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